Planning for Community Change Flashcards
T or F, health planning occurs on both an ongoing and episodic basis
true - always room for change/improvement - ongoing process
what is health planning
Process where problems are identified, priorities are selected
Objectives are set for development of programs based on health assessments/data
what are the biggest outcomes we hope for in health planning
disease prevention
health promotion
common themes of nat’l and international health plans
Health promotion and disease prevention
Addressing social determinants of health
Achieving health equity within the whole population
overall goal of health planning
achieving health equity within the whole population
what are the levels of health planning
National and State
what does the global level of health planning consist of
United Nations
what does the national/state level of health planning consist of
(Pa) State Dept of Health
US Dept of Health/Human Svcs
National Prevention Strategy
Healthy People 2020
What is the goal of the National Prevention Strategy
Americans are healthy throughout each stage of life
what is the community health improvement planning process
Involves all sectors of the community
CHA - conduct a community health assessment
Identify priorities for an action plan
Develop/implement a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
Guide future decisions/allocates resources
the timing of health planning depends on the
Responsibility of the planning agency
Type of assessment data
Nature of the health problem
the main thing in a community assessment
you have to have a key informant - go to person - familiar with community itself - conduct interviews
what are the different approaches a community assessment uses
Key informant interviews
Analysis of data on health status/behavior indicators
Community surveys
what is the systems theory
Allows for reciprocal exchange/flow of information, energy, resources and goods/services
Looks at human activity
Systems within the community are interdependent and interconnected - trickle down effect
when we work with the community we want to
define population of interest identify stakeholders/opinion leaders form coalitions (task force to implement plan)
what is the social-ecological model based on
general systems and health promotion theory
what is the social-ecological model
multiple determinants of health interact at different levels to affect health status of people, aggregates, or communities (inter-related)
what is the health impact pyramid
a framework for community health nurses when planning health promotion interventions at multiple levels
what are the stages of the health impact pyramid (bottom to top)
Socioeconomic factors Changing the Context to Make Individuals' Default Decisions Healthy Long-lasting Protective Interventions Clinical Interventions Education and Counseling