Play/Leisure Evaluation Flashcards
Activity Index
Activity Index Questionnaire instructions are given to ind level of participation in each of 23 activities scoring: 4-point scale 1=don't do/not interested 2=don't do/would like to do 3=do at least once a week 4=do at least 3x a week population: 65 years and up but has been used with other populations
Interest Checklist
interest in 80 leisure activities, additional leisure interests, and his/her perspective on how leisure interests and involvement has evolved over time
(modified has fewer)
scoring: strong, casual, no interest (doesn’t indicate if person actually pursues activity)
population: dev for adults but has been used with adolescents to elders
Leisure Diagnostic Battery (LDB)
leisure experience, motivational and situational issues that influence leisure
scoring: 1-3 rating scale indicating agreement with statements
info can be used to ID individual’s knowledge of leisure opportunities, env resources, barriers, leisure characteristics that are motivating and interesting to person
population: adults for original LDB, adapted scales dev for children 9-14 with no cognitive deficits and with diagnosis of educable mental retardation
Leisure Satisfaction Questionnaire
personal needs in 6 categories: psychological educational social relaxation psysiological aesthetic scoring: 1=almost never true, 5=almost always true population: adults and elders
Meaningfulness of Activity Scale
level of enjoyment, motivational source, perception of competence, participation in leisure
scoring: likert-type scales for 3 subscales
1=level of activity enjoyment
2=reason for doing activity
3=perception of activity competence
scoring: three subscales totaled to obtain overall meaningfulness of activity score, info can be used to reinforce pursuit of meaningful leisure and to plan intervention to promote adaptive leisure functioning
population: adults/elders
Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire
interview using a list of 63 physical activities to det which activities the individual has performed in past 12 months
scoring: for each performed the ind specifies the level of participation for each month
det light, medium, or heavy according eval standards
total activity metabolic index and estimate of avg daily caloric expenditures are obtained, assess pre-morbid physical activity levels
population: adults
Play History
child or adolescent’s dev level and adequacy of his/her play env
method: semi-strucutred interview with patients or caregivers
scoring: values are assigned to historical interview info according to manual standards
population: children and adolescents
Preschool Play Scale
4 play dimensions:
space mgmt
material mgmt
method: observe free play 15-30 min periods and compare with expected play behaviors for age group
population: “play age” score by comparing observed behaviors to expected age-specific behaviors