Plasmodium Flashcards
Its no. of merozoites in schizont would be in an 8-12 rosette-shaped, fruitpie, daisy-head arrangement.
P. malariae
What human cycle stage is being described:
In caseof P. vivax & P. ovale, some sporozoites entering into hepatocytes enter into a resting (dormant) stage before undergoing asexual multiplication while others undergo multiplication w/o delay.
Secondary exoerythrocytic schizogony
The sexual method of reproduction; occurs in definitive host
This is where sexual cycle occurs
Stippling(dots in RBCs): Ziemman’s dots
P. malariae
Humans working in nearby forest fringe pose great risk for infection of this malaria parasite.
P. knowlesi
Causative agent of Malaria
Plasmodium spp.
Benign terian malaria
P. vivax & P. ovale
Remains the leading parasitic disease that causes mortality worldwide
This plasmodium spp. is resistant to G6PD deficient individual.
P. falciparum
What human cycle stage is being described:
Within one hour, all the sporozoites leave the blood stream and enter into the liver parenchyma cells (spindle-shaped bodies becomes rounded).
Primary exoerythrocytic schizogony
Diseases identified by WHO as the major infectious disease threats
malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
Plasmodium parasites feed on the hemoglobin resulting in the production of pigment known as _________.
Infective stage in man and mosquito.
Man: Sporozoites
Mosquito: Gametocyte
Stippling(dots in RBCs): Schuffner’s dots/ James dots
P. ovale
T or F. A characteristic of the vector for plasmodium spp. is that it bites during daytime, both indoor and outdoor.
False. It bites at night
Stippling(dots in RBCs): Schuffner’s dots
P. vivax
The situation in which the erythrocytic infection is eliminated & it occurs later because of a new invasion of the RBCs from liver merozoites.
The most important parasitic disease
Plasmodium spp.
For plasmodium spp., this is where sporogony occurs
Vector - female anopheles mosquito
Refers to the protozoan body during schizogony which includes the period of initial growth to the complete splitting up of the nucleus with merozoite production.
Aestivoautumnal, malignant tertian or subtertian malaria
P. falciparum
The group of parasites causing malaria belongs to this genus.
What is being referred to:
Somewhat larger than normal, often with fringed or irregular edge, and oval in shapel Schuffner’s dots appear even with younger stages; stains more readily and deeply than in P. vivax
P. ovale
Ovale malaria
P. ovale
IH of Plasmodium spp.
Its ring appearance is like a single basket form or band form that are compact/dense with chromatin mass often inside
P. malariae
Precursor of oocsyt
Its gametocyte is crescent shaped, elongated, and sausage shaped.
P. falciparum
These protozoans are pigment producers and are ameboid in shape, with some being more ameboid than the others.
Plasmodium spp.
The population groups mostly affected by malaria.
Young children and pregnant women
The process by which microgametes are formed in the stomach of the mosquito
The most common plasmodium spp. worldwide.
P. vivax
These two Plasmodium species are responsible for over 90% of all human malaria cases.
P. falciparum
P. vivax
Also known as coccidian
Phylum Apicomplexa - Plasmodium spp. & Babesia spp.
Differentiation of P. knowlesi and P. malaria is only achieved through _____
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and molecular characterization
The infective form of the parasite present in the salivary glands of female anopheles mosquito (definitive host)
A small ameboid sporozoan trophozoite produced by schizogony that can initiate a new sexual or asexual cycle of development.
What human cycle stage is being described:
After malarial parasite have undergone erythrocytic schizogony for certain period, some merozoites develop within red cells into male and female gametovytes known as microgametocytes and macrogametocytes respectively.
This plasmodium spp. is resistant to Hgb S (Sickle-cell trait) because of a structurally and functionally abnormal band 3 protein.
P. falciparum
Most common plasmodium spp. in the Philippines.
P. falciparum
The vector for Plasmodium spp.
Female anopheles mosquito
Quartan malaria, malariae malaria
P. malariae
Stippling(dots in RBCs): Maurer’s dots/ Cuneiform dots/ Garham’s bodies
P. falciparum
Resting stage of the parasite
For plasmodium spp., this is where schizogony occurs
Intermediate host - man
The interval from sporozoite injection to detection of parasites in the blood is referred to as the __________.
Pre-patent period
What is being referred to:
Larger than normal, pale, often bizzare; Schuffner’s dots are often present; multiple infection of RBC not uncommon
P. vivax and P. malariae
Its small trophozoite is a signet-ring form with heavy red dot andblue cytoplasmic ring
P. vivax
What human cycle stage is being described:
Merozoites enter the blood stream and invade RBCs where they multiply at the expense of the host cells.
Erythrocytic schizogony
Reactivation of hyponozoite forms of P. ovale and P. vivax
What is being referred to:
Normal: multiple infection of RBC very common
P. falciparum
The asexual method of reproduction that occurs in the intermediate host.
It forms in peripheral blood as rings and crescents
P. falciparum