Places and Events Flashcards
Places and Events
the airport
el aeropuerto
Places and Events
the accident
el accidente
Places and Events
the apartment
el apartamento (pr: apart-ah-mento)
Places and Events
the bakery; pastry shop
la panadería
Places and Events
the bank
el banco
Places and Events
the bar
el bar
Places and Events
the beach
la playa
Places and Events
the birthday
el cumpleaños
Places and Events
the bookstore
la librería (libra-rEah)
Places and Events
the cafe
el café
Places and Events
the castle
el castillo
Places and Events
the cathedral
la cathedral (pr: kath-E-dral)
Places and Events
the center
el centro
Places and Events
the church
la iglesia
Places and Events
the concert
el concierto (pr: con-the-err’-to)
Places and Events
the continent
el continente (pr: con-te-nente)
Places and Events
the country
el país (pr: pie-ec)
Places and Events
the direction; the address
la dirección
Places and Events
the downtown; town
el centro
Places and Events
the event; incident; outcome; accident; crime
el suceso (pr: soo-seh’-soh)
Places and Events
the factory
la fábrica
Places and Events
the fort
el fuerte
Places and Events
the fortress
la fortaleza (pr: fort-al-Ezah)
Places and Events
the garden
el gardín
Places and Events
the gas station
la gasolinera
Places and Events
the grocery store
el almacén
Places and Events
the home
el hogar
Places and Events
the hospital
la hospital
Places and Events
the kingdom
el reino (pr: rAh-nO)
Places and Events
the library
la biblioteca
Places and Events
the market
el mercado
Places and Events
the metro stop
la parada del metro
Places and Events
the moon
la luna
Places and Events
the movie theater
el cine
Places and Events
the museum
el museo (mus-A-O)
Places and Events
the mosque
la meqzuita
Places and Events
the national park
el parque zoológico
Places and Events
the operating room
la sala de cirugía.
Places and Events
the parade
el desfile
Places and Events
the park
el parque nacional
Places and Events
the party
el fiesta (pr: fE-esta)
Places and Events
the pharmacy
la farmácia
Places and Events
the place
el lugar
Places and Events
the planet
el planeta
Places and Events
the playground
el parque infantil
Places and Events
the plaza
la plaza