Planning Flashcards
What is a tree preservation order?
It’s a protection measure placed on specific tree or groups of trees on the basis of their landscape value.
What is an Article 4 Direction?
It’s the removal of development rights in areas of permitted development.
Whats the duration of the site notification for the public to respond, when a planning application is submitted?
21 days
Which agreement is relevant to proposed modifications to the existing highway network?
A section 278 agreement
What is an Environmental Statement?
It is the document that describes the findings of the EIA process.
Landscape architect inform only the Landscape and Visual Impact assessment only.
How long will it take for an LPA to decide on a planning application if there is an EIA included?
16 weeks
When talking about a section 278 agreement , which document is this section part of?
The Highways Act 1980
What is considered to be “development”
It’s the carrying out of building engineering or mining works on, in, over or under land
What is a Reserve Matter application?
It’s an application following an Outline planning application providing more details. SAALL - size -access -appearance -landscape -layout
How long is approval of a Full planning application valid for?
3 years
Who is responsible for AONB’s?
Natural England
What type of permission do you need in order to perform works on a Listed Building?
Building Consent
What is LPA ?
Local Planning Authority
- Planning committee made of elected members of the council
- it can be delegated to a planning officer
- if the case is sensitive and has many objections it can go to the secretary of state
In UK who does decide whether or not a building project can go ahead?
Town and Country Planning Act - 1990
What are the different types of Planning Application and when would you use them?
- Full planning - detailed planning application, containing all the details of the scheme
- Outline planning - broad scheme usually submitted to establish whether the development is acceptable
- Reserved matters - is unresolved elements of an outline application
What documents are needed to provide for Planning Application
Documents :
- complete application form
- the correct fee
- ownership certificates
- agricultural holdings certificates
- part 1 notice
- location plan (red line boundary)
- site plan
- drawings numbering for plans
- elevations
- section drawings
What is Planning System?
Planning is a mechanism for controlling and guiding the use of all land and building and the process of change in environmental use in the environment.
The principle of the planning system ensures that the right development happens in the right place at the right time
The structure of the planning system: UK
Primary Legislation – sets out primary and secondary legislation which sets out the basic framework within the planning system.
National Planning Policy – The Government sets out the basic objectives of the planning system and forms the framework.
Strategic (Regional) - Abolished in England, but London runs at a strategic level, through the Localism Act 2011
Local Development Plans (Local Plans) - are the main documents that guide development in a local authority area.
What is the primary planning legislation in the UK?
Town & Country Planning Act 1990
Planning Act 2008
Localism Act 2011
Explain the structure of the local planning authorities
County Council Level - are responsible for the Transport, Materials and Waste.
District Council Level - are responsible for most planning matters.
Parish Council Level - key role in commenting on planning applications.
What are the different types of planning applications?
Full planning application Outline application Reserve matters application TPO Listed Building Conservation
Explain plain the process of a planning application?
Pre-app discussions
Register application - with mandatory supporting information
Publicise Application - Notification & consultation with community & Statutory consultees (No less than 21 days)
Determinisation of application - 8 Weeks for Minor, 13 Weeks for Major, Major with EIA - 16 weeks
Planning decision - Granted, Granted with conditions or Refused
What is the purpose of an EIA?
It’s a process that identifies the environmental effects of development proposals, it aims to avoid, reduce, and offset any adverse impacts.
What is the process for an EIA?
Consists of 8 main sections:
- Screening
- Scoping
- Baseline
- Identification of effects
- Assessment of effects
- Mitigation
- Preparation of the ES
- Monitoring & Auditing
How would you advise a client if the application was refused planning?
They can amend the drawing to resolve the reason for refusal;
Or, they can make an application for an appeal;
Or, If they believe some information was over looked, they can make a request for Judicial review.
Who is Planning Inspectorate
The Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) will determine whether an appeal should be : Written, Hearing or Public enquiry.
They are an Executive Agency which serves the Department for Communities and Local Government in England and the National Assembly for Wales.
What are the different forms of appeal?
Planning Hearing
Public Inquiry
Explain the Written form of appeal:
- When the case can be assessed and understood from the appeal documents and a site inspection;
- With the complexity being relatively simplistic;
- A statement of case would be produced, no less than 3,000 words.