LESSON 1.2 Flashcards
Laws of the Indis
King Philip II
“Manufacturing City”
Industrial Revolution
• empowered to overly produce
• outgrowth of industrial revolution —> began in England
• steam engine - fuel wood
• Outputs: matches, sugar, textile, cotton
specializaed division of labor
• decline in mortality, higher population
= surplus of food
• machine production and heavy engineering
• air pollution; transport tech
• fixed capital and human resource
pera ay nasa lupa and properties
• rich resided at the periphery
Industrial Revolution
- Coketowns or Blacktownx
- planning had its roots in public health reforms (conceptualization of planning due to public health)
Charles Dickens
• proletariat
• self-employed = digital platform —> because nandito ang tao at traffic
• bourgeoisie
• feudal lords - may ari ng lupa
• owners of those with means of production
• bureaucracy
• the unemployed poor
Industrial Revolution
owners of the means of production
need to manage complex organization of production and distribution
John Snow (cholera); The Sanitary Condition of The Laboring Poor
• city level hygiene and sanitary
• health and well-being as an economic issue
Edwin Chadwick
Conservation and Parks Movement (CPM)
- father of american landscape architecture
- public parks and the enlargement of towns
Garden City Movement (GCM)
Ebenezer Howard
— combining ‘life in city’ and ‘life in province’
town + country + provincial
town + province
— Utopia (perfect)
— center: commercial area
• Letchworth and Welwyn
— small roads kasi hindi pinropromote yung cars
— houses are close to the streets
Ebenezer Howard (Garden City Movement)
OLMSTED (7) Park Design Principles
- scenery - dapat may open area
green spaces - suitability - geologic survey (soil)
- style - pastoral
- subordination - “art to conceal art ; walang overachieve or overelements
- separation - differentitation of activities
- sanitation - kalinisan mo (pagpumunta ka doon, maccleanse ka)
- service - can answer psychological challenges
Citty Beautiful Movement (CBM)
Daniel Burnham
City Beautiful Movement (CBM)
pursued Baroque aesthetics
“make no little plans, make big plans”
broad perspectives
masterplanner (large scope and broan time frame)
Boux art; Burnham; Utopian
Daniel Burnham (CBM)
Radiant City - skyscrapers
• the more dense, the less distance
• there will be a time of dead spaces
Le Corbusier
New Town Movement (NTM)
- Radburn, New Jersey
- dependent on cars
- reaction to overcongestion of Le Corbusier’s skyscraper cities = produced horizontal settlements
Clarence Stein (NTM)
Anti-thesis to compact development and transit oriented-development
• 10sq.km. (1000 has.) with all services and amenities of a small city
• Each family = 1 acre (4,050sq.m) + a helicopter
• Low density, car-oriented, freeways + feeder
roads, multi-nucleated
Broadacre city
New Town Movement (NTM)
- Broadacre city
- decentralization (overcongestion in US Cities)
Frank Lloyd Wright
an island of greens, bordered by homes and carefully skirted by peripheral automobile roads, each around open green spaces
New Town Movement (NTM)
- American planner, architect
- stipulated the elements of a regional plan
- superblock in New Town development in the US
- not successful= failed mobility
Henry Wright
Regional Planning Movement (RPM)
- Survey Analysis Plan
- Father of Regional Planning
- popularized the framework “folk work place”
- coined conurbation and city-regions (city is an organism)
Patrick Geddes (RPM)
Regional Planning Movement (RPM)
- places emotions, sensitivity, and ethics at the heart of civilization
- “society is dehumanized”
- city as ”theater of action”
- advocate
Lewis Mumford (RPM)
- response to CBM and GCM
- why not functional? puro na lang beautiful ~ City Functional Movement (CFM)
• utility infrastructure and on land use zoning rather than master planning - zoning ordinances
- zoning law control land use by municipal government
Edward Bassett (City Functional Movement)
City Functional Movement (CFM)
- “Ciudad Lineal”
City Functional Movement (CFM)
- created industrial utopias
• modern linear industrial city “Une Cite Industrielle”
- gave four zoning categories: leisure/recreation, industry, work, and transport (LWIT)
Tony Garnier (CFM)
an elongated urban formation running from Cadiz, Spain to Paris and the rest of Europe, up to St. Petersburg, Russia
Linear City
This is where the ff. happens:
- gentrification
- economic production was decentralized
- hollowing of core cities
- inflation boom
- Galactic City = Donut City
• amorphic sprawl = no shape and no form
= low-density fragmanted; fsdther than what pop. growth requires along the margin suburbanization
is a mode of urban renewal which entails up-scaling previously-blighted areas to attract new business and new occupants; the elite and their money would be motivated to return to the inner city (because of suburbanization)
Urban Renewal often leads to discrimination, gentrification (racism and segregation)
Dr. Martin Luther King
Instead of efficient = Advocacy Planning
Father of Advocacy Planning
- “public interest is not scientific but political”
- social justice and equity
Paul Davidoff (Advocacy Planning)
New Urbanism (Cultual heritage and consegarion)
- humanistic; fellow sense of surveillance and community (eyes on the street)
Jane Jacobs (petition letter) NUC
First modern eco-feminist who sparked environmental movement in us
Rachel Louise Carson (NUM)
Four factors in contemporary planning
- planning in the post- war period revealed deficiencies.
- The operation of physical planning proved to be insensitive to a range of social problems.
- The realization that planning was not the apolitical process that has been assumed.
- increasing desire of some groups to direct their own change
Neighborhood Unit
- certain radius for it to be neighborhood
- linked accessible to highway
Clarence Perry
• monumentalism and grandeur of reigning monarchs of the western world
• majestic boulevards characterized with huge open spaces
• Common architecture: üdesigns are luxuriant,
decorative portals, fronts, and gates, overloaded with unrestrained ornamentation