Plant Science Final Flashcards
A root that grows from other tissues besides root tissue is:
Meristematic Tissue
Area of Meristematic growth located in the leaf axis between the node and the stem
The flow of organelles that can be clearly seen in active leaf cells with a microscope is called:
An area in the root that increases the growth of the roots, it is said that these dividing cells can propel the root as much as 0.08” per day
A tap root is defined as a dominant root that develops downward, an example would be:
Area of growth that is refereed to as the termini and is the origin of all growth in the plant___
This structure in cells is made up of channels and pits that connect from cell and allow the flow of water and nutrients to pass between cells.
The organelles that have two membranes are:
agronomy and horticulture are:
growth that increases the height of the plant originates from the___
cultivation is:
The main function of these structures are to support and elevate the leaves, flowers and the fruit; also a delivery system for minerals and water. They also have a minor role in photosynthesis in some species
Vascular Cambium is meristematic tissue that gives rise to__
Epidermis is
The main function of these structures are to anchor the plant and absorb water and minerals
A corn plant would be an examples of a____
tissue that is comprised of the xylem and phloem and is used to transport water, minerals and sugars in the plant
The theory of endosymbiosis gives an explanatoin as to how cells came to have the following
The portion of the stem that is in-between nodes
The word cultivar refers to:
The girth or circumference of the stem increases due to divisions in the___
A soybean plant would be an example of a ____
A type of stem that has thick tissued and generally lives more than two years, an example is trees and shrubs
Tissue tat makes up the bulk of the plant
A slimy substance that aids the root in advancement in the soil
The caspian strip is a layer of cells that regulates the uptake of water and minerals in the root
Epidermal tissue is only located in growing leaf tissue
adventitiuous roots grow from areas of root apical meristems
Meristematic tissue is actively dividing tissue
branch roots arise from epidermal tissue
Root systems make up on average a small percentage of plant tissue; less than 10%
Root xylem is held in an “X” pattern and the phloem is said to be held in the arms of the xylem____
Vascular bundles are formed in an arranged pattern in the stem____
Vascular cambium is present in the stem and gives rise to secondary growth known as lateral meristematic growth____
Vascular bundles are scattered in the stem____
These roots have an area of pith located in the center of the vascular tissues___
Conducts food and metabolites from the leaves to stems, flowers, and roots
Tubular network that ttache to the nuclear envelope, sometimes ribsomes are attached
A single layer of tissue that is foud only in root tissue, it lies to te interior of the cortex and makes a ring around the vascular bundles
Occupies up to 90% of the cell space, maintains cell turgor
Thick netwrok that attaches to the nuclear envelope, sometimes ribosmes are attached
Thick compressed stems that grow underground
the study of plant growth, reproduction, evolution and adaptation, as well as the use of plants for food, fiber and ornamental purposes
Tissue that conducts water and dissolved minerals from the roots to shoots and beyond
Ions and water moving in the space outside of the plasma membrane move by ____ movement, ions and water moving in the inside of the plasma membrane move by_____ movement
Descried as the power of the cell, produces ATP
Tubular extensions of the epidermis that increases the surface area of the root
What is the equation for photosynthesis
If a flower is an incomplete perfect flower it has the following structures on the smae flower. An example would be a grass flower such as wheat or timothy
The carpel in the flower contains these structures
Th primary function fo this portion of the plant is photosynthesis
Transpiration serves what functions in the plant
Water is said to be most available to the plant is between field capacity and permanent wiliting point, which is measured as:
Leaf shapes are split into two classifications, which one consists of several leaflets
In pollination, pollen is transferred from:
An essential element is:
Petioles are:
The ovary becomes the _____ & the ovule becomes the ____
A grass flower while having stamen and capel structures, also has some structures that dicot flowers lack, two of these are:
Soil pore space is always filled with
The law of minimum states:
If soil has water potential of -1.5 MPa it is at
plants ca actively take up two froms of nitrogen, they are_____
The optimum pH for plant growth is:
Scar hat marks the point of attachment of the seed to the pod is the___
Phosphorus plays important roles within the cell, including formation of ATP, an ouside organism has adapted to live symbiotically with the roots of plants that aids inP uptake, that organism is:
What functoin does the pericap or seed coat tissue perform?
