Plasma Products Flashcards
What are the two main types of frozen plasma used?
Octaplas - pooled plasma
fresh frozen plasma - single donor
What are he differences between octaplas and fresh frozen plasma?
- made from pooled plasma
- hence only ABO grouped not Rh -> as no red cells present thus only concerned with what antibodys are present
- made from a single donor
- will be Rh typed as there will be a small amount of red cell contamination
What is the new kind of plasma were looking at using?
Thawed plasma
What is thawed plasma, whats different about it to ffp?
This is frozen plasma which has been thawed and kept for about 5 days in the fridge
Thawed plasma has considerably different coagulation factors but you dont need 100% factor activity for good activation of coagulation pathway
how much % factor activity is needed for activation of the coagulation pathway?
About 25% only is needed
What two POC devices are used to monitor need for plasma transfusion?
-> these look at coagulation factors to guide the use of ffp
Talk about the use of cryoprecipitate?
We dont use it in Ireland anymore - we use products instead
Most of th world still use cryoprecipitate made from their own plasma though
When was ffp first put into use, what was its initial use
FFP has been available since 941
It was initially used as a volume replacement
Plasma used to be given on a formulaic bases e.g. one unit given for x amount of red cells etc -> this isnt done anymore but can often be seen in major haemorrhage packs because of this
When did we stop using FFP as a volume expander?
When albumin and hydroxyethyl starch became more available
Nowadays when do we use FFP?
We have a better understanding that FFP is contraindicated for volume expansion and instead we use it in cases of excessive bleeding or to prevent bleeding in patients with abnormal coagulation tests that are undergoing an invasive procedure
We usually wont give plasma if patient is bleeding unless there is a coagulopathy
Why did we stop using donor plasma in Irealnd
Studies showed that plasma was a major source of prions in 68% of cases while only 26% were present on platelets and the remainder on red cells and leucocytes -> however this sudy has since been contested
There has never been a case of plasma transmitted vCJD
How many mls is a ffp unit when derived from a whole blood donation?
1 uni = 250mls
How do we make cryoprecipitate?
Made by frezing plasma from whole blood donation
Then thawing the pack to 4 degrees whereby a white precipitate will form in the pack
This precipitate can then be separated and taken off to form cryoprecipitate and cryoprecipitate depleted plasma
What is cryoprecipitate composed of?
Its mostly fibrinogen and some von willebrand factor hence why its great for coagulation
Is cryo still available in Irealand?
Yes you can still order it from the IBTS
Its used to treat TTP
What is the difference between the treatment of octplas and ffp?
Octplas is pathogen reduced by solvent detergent treatment
How is plasma treated in the UK?
SD treated using methylene blue
How is fresh frozen plasma produced
Separation and freezing to -30 degrees within 6-8 hours of donation
What are the two different types of fresh frozen plasma that can be made, how do they differ from each other?
FFP from a whole blood donation
FFP from an apheresis donation
From whole blood only 200-220 mls
Apheresis can be up to 600mls
Apheresis can be stored at -18 degrees for 1 year
How is ffp utilised?
Thawed at -37 degrees celsius in a waterbath
Must be transfused asap within 2-4 hours
How can octaplas be stored after thawing
can be stored at room temperature for up to 4 hours but can be kept at 4 degrees for up to 8 hours
what is the shelf life of octaplas
Since july 2005 it an be stored at -18 degrees celsius for up to 4 years
How is dosage of ffp determined?
Dosage depends on the clinical situation but its typically 10-15mls/kg body weight
Clinical response may be the best monitor but lab tests also important
Talk about the use of the new product, thawed plasma and its storage?
Thawed plasma stored at 4 degrees for up to 5 days
NB in trauma packs in the US as well as ireland
What factors have the shortest half lifes?
Factor VIII (half life of 12 hours)
Factor VII (half life of 5 hours
i.e. half of the factor is gone after x amount of hours post transfusion -> factors dont remain in patients system for long -> need to be aware of this if patient has a specific deficiency, will need to top up prior to transfusion and need to make sure patient wont run out in the mean time
From who do we get plasma donations?
We use volunteer donors from america
Talk about the affect of thawing on plasma, how are factors affected
Thawed plasma can be stored for up to 5 days
-> there is no affect on fibrinogen concentration
-> only a 1% drop in FII
-> 16% drop in FV
->20% drop in FVII
->41% drop in FVIII
->6% drop in FX
What is fp24?
Frozen plasma which has not been frozen within the initial 24 hours post donation
fp24 ha less FV and protein C but will have more FVIII than fresh frozen plasma
What is the minimum % activity of FV needed for haemostasis?
25% activity
What is the minimum activity for haeemostasis of FVIII?
What is the main challenge with using plasma?
Plasma can be a life saving therapy for patients in need of haemostatic assistance but there is a lack of consensus around definition of the circumstances when this component will truly benefit a patient
How should you choose the right plasma group?
FFP is labelled with ABO and RhD groups
First choice would be the same ABO group but if not available then give A or B or vice versa
Avoid group O with high - titre -> should only be given to group O as it will have anti-A and anti-B
AB plasma is very useful and can be given to all -> AB Octaplas was previously known as Uniplas
Talk about factor level differences between blood groups
FVIII and vWF levels are up to 25% lower in group O individuals
This increases risk of venous and arterial diseases in A, B and AB individuals
ABO group may effect the rate of synthesis or release of vWF from endothelial cells
ABO Group may affect the proteolytic cleavage of vWF - related to the level of a protease called ADAMTs13 which is higher in group Os
There are ABO sites on both vWF and on ADAMS13 protease
What group is ADAMTS13 highest in?
Highest in group Os
Deficiency of ADAMTS 13 results in what condition?
What is ADAMTS13?
A protease which is responsibly for the proteolytic cleavage of vWF
How is TTP treated?
Cryodepleted plasma is used as it lacks VWF
Exchange transfusion with this plasma
This gives patient the plasma they need without the VWF causing the thrombus
What happens after ADAMTs13 cuts vwf
They go around the body attached to factor 8
But there are problems with this in group O
When was octaplas introduced into Ireland
Octaplas, a FFP substitute was introduced into Ireland in 2002
This was to help preven the possible transmission of vCJD
Talk about Octaplas
A blood specific plasma product
It contains up to 1,500 single donations from unpaid, screened donors
This undergoes a solvent/detergent treatment process
AB Octaplas is not blood group specific though
What is AB Octaplas made of?
70% A
20% B
10% AB
What are the steps in the manufacture of octaplas
fast thawing
complete cell, cell debris and aggregate removal hrough a 1um filter
SD treatment for 4 hours at 30 degrees
oil extraction and phase separation
clear filtration
hydrophobic bio-interaction chromatography to remove triton x
sterile 0.2um filtration
aseptic sealing and filling of bags
fast freezing to -60 degrees
storage below -30 degrees
complete quality control and batch release
what does SD treatment of octaplas involve?
treatment for 4 hours AT 30 degrees of:
- 1% TNBP