EU Blood Directive Flashcards
What years are the EU Blood Directive were interested in from?
EU Blood Directive 2002/98/EC
In general what does the EU Blood directive do?
It makes it a legal requirement of all BT labs to be INAB accredited
Puts in place really strict guidelines for all blood establishments
List the articles were most interested in and what they covered
10: Personnel
11: Quality system
12: Documentation
14: Traceability - LIS
15: Notification of serious adverse reactions and events
22: Storage, transport and distribution
24: data protection and confidentiality
What is the aim of the EU Directive
To ensure that blood and its components are of comparable quality and safety throughout the tranfusion chain in all Member States
Setting minimum community standards
What did the EU directive stop
Stopped autologous transfusion as any hospital offereing these would have to work as a blood manufacturing plant and hosps couldnt afford this etc
Why was the EU Directive needed
Needed to standardise blood transfusion
Wanted to be able to send blood between countries and all components would be of comparable quality etc
Meant labelling would be the same in each country e.g. barcodes should scan in every country in europe etc
When did the EU get involved in BT
In 1994 there was an EU meeting where an agenda was set to formulate a community blood strategy aimed at improving confidence in the safety of the BT chain
What led to the need for EU involvement in BT?
Scandals occurred in the 80s with HIV and HepC in the 90s which lead to massive comensation payouts
These kind of scandals happened all across europe and meant staff imprisonment etc
It meant massive staff shortages and lack of funding etc - no conference days etc - hence why knowledge on heat inactivation of products wasnt heard of in Ireland and thus spread of HepC in anti-D occurred
When were the two important tribunals and what were they?
The Finlay and Lindsay Tribunals occurs between 1997 and 1999
What did the Tribunals of 1997 and 1999 lead to ?
Culmination in EU directive 2002/1998/EC
-> done between 2002 and 2008 but published in Feb 2003
What was the Finlay tribunal
Hepatitis C contamination of anti-D products
What was the Lindsay tribunal
HIV and Hepatitis C contamination in products for haemophiliacs
What has been the history of regulation of blood in ireland
IBTS inspected bi-annually by the Irish Medicine Board since the Finlay Tribunal report 1997
Prior to the EU directive there was no mandatory regulation of hospital blood banks and only some blood banks were accredited -> some labs sought out accreditation to assure hospitals they were doing quality work etc
How many people were affected by the Finlay tribunal?
1600 women affected
How much have the tribunals cost Ireland so far?
Expected to be 997 million in payouts
Actually though to be over 2.2 billion due to legal fees etc
How many women died as a result of the Finlay scandal
77 women died
What preceded the EU directive of 2002/98/EC
A more broad directive 2002/83/EC (Medical products for human use) which was signed in by European parliment on 6th November 2001
This broad directive was then split into three smaller more specialised directives
These were still just directives though and not law
What was the EU directive 2001/83 EC subdivided into. and when?
- standards of quality and safety for human blood (2002/98/EC)
- A directive concerning herbal medicinal products for human use (31st March 2008)
- A directive concerning medicinal products for human use (31st March 2008)
How does an EU directive become law?
Each individual contry has to do so
Done though statutory instrument
When was the EU directive 2002/98/EC signed in and what is it composed of?
11 pages
4 annexes comprising 34 articles
No pictures
In general what was the point of the EU Directive 2002/98/EC?
To set standards of quality and safety for the collection, processing, storage and distribution of human blood components and amending Directive 2001/83/EC
What are the three main daughter directives of the EU Directive 2002/98/EC
Commission Directive 2004/33/EC
Commission Directive 2005/61/EC
Commission Directive 2005/62/EC
What did the Commission Directive 2004/33/EC, one of the daughter directives of EU Directive 2002/98/EC do?
Regards certain technical requirements for blood and blood components
What did the Commission Directive 2005/61/EC, one of the daughter directives of EU Directive 2002/98/EC do?
Regards traceability and notification of serious adverse reactions and events
When did commission directive 2005/61/EC become law?
Transposed into national law by SI 547 of 2006
What did the Commission Directive 2005/62/EC, one of the daughter directives of EU Directive 2002/98/EC do?
regards community standards and specifications relating to a quality system for blood establishments
When was the commission directive 2005/62/EC put into Irish law
Transposed into natinal law by SI 562 od 2006
What Statutory instrument was responsible for putting in place the EU Directive 2002/98/EC?
SI no. 360 of 2005
It was effective from the 9th of november 2005 but labs got a derogation until 8th november 2008