House and Furniture Flashcards
House and Furniture
House and Furniture
the house
la casa
House and Furniture
the apartment
el apartamento
House and Furniture
the space
el espacio (pr: es-pah’-the-o)
House and Furniture
the room
el cuarto / la habitación
House and Furniture
the wall
la pared
House and Furniture
the interior
el interior
House and Furniture
the hallway
el vestíbulo
House and Furniture
the stairs
las escaleras
House and Furniture
the closet
el armario / el ropero / el clóset
House and Furniture
the carpet
la alfombra
House and Furniture
the faucet; tap
la llave (also: key)
House and Furniture
the floor
el piso
House and Furniture
the glass
el vidrio
House and Furniture
the painting; frame; scene; the square
el cuadro (pr: cuad-rO)
House and Furniture
the picture
la pintura
House and Furniture
the plant
la planta
House and Furniture
the backing tin
el molde (pr: mol-de)
House and Furniture
the tray
la bandeja
House and Furniture
the vessel; pot; jar
la vasija (pr: vas-e-hah)
House and Furniture
the vase
el vaso
House and Furniture
the window (inside)
la ventana
House and Furniture
the roof / the ceiling
el techo
House and Furniture
the pipe
la cañería
House and Furniture
the brick
el ladrillo
House and Furniture
the chimney
la chimenea
House and Furniture
the door
la puerta
House and Furniture
the exterior
el exterior
House and Furniture
the fence
la cerca
House and Furniture
the driveway
la entrada de coches
House and Furniture
the steps
el escalones
House and Furniture
the ladder
la escalera
House and Furniture
the rocking chair (horse rocking)
el caballo de balancing
House and Furniture
the rocking chair
la mecedara
House and Furniture
the mailbox
el buzón (pr: boo-thone)
House and Furniture
the swimming pool
la piscina
House and Furniture
the bench | pew
el banco (same: bank)
House and Furniture
the sidewalk
la acera
House and Furniture
the patio
el patio (pat-e-O)
House and Furniture
the wall (outside)
el muro
House and Furniture
the porch
el porche
House and Furniture
the sidewalk
la banqueta
House and Furniture
the parking lot
el estacionamiento
House and Furniture
the garage
el garaje
House and Furniture
the air conditioning
el aire acondicionado
House and Furniture
the heater
el calentador
House and Furniture
the fan
el ventilador
House and Furniture
the light
la luz
House and Furniture
the clock
el reloj
House and Furniture
the furniture
los muebles
House and Furniture
the chair
la silla
House and Furniture
the lamp
la lámpara
House and Furniture
the dump
el basurero
House and Furniture
the garbage can
cubo de la basura
House and Furniture
the garbage
la basura
House and Furniture
the living room
la sala
House and Furniture
the television
el televisión
House and Furniture
the radio
el rádio
House and Furniture
the stereo
el equipo de música
House and Furniture
the couch
el sofá
House and Furniture
the desk
el escritorio
House and Furniture
the piano
el piano
House and Furniture
the kitchen
la cocina
House and Furniture
the refrigerator
la refrijedora / la nevera
House and Furniture
the stove
la estufa
House and Furniture
the oven
el horno
House and Furniture
the microwave
el microonda (mi-cro-on-dah)
House and Furniture
the dishwasher
el lavaplatos
House and Furniture
the blender
la licuadora
House and Furniture
the dryer
la secadora
House and Furniture
the freezer
el congelador
House and Furniture
the fridge
el refrigerador / la nevera (nay-vey-rah)
House and Furniture
the toaster
el tostador
House and Furniture
the washer
la lavadora
House and Furniture
the frying pan
el sartén
House and Furniture
the lid
la tapa
House and Furniture
the sauce pan
la olla / la cacerola (ca-cer-ola)
House and Furniture
the water heater
el calentador de agua
House and Furniture
the kitchen sink
el fregadero
House and Furniture
the dining room
el comedor
House and Furniture
the table
la mesa
House and Furniture
the plate
el plato
House and Furniture
the cup
la taza
House and Furniture
the glass
el vaso
House and Furniture
the cutlery
el cubiertos
House and Furniture
the knife
el cuchillo
House and Furniture
the fork
el tenedor
House and Furniture
the spoon
la cuchara
House and Furniture
the bowl
el bol / el plato hondo
House and Furniture
the bathroom
el baño
House and Furniture
the bathtub
la bañera / la tina
House and Furniture
the mirror
el espejo
House and Furniture
the shampoo
el champú
House and Furniture
the shower
la ducha
House and Furniture
the sink
el lavamanos
House and Furniture
the soap
el jabón
House and Furniture
the toilet
el inodoro / el excusado / el wáter
House and Furniture
the toilet paper
el papel higiénico
House and Furniture
the bedroom
el cuarto
House and Furniture
the bed
la cama
House and Furniture
the blanket
la manta / la cobija / la frazada
House and Furniture
the iron
la plancha
House and Furniture
the alarm clock
el despertador
House and Furniture
the dresser
la cómoda
House and Furniture
the hanger
el colgador/el gancho
House and Furniture
the nightstand
la mesita de noche
House and Furniture
the pillow
la almohada
House and Furniture
the sheet
la sábana
House and Furniture
the mortgage
la hipoteca
House and Furniture
the rent
el alquiler
House and Furniture
to rent
alquilar / rentar
House and Furniture
to live
House and Furniture
to rest
House and Furniture
to eat
House and Furniture
to sleep
House and Furniture
to relax
House and Furniture
to cook
House and Furniture
to shower
House and Furniture
to wash
House and Furniture
to dry
House and Furniture
to wakeup
House and Furniture
to dream
House and Furniture
within; inside
House and Furniture
House and Furniture
a través (de)
House and Furniture
in front of
House and Furniture
House and Furniture
informalmente (pr: infor-mal-mente)
House and Furniture
House and Furniture
in front of; before