Food and Drink Flashcards
Food and Drink
the alcoholic drink
la copa
Food and Drink
the beer
la cerveza
Food and Drink
the bottled water
el agua en botella; no gaseosa
Food and Drink
the coffee
el café
Food and Drink
the diet soda
la gaseosa de dieta / el refresco
Food and Drink
the drink
la bebida
Food and Drink
the juice
el jugo
Food and Drink
the liquor
el licor
Food and Drink
the milk
la leche
Food and Drink
the red wine
el vino tinto
Food and Drink
the tea; unsweeted
el té; no dulce
Food and Drink
the white wine
el vino blanco
Food and Drink
the wine
el vino
Food and Drink
the appetizer
el aperitivo
Food and Drink
the apple
la manzana
Food and Drink
the avocado
el aguacate
Food and Drink
the baked potato
la papa al horno
Food and Drink
the banana
la banana
Food and Drink
the beans
los frijoles
Food and Drink
the beef
la carne de res
Food and Drink
the bread
el pan; panes (pl)
Food and Drink
the breakfast
el desayuno
Food and Drink
the broccoli
el brócoli
Food and Drink
the butter
la mantequilla
Food and Drink
the cake
el pastel / la torta (tor-tah)
Food and Drink
the candy
el dulce / el caramelo
Food and Drink
the candy bar
la barra de dulce
Food and Drink
the caramel
el caramelo
Food and Drink
the cauliflower
la coliflor
Food and Drink
the celery
el apio
Food and Drink
the cheese
el queso
Food and Drink
the chicken
el pollo
Food and Drink
the chocolate
el chocolate
Food and Drink
the coconut
el coco
Food and Drink
the cookie
la galleta
Food and Drink
the corn
el maíz
Food and Drink
the corn on the cob
el maíz en la mazorca
Food and Drink
the dessert
el postre
Food and Drink
the dinner
la cena
Food and Drink
the egg
el huevo
Food and Drink
the fish (cooked)
el pescado
Food and Drink
the flour
la harina
Food and Drink
the food
la comida / alimento
Food and Drink
the french fries
las papas fritas
Food and Drink
the fruit
la fruta
Food and Drink
the grape
la uva
Food and Drink
the green beans
los frijoles verde
Food and Drink
the hamburger
la hamburguesa
Food and Drink
the honey
la miel
Food and Drink
the hotdog
el hotdog
Food and Drink
the ice
el hielo
Food and Drink
the ice cream
el helado
Food and Drink
the ice cream cone
el barquillo de helado
Food and Drink
the jam
la mermelada
Food and Drink
the jelly
la jalea
Food and Drink
the ketchup
el kéchup / el catsup
Food and Drink
the lemon
el limón
Food and Drink
the lettuce
la lechuga
Food and Drink
the lime
la lima
Food and Drink
the lollipop
el pirulí (pr: ped-oo-le)
Food and Drink
the lunch
el almuerzo
Food and Drink
the main dish
el plato / platillo principal
Food and Drink
the mashed potato
el puré de patatas
Food and Drink
the mayonnaise
la mayonesa
Food and Drink
the meat
la carne
Food and Drink
the mustard
la mostaza
Food and Drink
the nut
la nuez
Food and Drink
the orange
la naranja
Food and Drink
the onion
la cebolla (pr: ce-boy-a)
Food and Drink
the pasta
la pasta
Food and Drink
the peach
el durazno
Food and Drink
the peanut
el maní / el cacahuete
Food and Drink
the peanut butter
la mantequilla de maní
Food and Drink
the pea
el guisante
Food and Drink
the pear
la pera
Food and Drink
the pepper
la pimienta
Food and Drink
the pie
el pastel
Food and Drink
the piece
el pedazo
Food and Drink
the pineapple
la piña
Food and Drink
the popcorn
las palomitas de maíz
Food and Drink
the pork
el puerco
Food and Drink
the potatoes
las papas
Food and Drink
the raisin
la pasa
Food and Drink
the rice
el arroz
Food and Drink
rice and beans
arroz y frijoles
Food and Drink
the salad
la ensalada
Food and Drink
the salt
la sal
Food and Drink
the sandwich
el sándwich / el bocadillo
Food and Drink
the scallop
la vieira
Food and Drink
the seafood
el marisco
Food and Drink
the shrimp
el camarón
Food and Drink
the snack
el tentempié
Food and Drink
the snack; mouthful; bit
el bocado (pr: bo-cado)
Food and Drink
the soup
la sopa
Food and Drink
the steak
el filete
Food and Drink
the strawberry
la fresa
Food and Drink
the sugar
el azúcar
Food and Drink
the toast
la tostada (pr: tos-tah-dah)
Food and Drink
the tomato
el tomate
Food and Drink
the turkey
el pavo
Food and Drink
the type
el tipo
Food and Drink
the water
el agua
Food and Drink
the watermelon
la sandía
Food and Drink
the bag
la bolsa
Food and Drink
the bite
el mordisco (pr: mor- disco)
Food and Drink
the drink (large gulp)
el trago (pr: trah-go)
Food and Drink
the grocery store
almacén / la tienda de alimentación
Food and Drink
the liquor store
la tienda de bebidas alcohólicas
Food and Drink
the market
el mercado
Food and Drink
the pacifier
el chupete (pr: chew-pete)
Food and Drink
the paper towel
la toallita de papel
Food and Drink
the sip (small drink)
el sorbo (pr: sor-bo)
Food and Drink
the straw
la pajita (pr: pah-he-tah)
Food and Drink
the supermarket
el supermercado
Food and Drink
the vending machine
la máquina expendedora
Food and Drink
spicy (hot)
Food and Drink
seasoned with spices
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
sin azúcar
Food and Drink
free; for nothing
Food and Drink
podrido (m); podrida (f)
Food and Drink
fresco (m); fresca (f)
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
hot; warm
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
lleno (m); llena (f)
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
Food and Drink
frío (m); fría (f)
Food and Drink
few; little
poco (m); poca (f)
Food and Drink
just a little; a bit
Food and Drink
varios (m); varias (f)