Plant Biology Flashcards
Identify what plants need for healthy germination
What is the final step of plant production
The final stage of plant reproduction is the production of a seed. The seed contains all the information needed in order to allow a new plant to grow.
When conditions are just right and and seed begins to grow
Hat died germination involve
Germination involves the breaking open of the seed coat and the development of structures that will eventually become the stem and root of the plant.
What is germination controlled by
Enzymes in which the seed begins to develop into a new young plant
Why is water needed for successful germination
Lets the seed swell and the embryo start to grow
Why is oxygen required for successful germination
Needed for aerobic respiration
Why is warmth required for successful germination
Increases the growth rate and enzyme activity (but very high temperature denature enzymes)
What do germinating seeds do with their food
Germinating seeds use their food stores until the seedlings can produce their own food by photosynthesis
Plants need
Vitamins and minerals to grow and stay healthy vitamins
Why do plants need calcium
To build cell walls
Why do plants need magnesium
For chlorophyll formation and nitrogen
Why do plants need nitrogen
For amino acids and protein formation
Wha5 happens a plant if their is no nitrogen
upper leaves
pale green lower leaves
yellow and dead
- yellow/green
leaves, weak stem
Wha5 happens the plant if their is no potassium
Yellow leaves with dead spots
Poor flower growth and fruit growth
What happens a plant with no phosphorus
Purple leaves
Small roots
Poor root growth
What happens a plant if their is no magnesium
Upper leaves are normal
Lower leaves pale green or yellow
Leaves turn yellow from bottom upwards
What are plant roots covered in
Root hair cells which take in water and minerals from the soil
What do the root hairs do
The root hairs greatly increase the surface area of the root so that the maxium amount of water and minerals can be absorbed. They also help to anchor the plant in the soil.
How are roots adapted for their job
Roots are branched and spread out for two reasons:
absorb water (and mineral salts) from a large amount of soil
anchor the plant in the soil.
What way are root hair cells adapted
Thin walls
Large surface area to help them absorb lots of wtaer
Needed for reproduction
Absorb water and minerals.large surface area in root cells, large vacuole abd no chlorophyll
Transport system of the plant. Xylem carries water up and phloem transports glucose and nutrients
around plant
Carry out photosynthesis. Large surface area to capture sunlight. Lots of
chloroplast in cells.
What do green plants do
Green plants trap the energy from sunlight and use the raw materials of carbon dioxide and water to produce the products glucose and oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis
Word equation for photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide+water+sunlight =glocose+oxygen
List the layers of a leaf on order
Waxy, cuticle
Palisade mesophyll
Spongy mesophyll
Xylem/ vein
Moist air space
Guard cells
Waxy cuticle
transparent to allow light through, waxy to prevent water loss from the leaf
protects leaf, stops bacteria and viruses entering the leaf
Palisades mesophyll
most photosynthesis occurs here, cells packed with chloroplasts
Spongy mesophyll
some photosynthesis occurs here, less chloroplasts than palisade. Gaps for carbon dioxide.
contains water in xylem, food in phloem
Guard cells
increase and decrease in size to control size of the stomata
small pores, allow gases in and out of leaf and how water is lost from the leaf. There are more stomata on the lower surface of the leaf.
When does gas exchange happen
Explain gas exchange in a plant
Carbon dioxide diffuses into the cells found within the leaf to help carry out the process of photosynthesis, whilst oxygen is released from these cells as a product of photosynthesis.
How are plants adapted to carry put photosynthesis
Broad leaves provide a large
surface area to trap sunlight Thin leaves provide a short diffusion pathway for gases
to move into and out of cells Network of xylem tubes to transport water from roots to leaves for photosynthesis and phloem vessels to transport sugary water made in
photosynthesis to the rest of the plant Chloroplasts have a green substance called chlorophyll, which absorbs energy from
the sun for photosynthesis Extensive roots to absorb water from soil, needed
for photosynthesis
What is the word equation for photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide + Water ―› Glucose + Oxygen
Photosynthesis is a process that occurs in the leaves of a plant and needs both chlorophyll and light energy.
