Animals and Nature Flashcards
Animals and Nature
the animals
los animales
Animals and Nature
the bear
el oso
Animals and Nature
the beaver
el castor
Animals and Nature
the bird (edible)
el ave
Animals and Nature
the bird (non-edible)
el pájaro
Animals and Nature
the bull
el toro
Animals and Nature
the butterfly
la mariposa
Animals and Nature
the calf
el ternero
Animals and Nature
the camel
el camello
Animals and Nature
the cat
el gato/la gata
Animals and Nature
the cattle
el ganado
Animals and Nature
the chicken
la gallina
Animals and Nature
the chimpanzee
el chimpancé
Animals and Nature
the cow
la vaca
Animals and Nature
the deer
el venado
Animals and Nature
the dog
el perro/la perra
Animals and Nature
the donkey
el burro/la burra
Animals and Nature
the dragon
el dragon
Animals and Nature
the duck
el pato/la pata
Animals and Nature
the eagle
la águila
Animals and Nature
the elephant
el elefante
Animals and Nature
the fish (non-edible)
el pez
Animals and Nature
the fish (edible)
el pescado
Animals and Nature
the fox
el zorro
Animals and Nature
the frog
la rana
Animals and Nature
the goat
la cabra
Animals and Nature
the goose
el ganso/la gansa
Animals and Nature
the gorilla
el gorila
Animals and Nature
the herd
el rabaño
Animals and Nature
the hippopotamus
el hipopótamo
Animals and Nature
the horse
el caballo
Animals and Nature
the hyena
la hiena
Animals and Nature
the kangaroo
el canguro
Animals and Nature
the kitten
el gatito
Animals and Nature
the leopard
el leopardo
Animals and Nature
the lion
el lión
Animals and Nature
the llama
la llama
Animals and Nature
the monkey
el mono
Animals and Nature
the mouse
el ratón
Animals and Nature
the penguin
el pingüino
Animals and Nature
the pet
la mascota
Animals and Nature
the pig
el cerdo/la cerda
Animals and Nature
the pony
el poni
Animals and Nature
the puppy
el perrito/el cachorro
Animals and Nature
the rabbit
el conejo/la coneja
Animals and Nature
the rat
la rata
Animals and Nature
the rhino
el rinoceronte
Animals and Nature
the rooster
el gallo
Animals and Nature
the sheep
la oveja
Animals and Nature
the skunk
la mofeta
Animals and Nature
the snake (small)
la culebra
Animals and Nature
the snake (big)
la serpiente
Animals and Nature
the squirrel
la ardilla
Animals and Nature
the swan
el cisne
Animals and Nature
the tiger
el tigre
Animals and Nature
the toad (water frog)
el sapo (pr: sap-oh)
Animals and Nature
the turtle
la tortuga
Animals and Nature
the whale
la ballena
Animals and Nature
the wolf
el lobo
Animals and Nature
the zebra
la cebra
Animals and Nature
the type
el tipo
Animals and Nature
the amphibious
el anfibio (pr: an-fE-bEO)
Animals and Nature
the carnivore
el carnívoro (pr: car-nEh-vorO)
Animals and Nature
the herbivorous
el herbívoro (pr: her-bE-voro)
Animals and Nature
the ghoul (eat dead animals)
el necrófago (pr: neck-rrO-fah-gO)
Animals and Nature
the insect
el insecto
Animals and Nature
the mammal
el mamífero
Animals and Nature
the reptile
el reptil; reptiles (pl) (pr: rep-tEl)
Animals and Nature
vivo (m); viva (f)
Animals and Nature
hermoso (m); hermosa (f)
Animals and Nature
big or large
grande (a/ noun)
Animals and Nature
common; ordinary
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
muerto (m); muerta (f) (pr: moo-err’-to; tah)
Animals and Nature
doméstico (pr: dO-meh-sticO)
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
grande (b/ noun); gran (single noun)
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
medium sized
mediano (m); mediana (f)
Animals and Nature
nice; pleasant
simpático (m); simpática (f)
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
ruidoso (pr: rruid-O-sO)
Animals and Nature
pequeño (m); pequeña (f)
Animals and Nature
feo (m); fea (f)
Animals and Nature
poco uncommon
Animals and Nature
salvaje (pr: sal-vah-hE)
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
the air
el aire
Animals and Nature
the bush
el arbusto
Animals and Nature
the cliff
el precipicio
Animals and Nature
the cloud
la nube
Animals and Nature
the cloud forest
el bosque de la nube
Animals and Nature
the desert
el desierto
Animals and Nature
the earth; land
el tierra
Animals and Nature
the field/meadow
el campo
Animals and Nature
the flower
la flor
Animals and Nature
the fog
la niebla
Animals and Nature
the forest
el bosque
Animals and Nature
the garden / the yard
el jardín
Animals and Nature
the garden (vegetable)
la huerta
Animals and Nature
the grass (lawn)
el césped/el pasto
Animals and Nature
the hail
el granizo
Animals and Nature
the hay
el heno
Animals and Nature
the herb
la hierba
Animals and Nature
the hill
la colina
Animals and Nature
the jungle
la jungla
Animals and Nature
the lake
el lago
Animals and Nature
the leaf
la hoja
Animals and Nature
the lightning
el relámpago
Animals and Nature
the mangrove swamp
el mangle
Animals and Nature
the mountain
la montaña
Animals and Nature
the mountain range
la sierra
Animals and Nature
the ocean
el océano
Animals and Nature
the plant
la planta
Animals and Nature
the pond
la charca
Animals and Nature
the rain
la lluvia
Animals and Nature
the rainbow
el arco iris
Animals and Nature
the rainforest
la selva
Animals and Nature
the river
el río
Animals and Nature
the rose
el rosal
Animals and Nature
the sand
la arena
Animals and Nature
the sea
el mar
Animals and Nature
the seaweed
la alga marina
Animals and Nature
the shore
la orilla
Animals and Nature
the sky
el cielo (pr: cE-el-oh)
Animals and Nature
the soil
el suelo
Animals and Nature
the snow
el nieve
Animals and Nature
the species; kind; sort
la especie (pr: es-pay’-c-ay)
Animals and Nature
the sun
el sol
Animals and Nature
the sunset
la puesta de sol
Animals and Nature
the tide
la marea
Animals and Nature
the tree
el árbol
Animals and Nature
the violet (flower)
el violeta
Animals and Nature
the volcano
el volcán
Animals and Nature
the waterfall
cascada/ las cataratas
Animals and Nature
the wave
la onda
Animals and Nature
the weed
la hierba mala
Animals and Nature
the weather
el Tiempo
Animals and Nature
the wind; course
el viento (pr: byen’-toh)
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
Animals and Nature
to touch
Animals and Nature
to smell