LESSON 2.1 Flashcards
Planning is necessary due to the __________________ of land use issues related to rights, displacement, control, and power, which are connected across institutions, communities, and individuals.
Land use issues are not isolated but connected to other concerns, such as rights and displacement.
Interconnectedness of Planning
1. The construction of Metro Manila’s BGC displaced informal settlers, highlighting the complex dynamics of control and
power in urban development.
2. The New Clark City Development required planning to address displacement concerns of Aetas and land use control.
Planning processes involve addressing a range of issues across different levels, from institutional to personal.
Complexity of Planning ; For example,
Coastal zoning in the Philippines needs to consider not just environmental aspects but also community livelihoods and
legal frameworks.
A structured and systematic approach to planning involves setting clear goals and formulating actionable steps.
For example, the draft National Land Use Act in the Philippines emphasizes structured land-use goals that align with
national development objectives.
Key Planning Questions
Planners must address questions like
1. “What is the goal?” and
2. “How can the problem be solved?”
For example, the goal of the Manila Bay Rehabilitation project was to restore water quality, and the approach involved multiple stakeholder engagements and infrastructure improvements.
Planning Areas
Planning occurs at various scales:
1. National (PDP)
2. Regional,
3. Subregional,
4. Provincial (Provincial
Physical Framework Plan)
5. City/Municipality (CLUP)
6. Site, and
7. Barangay ((Barangay Development
In the Philippines, national plans include the Philippine Development Plan, while city-level plans include Comprehensive
Land Use Plans (CLUPs) like those in Quezon City.
Legitimacy and
Authority in Planning
Legitimacy precedes authority and is essential for planners to recommend decisions that affect others.
For example, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in the Philippines derives legitimacy from legal mandates to regulate land use.
Planners have the authority to propose solutions due to their specialized knowledge.
Planners have professional expertise
For example, Environmental
planners proposed solutions to traffic congestion in Metro Manila using their expertise in transport planning.
Explain Bureaucratic Position
Planners’ formal role within government structures gives them the power to influence decisions.
For example, Planners within the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) implement housing policies nationwide.
Public or stakeholder participation in decision-making is essential.
Planning addresses individual actions that affect society at large.
Because in the end planning goes out for the masses, as they are the users that will very much be benefited and/or affected with the development that will arise.
Example: Zoning ordinances in Makati prevent particular businesses from setting up in residential areas.
Aggregate Self-interest
and its Consequences
The cumulative self-interest of different parties can lead to adverse community outcomes.
For example, Overfishing in Philippine coastal areas due to individual fishermen’s actions has depleted marine resources.
Planning is a ______________ mechanism of decision-making.
For example, the government’s Build, Build, Build program showcases top-down planning to prioritize infrastructure projects nationwide.
What are some constants of planning?
Planning focuses on housing, employment, waste management, transportation, and maintaining environmental balance.
Explain Driving forces, Moderating Forces,
and Mitigating Forces
Driving forces :
Moderating Forces:
and Mitigating Forces:
Driving forces propel change; moderating forces adjust or redirect change; and mitigating forces provide balance.
For example, economic growth drives urbanization in Metro Manila (driving force), but zoning laws (moderating force)
balance development with environmental conservation.
A framework for analyzing environmental problems by connecting drivers, pressures, state, impact, and responses.
DPSIR Framework (Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Responses)
Importance of Goals
Goals are essential as they provide direction, focus efforts, guide decision-making, and help evaluate progress.
Five Common Types of Goals
Legacy Goals
Mandated Goals
General Goals
Community Needs
Community Aspirations
These are leftover from previously adopted policies and are still followed.
Legacy Goals
Goals that are defined by national policy or legal mandates.
Mandated Goals
Generic goals address matters of public interest such as environmental quality or equity.
General Goals
Goals that respond to forecasts of population, economic, or environmental changes.
Example: Addressing the increasing population in the CALABARZON region with infrastructure expansion and housing programs.
Community Needs
Goals that come from participatory processes, reflecting the desires of the community.
Community Aspirations
What is the scope of planning?
Planning covers different sectors, levels of complexity, spatial areas, and approaches.
Example: National plans in the
Philippines incorporate sectoral concerns like housing, health, and environmental protection at different spatial levels.
What are the sectoral concerns of Planning
Three Pillars of Sustainability + institutional and infrastructural
Planning can be broken down into social, economic, environmental, institutional, and infrastructural concerns.
Explain the limits of planning
Planning faces both intrinsic and contextual limits.
Intrinsic limits are internal to the planning process or the planner, while contextual limits come from the external environment in which the planning occurs.
Example: Intrinsic limits exist due to uncertainties in predicting environmental impacts, while contextual limits arise due to political instability affecting long-term development plans in some regions.
Environmental Pollution and Protection
Environmental factors can limit planning effectiveness.
Example: Manila’s air quality problems make sustainable urban
planning difficult without addressing pollution control first.