- the most common parasites causing plant disease
- usually produce spores which, when carried to a plant, can begin an
infection - common during wet, humid seasons
fungi/fungus disease
- single-celled microscopic organisms
- can be carried from plant to plant by wind, rain splash, insects
and machinery
(other names: anthracnose, scab, leaf blotch, shot hole) are usually rather
definite spots of varying sizes, shapes and colors. There is nearly always a distinctive
margin. Sometimes the spot, which may be caused by bacteria or fungi, is surrounded by
a yellow halo
leaf spots
generally larger diseased areas than leaf spots and more irregularly
leaf blights
often produce spots similar to leaf spots, but the spots are called “pustules.”
a superficial, white to light grayish, powdery to mealy growth on
leaves, but may also occur on stems and flowers.
powdery mildew
symptoms are pale yellow green to yellow areas on the upper leaf
surface; light gray to purplish moldy growth on the under surface of the leaf. Blue mold of
tobacco is a downy mildew disease
downy mildew