Where does photosynthesis take place
Inside plants cells in small objects called chlorophlasts
What do chloroplasts contain
What does chlorophyll do
Absorbs light energy needed to make photosynthesis happen
Plants and algae can on,y carry photosynthesis
In light of
Where do plants get everything they need to preform photosynthesis
Plants get carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves, and water from the ground through their roots. Light energy comes from the Sun.
What are th after products of photosynthesis
The oxygen produced is released into the air from the leaves. The glucose produced can be turned into other substances, such as starch and plant oils, which are used as an energy store. This energy can be released by respiration.
What are the 3 things needed for photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide
Light (a source of energy)
What are the things that plants make by photosynthesis:
What do plants need for photosynthesis that is absorbed through their roots?
Water and nutrients
What do plants need for photosynthesis that is absorbed through their roots?
it wilts
What is the method for light necessary for photosynthesis
De-starch the plant by placing it in the dark for 48hrs. This will mean it will use up all its starch reserves so that any starch produced will be as a result of the experiment.
Using tinfoil cover half the surface of a leaf from a normal plant.
Leave under the light for 2-3 days.
Carefully cut your leaf from the plant, and another leaf from a variegated geranium.
Use forceps to dip both leaves into a beaker of boiling water for about 30s. This stops the chemical reactions in the cells of the leaf.
Place the leaves into separate boiling tubes. Pour enough alcohol into each boiling tube to cover the leaves. TURN OFF the Bunsen burner as ethanol is flammable
Put the tubes into your beaker of boiled water. It will still be very hot. Leave for about 10 minutes. Observe what happens to the alcohol and the leaves.
Remove each leaf with forceps. Dip them in the hot water to soften them.
Place the leaves on a white tile. Add a few drops of iodine solution to each leaf. If photosynthesis has occured the iodine will change colour from yellow/brown to blue/black
Where was there no colour change
There was no light
What colour change occurred where light was exposed
Blue/black with iodine where the leaf has been exposed to light and photosynthesised
What were the results were from variegated leaf
no colour change where no chlorophyll
Blue/black with iodine where the leaf has been exposed to light chlorophyll is present and photosynthesised producing starch
What do plants do surfing the day
plants carry out photosynthesis and respiration.
What happens plants at night
At night plants only respire, as there is no light for photosynthesis
Why is respiration is essential to plants
because it is the process by which ENERGY is released from the glucose produced during photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis word equation
Carbon Dioxide + Water ―› Glucose + Oxygen
Respiration equation
Glucose + Oxygen ―› Carbon Dioxide + Water + energy
Why do plants not photosynthesise at night
there is no sunlight at night so the plants cannot photosynthesise
Why do they still respire at night
Because oxygen is still at night. still respire so oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is produced.
What are plants like a midday
The light intensity is at a high. the rate of photosynthesis is faster than the rate of respiration. This means more carbon diodixe is needed in photosynthesis than is being produced bu the plant in respiration.
What are plants like at dusk/dawn
the rate of photosynthesis and respiration are equal.
Compensation point
the carbon dioxide produced in respiration equals that used in photosynthesis
When do plants respire
Plants respire all the time whether it dark or light
What happens gas exchange when the the rate of photosynthesis is higher than respiration
Carbon dioxide moves into the leaves and oxygen leaves via the stomata
What happens gas exchange when there is no photosynthesis
only respiration happens and oxygen moves into the leaves and carbon dioxide exits the leaves via the stomata.
Hydrogen carbonate indicator is usually
If carbon dioxide is added to it, it becomes
Orange or YELLOW
If carbon dioxide is removed from it, then it changes
To purple
large SA (surface area)absorbs the sunlight for photosynthesis
transports water and minerals up the plant to the leaves and sugars (made in photosynthesis) up and down the plant
large surface area (root hair cells) to absorb minerals and water from the soil