Plant Stimulants: Caffeine Flashcards
When did global oceanic explorations introduce a number of plant stimulants to Europe including tobacco and caffeinated beverages?
Where was coffee, tea, and chocolate from respectively?
Arabian region, China, and South America
Which beverages contain the following percent of caffeine respectively?:
1) Coffee
2) Tea
3) Cola
4) Mate
5) Guarana
6) Cocoa
1) 1-2% caffeine (seeds)
2) 1-4% caffeine (leaves)
3) 2-3% caffeine, and 1-2.5% theobromine (seeds)
4) 0.8-1.3% caffeine (leaves)
5) 4-6% caffeine (seeds)
6) 3% theobromine (seeds)
What is caffeine?
A trimethylxanthine alkaloid with mild diuretic and stimulant properties.
What is theobromine?
A similar secondary product found in chocolate and cola, is a stronger diuretic.
What may caffeine be important in acting as based on studies done in 1973?
A calming agent. The 1973 experiment showed caffeine to calm an overactive child and offers a less expensive treatment and fewer side effects that methylphenidate (Ritalin), and related amphetamine drugs.
What supports the idea that caffeine may be a calming agent?
Studies of SA children who drink mate rarely show hyperactivity. Low levels of hyperactivity in adults is linked to increase coffee consumption in NA.
How would one describe the plant “coffee” or coffea arabica?
A small tree native to the highlands of Ethiopia.
What is the fruit of coffee?
A two-seeded tree berry.
Which part of the fruit is extracted?
The seeds of the fruit are extracted, known as the coffee beans, then fermented, dried and roasted.
Where does the coffee plant have a long history of cultivation as a beverage and medicinal plant?
Ethiopia and the Arabian peninsula.
When was coffee introduced to Europe and by whom?
In 1615 by Venetian merchants, and by 1650s, a large number of coffee houses had been established in London, Paris, and other major European cities.
How would one describe tea or camellia sinensis?
As a large shrub native to Southeast Asia, and has long been cultivated in China.
Where is tea grown most widely today?
China, Japan, India, and Sri Lanka.
How far back does evidence date as far as using tea as a beverage?
3000 years ago in China.
When was the habit of drinking tea introduced to Europe and by whom?
In the early 1600s by the Portuguese, and for a time the Dutch monopolized the European tea trade.
Who dominated the green tea trade after the Dutch?
When was over 20 million pounds of tea shipped to England annually and exported to other countries?
How is tea produced?
From the new, young leaves of the plant, which are hand harvested.
What is done to the tea shrubs in order to facilitate havering and promote new growth?
Pruned back regularly.
Where is green tea mainly consumed?
China and Japan.
How is green tea produced?
By partially shredding and quickly drying the fresh-picked leaves.
Where is black tea popular?
India, Europe, and North America.
How is black tea produced?
Freshly-picked leaves are slowly dried for one day, which initiates enzymatic processes. The partially dried leaves are then shredded, helping to oxidize the bitter leaf tannins and phenols as the leaves dry slowly under cool and damp conditions. The material is then quick-dries or fired, producing the characteristic dark color of black tea.
What is the Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)?
A medium sized tree (15m in height), that produces mate a tea like beverage produced from the dried leaves of the tree.
What family does the Yerba mate belong to?
The Holly family.
Where is Yerba mate native to?
Tropical South America.
How is Yerba mate produced?
Young, newly emergent leaves are clipped, dried, and ground into a powder.
Where is yerba mate a popular beverage?
South America (same as tea in NA) with plantations establishing in southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.
How is yerba mate served?
In a traditional cup (mate) fashioned from a dried gourd. About 1/3 of the cup is filled with powdered leaf and H2O added.
What is the guayusa or amazonian holly?
A large (30m) holly tree, native to the amazonian forest of Peru, adjacent to Ecuador (SA).
Who is guayusa closely related to?
Yerba mate tree.
What is the guayusa species notable for?
As the highest caffeine counts by dry weight reaching 7.6% in some trees.
Who is guayusa used ritualistically by?
The Achuar Jivaro people with men drinking 2L of guayusa a day.
What are the adverse affects of too much caffeine consumed by one taking guayusa?
Headache, blood shot eyes, mild hallucinations.
How do the Achuar men avoid the symptoms of caffeine?
They induce vomiting about 45 minutes after binge consumption of guayusa.
What is cocoa tree?
Small (4-5m)) understory tree, that is native to tropical SA.
Where is coca trees most widely cultivated today?
West Africa.
Where are the flowers and fruit produced on the tree?
Produced on the main trunk and large branches.
What are the coca beans?
They are actually seeds encased in whitish, sweet pulp, and contained within a large pod like fruit-football size.
How does chocolate production work?
1) In the initial stage of chocolate production, the beans are extracted from the mature fruit and fermented for a few days.
2) The fermented seeds are then slowly dried in the sun.
Why are fermentation and drying steps critical?
They result in chemical changes that impart the distinctive color, odor, and flavour of coco.
What does processing of chocolate entail?
1) Sitting then shipped to NA or Europe.
2) Roasting beans at 140C for a few hours.
3) Grinding them into oily mass known as coca liquor.
4) Pressing liquor to extract and separate the fat rich coca butter from the bitter coca powder.
5) Chocolate produced by blending liquor and added coca butter.
Why are emulsifiers added to chocolate?
To prevent congealing.
What percent of theobromine, a stimulant similar to caffeine does chocolate hold?
When was the earliest evidence of chocolate consumption?
1500 year old Mayan drinking vessel containing coca residue-likely consumed fresh at this time.
Which group of people consumed a cold and bitter beverage containing corn, coca seed, chillies and other spices?
The Aztecs.
What was this Aztec beverage used for?
In ritualistic ceremonies and was considered an aphrodisiac.
When was the first major shipment of coca to Europe?
Where was coca initially popular?
Spain, Portugal, Italy and France.
When did chocolate houses open in major European cities?
What is the cola tree?
A medium sized tree (20m in height), native to the humid tropical rain forests of west-centra Africa, with pod like fruit that contains 8-12 bitter tasting seeds.
Who is the cola tree closely related to?
The cocoa tree, native to SA.
Which family to both the cola and coca tree belong to?
The Sterculaciaceae family.
Where is cola mainly cultivated today?
Tropical west Africa, also grown in Brazil and Caribbean.
What is the principle stimulant of the coca bean?
Caffeine. Theobromine also present.
How is cola flavouring extracted from cola beans?
Using hot water, and then concentrated into a thick syrup.
How is cola flavoring used?
To flavour and caffeinate soft drinks.
Where are cola beans chewed as an oral stimulant?
West Africa, particularly Niger and Nigeria. Initially bitter tasting but become sweeter as chewed.
How are cola beans used?
The are a mild stimulant and used to relieve hunger pangs and for the relief of various ailments.
Further, they are important in traditional spiritual and divination ceremonies during prayers, ancestor worship, weddings, funerals, etc.
How is the guarana described?
A woody climbing plant (vine) native to SA, with roasted red-black seeds high in caffeine (4-6%).
Who were guarana seeds initially used by to produce a caffeinated beverage?
The Satere-Maue tribe of Amazonian Brazil.
Where and how is guarana cultivated today?
As a shrub in the Manaus region of Amazonian Brazil-carbonated guarana beverages also most popular in Brazil.
What is guarana used for in Europe and NA?
Used in various teas and herbal mixtures-used as the main ingredient in high energy beverages.