Family and People Flashcards
Family and People
the acquaintance
el conocido (m); la conocida (f)
Family and People
the adult
el adulto (m); la adulta (f)
Family and People
the aunt
la tía
Family and People
the baby
el bebé
Family and People
the boy
el niño
Family and People
the boyfriend
el novio
Family and People
the bride; girlfriend
la novia (pr: no-via)
Family and People
the brother
el hermano
Family and People
the brother-in-law
el cuñado
Family and People
the companion
Family and People
the couple (man&women); pair; partner
la pareja
Family and People
the cousins
los primos
Family and People
the crowd; large number
la multitud
Family and People
the dad
el papa
Family and People
the daughter
la hija
Family and People
the daughter-in-law
la nuera
Family and People
the family
la famila
Family and People
the father
el padre
Family and People
the father-in-law
el suegro
Family and People
the female
la hembra (pr: em-brah)
Family and People
the fiancé
el prometido
Family and People
the friend
el amigo
Family and People
the gender
el género (pr: hay-nay-ro)
Family and People
the gentleman
el caballero (pr: cab-ah-yero)
Family and People
the girl
la niña
Family and People
the girlfriend
la novia
Family and People
the grandchild
el nieto/ la nieta
Family and People
the grandma
la abuela
Family and People
the grandpa
el abuelo
Family and People
the grandparents
los abuelos
Family and People
the group
el grupo
Family and People
the husband
el marido
Family and People
the lady
la dama (pr: dah’-mah)
Family and People
the lover
el amante
Family and People
the male; brave; manly
el macho (pr: mah-cho)
Family and People
the married
el casado (m); la casada (f) ( (pr: cas-adah)
Family and People
the mom
la mamá
Family and People
the mother
la madre
Family and People
the mother-in-law
la suegra
Family and People
the nephew
el sobrino
Family and People
the niece
la sobrina
Family and People
the older child
el muchacho (m); la muchacha (f)
Family and People
the pedestrian
el peatón (pr: pay-ah-ton)
Family and People
the people
la gente
Family and People
the person
la persona
Family and People
the public
el pública (pr: poo-blica)
Family and People
the relationships
las relaciones
Family and People
the sister
la hermana
Family and People
the sister-in-law
la cuñada
Family and People
the son
el hijo
Family and People
the son-in-law
el yerno
Family and People
the uncle
el tío
Family and People
the wife
la esposa
Family and People
the young man/woman
el joven (m); la joven (f)
Family and People
to marry
Family and People
to divorse
Family and People
to die
Family and People
to be born
Family and People
to love
Family and People
absurd; nonsensical; ridiculous; ludicrous
Family and People
all; everyone
todos (m); todas (f)
Family and People
Family and People
ashamed; embarrassed
avergonzado (m); avergonzada (f)
Family and People
aburrido (m); aburrida (f)
Family and People
Family and People
compassionate; sympathetic; merciful
Family and People
dear; loved
querida (pr: car-eda)
Family and People
disabled; handicapped
Family and People
foreign; alien
Family and People
Family and People
irracional (pr: ee-rah-cee-oh-nahl’)
Family and People
nice; pleasant
simpático (m); simpática (f)
Family and People
Family and People
patri_tico (pr: pah-tryo’-tee-koh)
Family and People
orgulloso (m); orgullosa (f)
Family and People
Family and People
Family and People
gemelo (m); gemela (f)
Family and People
upset; displeased; unhappy; angry
disgustado (pr: dees-goo-stah’-doh)