Planning Process Flashcards
The concept of __________ is central to the notion of a cyclical process of planning.
founded on the principles of reasoning rather than simply on emotions or inspired guesswork.
is generally taken to mean that one seeks to obtain the maximum output for a certain input, or alternatively, to minimize the inputs required to obtain a certain output.
“Lens of Rationality”
Developing the plan is actually laying out the sequence of events that have to occur for you to achieve your goal.
a means of developing
policies and programs to
fulfill diverse needs and goals.
Planning Process
The process boils down to two
main parts
Elaboration of ends
Specification of means
“the process of determining goals and designing the means by which these goals may be achieved.”
Robert Young
can be viewed as an approach to
problem solving. It provides a systematic way of viewing problems and developing short- and long-term solutions. It can also be viewed as a decision-making process used to help guide decisions concerning future needs.
all significant options and impacts are considered
the process should not waste time or money
people affected by the plan have the opportunity to get involved
results are understood by stakeholders (people affected by a decision)
individual, short-term decisions should support strategic, long-term decisions
each step leads to the next
everybody involved understands how the process operates
He wrote the amoral philosophy of expediency in The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli
What is the correct ethics in The Prince
The ends and the means have to justify each other.
Consistency and connectedness between intention and action
Compatibility between goals and methods
elaboration of means
• prediction of consequences
Technical Exercise
under the rational approach The planner is required to consider all the alternatives and consequences of these.
a means to allocate resources in the most efficient manner within a comprehensive framework
Allocative mechanism