plyometrics Flashcards
plyometric exercise refers to activitesthat enable a muscle to reach
maximal force in the shortest possible time
what is the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
a rapid lengthening movement (eccentric) is quickly followed by a shortening movement (concentric)
what are the 3 elements of muscular performance
waht is the greatest measurable force taht is exereted by a muscle or muscle group to overcome resistance during a single maximum effort
power is related to the strength and speed of movement and is defined as the work produced by a muscle per unit of time.
what are the work/power equations?
work = force x distance
power = work/time
plyometric training is an exercise modality especially effective in developing ___________
plyometric exercise refers to activities that enable a muscle to reach __________ force in the _____________ possible time
maximal, shortest
what sets plyometrics apart from power
a rapid lengthening movement (eccentric) is quickly followed by a shortening movement (concetnric)
parallel elastic component
non contractile is made up of what?
what provides resistance when a muscle is passively stretched?
PEC (parallel elastric component)
what is located near teh musculotendinous junction?
what is mechanoreceptors of golgi tendon organ senstive to?
increases is muscular tension
what causes a muscle to reflexively relax when stimulated?
golgi tendon organ (GTO)
- GTO inhibits force production
protects against over contraction or too much tension
a muscle spindle is a proprioceptor located in intrafusal muscle fibers and monitors? which results in?
changes in muscle length which results in muscle contraction
*muscle contraction during rapid stretching (stretch reflex)
what interacts with one another to ultimately produce force output during plyometric exercise?
SEC, PEC, CC (biomechanical model), Muscle Spindles, motor unit recruitment, and golgi tendon organ (neurophysiological model)