Correctional Health Nursing Flashcards
community nursing is knowing how to
pt. story/narrative
partnership - collaborating with patients
caring - compassion - competency - community
who is responsible for the change in the care model
baby-boomers - most informed
what are the new roles in the 21st century in community health nursing
prevention - teaching (pt education) community outreach - screenings active in politics - policy development innovators case mgmt school nursing - testimony in court - disease entities faith-based/parish nursing clinics - urgent cares
how long is avg hospital days
5 days - open heart
3 days - post craniotomy
the US has 4.5% of world population, but 25% of the worlds prisoners, T or F
True - 7% of are female
prisons are slated as the new “ghettos”, T or F
in America there are 2.3 million people incarcerated. T or F
True - 1 in 110
difference between jail and prison
jail - short term - county sheriff runs
prison - long term - state/fed govt runs
how much to run prisons per yr
80 billion
problems w/overuse of incarceration
cost discrimination unconstitutional conditions/confinement overcrowding aggravates crime problem
incarceration options (3)
mental health facilities
juvenile training schools
city/county jails (150.00/day) - 11 day avg stay
why do we need healthcare workers at county jails
Substance abuse issues (alcohol, drugs, smoking) w/d
what is probation
in lieu of incarceration, court administered program
behavioral contract, violation = jail time
5 types of probation/parole monitoring
regular, intensive, electronic, home detention, halfway house confinement
what is parole
post prison release
admin by executive branch
behavioral contract, violation = jail time
parole release decisions are based on
behavior while incarcerated severity of crime criminal history length of incarceration mental health stability victim input re-integration fxrs (housing, family, employment)
1 in 35 adults are under some form of correctional supervision. T or F
***why should you give a hoot about healthcare of inmates
85-95% of inmates will be released back to society - make sure they’re healthy (communicable diseases)
Things brought into prisons can cause an epidemic (confined space)
When we leave at end of day bring it into community causing an epidemic
number 1 way we avoid the spread of disease in/out of prisons
hygiene and hand-washing
number 1 concern of students go to the prison system
safety and how is it r/t community nursing
what does community health nursing have to do with nursing in prisons
microcosm - mirrored reflection of community outside the prison - the same illnesses and causes of death are the same in the prisons as the community - populations in prison grow old too
a lack of access to medical services is a violation of
civil rights - AMA created standard of care for correctional health - prisoners are still human
lowest level in community nursing (stigma)
nursing home
what is the number 1 thing you need to develop with a pt
trusting relationship
in prisons, prisoners views the nurse relationship as
stalemate, mistrust vs mistrust - inmate=knows you can’t be good - why would you ever chose this job - clearly your incompetent/nurse views pt as prisoner/liar
why don’t we admit inmates on Fridays
lower staff ratio
why don’t we pass out condoms in prison’s
promotes sexual behavior - spread of infectious disease in prisons is prevalent
prisons protect the public by
assuring safety on outside by keeping criminals confined on the inside
a prison is a community providing services like these
schools, places of worship, healthcare clinics (copay), gym, recreation, work (.50-.75/hr), laundry svcs
**number 1 factor to reduce/prevent recidivism (relapse into criminal behavior) is
nursing care - keeping people healthy/educating
primary goals of correctional facilities
security and a safe/humane environment
nursing practice in correctional facilities is controlled by
fed/state laws
number 1 concern in a prison
safety - officer must clear environment before treatment
who most commonly brings in contraband to prisons
wherever we work what is key as nurses
assessments and clinical reasoning