Exercise Principles: Training for muscular performance Flashcards
start of exam 2 content
the capacity of a muscle to do work
force X distance
physiological adaptations to resistasnce training
8 of them
- ↑ neural drive
- ↑ muscle mass (hypertrophy)
- ↑ # of muscle fibers (hyperplasia)
- ↑ force production of type 1 muscle fibers
- shfit from fast to slow fibers
- ↑ tendon and ligament strength
- ↑ bone mineral content
- effect on muscle oxidative capacity and capillary density unclear
when does neural drive typically increase?
2-8 weeks
what is neural drive?
magnitude of the efferent neural output from CNS to muscle fibers
when does hypertrophy become detectable?
within 3 weeks
when do you start to see increased bone mineral content?
3-8 months
what are the 3 elements of muscular performance?
what is increased muscle fiber size called?
the carry over of training effects from one variation of exercise or task to another
cross training effect
muscular power is made up of what 2 elements?
What is SAID principle?
specific adaptation (to) impose demands
- an extension of wolffs law
What does FITT-VP stand for?
- frequency
- intensity
- time
- type
- volume progression
what are frequency guidelines of resistance training for
2-3 sessions
3-4 sessions
4-7 sessions
intensity typically refers to?
- load
- sets
- repetition
what is load (% 1 RM)
what is goal repetitions
load: ≥ 85
goal rep: ≤ 6
what is load (% 1 RM)
what is goal repetitions
load: 67-85
goal rep: 6-12
more about volume = increase size of muscle
what is load (% 1 RM)
what is goal repetitions
muscular endurance
load: ≤67
goal rep: ≥12
what is load (% 1 RM)
what is goal repetitions
single effort event
load: 80-90
goal rep: 1-2
what is load (% 1 RM)
what is goal repetitions
multiple effort event
load: 75-85
goal rep: 3-5
signs and symptoms of muscle fatigue
- uncomfortable sensation in the muscle, with pain and cramping possible
- shaking or trembling of the contracting muscle
- unintentional slowing of contraction velocity with successive reps
- active movementsa re jerky or inconsistent
- inability to contiue low intensity PA
when to perform high intensity exercise
- goal of exercise is to increase muscle strength
- advanced phase of rehab program afer MSK injury in prep for returnig to high demands
rest period length for strength
2-5 min
rest period length for power (both single and mutliple effort event)
2-5 min
rest period for hypertrophy
30 s to 1.5 min
rest period for muscular endurance
≤30 sec
muscle contractions accelerate body segments
_________ contractions deccelerate segments and act as a source of energy absorption during high impact activites
what is 2 for 2 rule?
if client can perform 2 or more repetitions over the assigned repetition goal in the last 2 sets in 2 consecutive workouts for a given exercise –> ready to progress