Force that moves water downward and is the principle force when soil is saturated is____
Water loss from leaves via the stomatal opening is____
When this nutrient is deficient the plant will have a deep green to purple coloration to the leaves____
Area at the base of the leaf where it attaches the petiole to the stem is the____
Most common nutrient deficient plants is _____
Reproductive portion of the plant’s function is to house the reproductive organs and produce seed is the____
plumules are the emryotic first true leaves that are held in the seed
epigal emergence is when the cotyledons are pulled above ground during germination
Epigeal emergence is when the cotyldons remain below ground during germination
hypogeal emergence is when the cotyledons are pulled above grown during germination
Carbon is either a macro or micro nutrient?
Boron is either a macro or micro nutrient
Nitrogen is either a macro or micro nutrient?
Zinc is either a macro or micro nutrient?
If soil is said to have a water potential of 2 atm it will have a measurement of ____ MPa. write out the formula and show math
There are 6 charecteristics of water, name two
The individual micro organelle within the chloroplast that photosynthesis takes place is the____?
The four major biochemicals found in plants are
sexually propagated plats are propagted by what means?
the structure present in the middle of the chromoese that is used to determine how many chromosomes are present is the___
When referring to genes for a particular triat you refer to expression of the gene as dwarf or tall, this is the
Which structure is where photosynthesis occurs in the cell?
Multicellular organisms undergo miotic cell growth to
A plant after vegetative propagation increases in size and volume, this growth is_____
Imbibition is the process of-
Fatty acids or lipids found in the membranes of plants effect that plants ability to withstand cool temperatures. Plants that are prone to “chill injury” have more of what type of fat in their membranes.
The three stages of the calvin cycle reactions are
it is essential that germ cells/gamate cells undergo meiosis so that
When gametes (egg/ovule and sperm/pollen) are produced this happens due to____
If there are 40 centromeres in the cell, how many chromosomes are there?
The carbohydrate molecule that holds the OH in the upright position at the number 1 attachment is_____
How many times must the calvin cycle turn to yield a single molecule of glucose?
During Telophase of mitosis and meiosis we see the following taking place
The carbohydrate molecule that holds the OH in the downward position at the number 1 attachment is ______
The gycolysis phase of cellular respiration produces how many ATP?
fermentation occurs if
in cellular respiration, most ATP are produced directly as a result of
The calvin cycle occurs in the____
The redox reaction only occurs in photosynthesis
Soil compaction is/can___
____ is the gorwing of two or more crops cimultaneously in the same field.
The most bsic form of a protein shape that is asequence of amino acids is _____
An example of secondary product that is not synthesiszed by animals but found in plants are:
When referring to genes for a particular trait you refer to the gene sequence as Dd or Tt for example, this is the _____
Leaves and digestible stems that can be feed to livestock either through grazing or hay
Grafting uses two plant partners that need to be similar in botanical relationships, they are called:
The stage of Mitosis whenthe spindle fibers retract and separate the sister chromosoes into daughter chromosiomes is what phase?
If in the process of plant breeding you introduce a gene into the species that did not proviously carry the gene, this is said to be____
cell division that occurs only at a set maturation is said to be?
seed that has known genetic identity and is available in large quantities
Rotational grazing is:
A crop other than fruits and vegetables that is purposefully grown for agricultural purposes
Crop A is growing in an irrigatied field that has recently been cultivated, a soil sample reveals the field has low CEC. This field should undergo what mangement practice?
_____ is the term for the development of flower buds in the summer, followed by a resting period.
An example of Pollinators are:
In the are of field crops legumes that are harvested a dried beans are classified as?
When establishing an orchard, slope of the land is one factor to consider, slope should be no more than ___%
Maturity of most crops can be defined as:
The practice of flood irrigation is
The practice of land leveling is
The practice of adding organic matter is?
Growing degree days are a measurement of the heat it takes to predict when a crop will reach maturity. Corn has a base temperature or a low threshold temperature of 50 degrees. Given a daily max temp of 66 degrees and a dialy min temp of 30 degrees. Determine growing degree days
Growing degree days are a measurement of the heat it takes to predict when a crop will reach maturity. Corn has a base temp or a low threshold temp of 50 degrees. Given a daily max temp of 74 and a daily min temp of 56, determine growing degree days
Wheat is a _____ crop
Canola is a ____ crop
Sugar beets are what type of crop?
cotton is a dual crop used for oil as well as ____
Growing degree days is a measurement of
____ is a cropping system in which a crop is harvested a second time after grow back following an initial harvest