Pleuropulmonary Disease Flashcards
Systemic Sclerosis “scleroderma”
- more lung disease than any other autoimmune connective tissue disease (collagen vascular disease)
1) Interstitial lung disease
2) Vascular disease
“Scleroderma Lung”
1. Interstitial Lung Disease A) nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) pattern B) interstitial fibrosis 2. Concentric arterial thickening ~67%get interstitial lung disease ~20% get pulmonary hypertension
scleroderma lung, early, neutrophil attractant and activator
scleroderma lung, early, neutrophil attractant and promoter of neutrophil-endothelial binding
scleroderma lung, promoter of neutrophil chemotaxis
scleroderma lung, acronym for regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted
-T cell recruiter and activator
scleroderma lung, vasoconstrictor
scleroderma lung, late, promoter of fibroplasia
Location of Scleroderma Lung
-favors bases, posterior & periphery
CT: ground-glass, then reticular infiltrates
Scleroderma Lung Micrograph
- most common pattern of early disease is nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) with lymphocytes and microphage infiltrating interstitium -fibroblasts + collagen = interstitial fibrosis
- similar to UIP pattern, tell by temporal homogeneity (all areas at same stage)
Why distinguish NSIP “pattern” from NSIP?
different treatment
What stain to see systemic sclerosis?
Trichrome stain - extensive excess collagen stained blue
“Scleroderma lung” vascular disease
- concentric thickening & fibrosis of small pulmonary arteries
- causes pulmonary hypertension & cor pulmonale
- can occur w/o interstitial lung disease (CREST, anti-centromere)
Systemic Sclerosis: Symptoms
- Dyspnea (55%), increased work of breathing (stiff lungs) - sensed by respiratory muscle mechanoreceptors
- Dry cough (<50%)
Systemic Sclerosis: Signs
-dry inspiratory “velcro” crackles, especially at the bases, initially subtle “fine” thought to represent the sudden opening of small airways abnormally closed by the pressure of interstitial inflammation, edema and fibrosis around them
Systemic Sclerosis: Diagnosis
- association of symptoms, signs and radiology of interstitial lung disease with skin, esophageal and renal manifestations of scleroderma and/or renal manifestations of scleroderma and/or anti-Scl70 (anti-DNA topoisomerase abs (40%)
- restrictive pattern abnormalities due to reduced compliance and decreased diffusing capacity due to alveolar-capillary block or pulmonary hypertension on pulmonary function tests
- Open lung biopsy if needed*
Systemic Sclerosis: Treatment
Cyclophosphamide NOT steroids
-steroids = scleroderma renal crisis
NSIP: Treatment
Systemic Sclerosis: Prognosis
mean: 12 years
Death rate 3.9%/year men
2.6%/year women
-cause of death, scleroderma lung disease (60%)
1) Pleuritis
2) Acute lupus pneumonitis
3) nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
4) pulmonary vascular disease
- concentric arterial thickening
- pulmonary thromboembolism
5) Shrinking lung syndrome
-most common pleuropulmonary manifestation of lupus
20% at onset, 50% over time, 100% autopsy
-often asymptomatic, but sometimes have pleuritic chest pain, which can be recurrent or intractable
Lupus Pleuritis
fibrinous: +/- associated serosanguinous exudative pleural effusions
- few inflammatory cells in exudate
- ANA in pleural fluid
Fibrinous Pleuritis
- partly organized by fibroblasts and densely adherent, but partly peeled off
- pleural effusions of lupus usually small and bilateral
Pleuropulmonary disease of lupus
1) broader spectrum (more types)
2) more commonly acute than any other autoimmune connective tissue disease (collagen vascular disease)
Acute Lupus Pneumonitis
1) rare (2% of lupus patients)
2) actually a form of acute lung injury (diffuse alveolar damage)
3) can take form of diffuse hemorrhage
Acute Lupus Pneumonitis Micrograph/Disease Progression
- alveolitis with loose fibrin exudate & lymphocytes & macrophages in airspaces and a few lymphocytes in interstitial
- can be hemorrhagic
- goes on to interstitial pneumonia & fibrosis