Crystalline Arthritis Flashcards
Pathogenesis of Calcium Pyrophosphate dihydrate cyrstal deposition disease
-Dysregulated chondrocyte differentiation to hypertrophy and inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) metabolism
Autosomal dominant familial CPPD crystal deposition disease
-has been linked in multiple kindreds to certain mutations in ANKH, a gene encoding a PPi transporter
What drives cell responses to CPPD cyrstals and CPPD crystal-induced inflammation?
-NLRP3 (cryopyrin) inflammasome activation and consequent caspase-1 activation and interleukin (IL)-1β processing
Degenerative arthropathy
- caused by CPPD crystal deposition disease
- often involves joints uncommonly affected by primary osteoarthritis such as the metacarpophalangeal, wrist, and elbow joints
Diagnosis of CPPD deposition disease before age 55??
-should prompt differential diagnostic consideration of a primary metabolic or familial disorder, and hyperparathyroidism should always be considered in CPPD deposition disease presenting in patients older than the age of 55
Diagnosis of CPPD?
high res ultrasound, radiographic chondrocalcinosis is not detectable in all joints affected by the disease
Basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystal deposition in articular cartilage is linked with?
-osteoarthritis, particularly with osteoarthritis of increased severity
BCP crystals
-do not demonstrate birefringence, and specialized methods are required to conclusively identify BCP crystals in specimens from the joint
Vast majority of CPPD crystal deposition disease is??
-idiopathic/sporadic, but early-onset familial disease also occurs
Gene linked to familial CPPD crystal deposition disease??
ANKH on chromosome 5p
which encodes a transmembrane protein with functions including PPi transport
What is susceptible to pathologic calcification?
-loose avascular connective tissue matrices of articular hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilaginous menisci, and of certain ligaments and tendons
Joint cartilage pathologic calcification
-reflects complex interplay between organic and inorganic biochemistry of Pi and PPi metabolism, aging, dysregulated chondrocyte growth factor responsiveness and differentiation, and other factors
CPPD in the elderly?
- can mimic conditions including gout, infectious arthritis, primary osteoarthritis, RA, or polymyalgia rheumatica
- It can also present as fever of unknown origin
- major cause of acute monoarticular or oligoarticular arthritis in the elderly
- attacks typically involve a large joint, most often the knee, and less often the wrist or ankle, and, unlike gout, rarely the first metatarsophalangeal joint
Chronic degenerative arthropathy in CPPD deposition disease
-commonly affects certain joints that are typically spared in primary OA (e.g., metacarpophalangeal joints, wrists, elbows, glenohumeral joints)
Acute Synovitis
rare in HA crystal depssition
Basic Calcium Phosphate Crystal Disease Clinical Features
HA crystal in in bursae, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues of young women - cause inflammatory syndromes including subacromial bursitis and a form of pseudopodagra
-patients with advanced chronic renal failure (dialysis) may develop symptomatic articular and periarticular BCP crystal deposition, which may be destructive and involve the axial skeleton. They may resemble or be associated with CPPD deposition disease
- Presence of radiographic evidence for chondrocalcinosis is a common finding in the aged and does not indicate that the patient’s symptomatic articular problem is due to CPPD deposition disease, which is often asymptomatic
- compensated polarized light microscopy is essential to confirm the presence of positively birefringent CPPD crystals, though it should be noted that some CPPD crystals are nonbirefringent
- Patients with arthritis in whom CPPD deposition disease is part of the differential diagnosis can be screened by plain radiographs, but high-resolution ultrasound of the affected joint is a useful and sensitive alternative approach
- CPPD deposition disease treatment involves alleviation and prophylaxis of acute arthritic attacks, but therapy to lessen chronic and anatomically progressive sequelae of crystal deposition is not well developed for CPPD disease.
- pseudogout treatment is similar to that for acute gout