Misc Nouns Flashcards
Misc Nouns
the number
el número
Misc Nouns
the leg (animal)
la pata
Misc Nouns
the wing
la ala
Misc Nouns
the hoof (of horse)
el casco
Misc Nouns
the snout (nose)
el hocico
Misc Nouns
the background
el fondo
Misc Nouns
the heat; warmth
el calor
Misc Nouns
the truth
la verdad
Misc Nouns
the english
la inglés
Misc Nouns
the spanish
el español / el castellano
Misc Nouns
the photography
la fotografía / la foto
Misc Nouns
the snow
la nieve
Misc Nouns
the conversation
la conversación
Misc Nouns
the position (on)
el puesto
Misc Nouns
the fire
el fuego / la lumber / el incendio
Misc Nouns
the smoke; steam; fumes
el humo
Misc Nouns
the flame
la llama
Misc Nouns
the funeral
el funeral
Misc Nouns
the medal
la medalla
Misc Nouns
the movie; film
la película
Misc Nouns
the piece
el pedazo (pr: pe-dazo)
Misc Nouns
the part
el parte
Misc Nouns
the majority; most
la mayoría
Misc Nouns
the center
el centro
Misc Nouns
the problem
el problema
Misc Nouns
the figure (shape)
la figura (pr: fe-goo’-rah)
Misc Nouns
the ditch; trench
la zanja (pr: cah-yeh-hon)
Misc Nouns
the letter
la carta
Misc Nouns
the spot
la mancha
Misc Nouns
(the) just around; turn; return; short walk; lap
la vuelta
Misc Nouns
the corner
la esquina
Misc Nouns
the stop
la parada
Misc Nouns
the last (month)
el (mes) pasado
Misc Nouns
the idea
la idea (pr: idaya
Misc Nouns
the class
la clase (pr: clah’-say)
Misc Nouns
the recipe
la receta (pr: ray-thay’-tah)
Misc Nouns
the cure; recovery; treatment
la cura (pr: koo’-rah)
Misc Nouns
the favorite
el predilecto (pr: preh-dee-lehk’-toh)
Misc Nouns
the use
el uso (pr: ooh’-soh)
Misc Nouns
the honor; respect; pride; good name; award;
el honor (pr: oh-nor’)
Misc Nouns
the division; partition; space; gap; separation
la separación (pr: se-pa-rei-shon)
Misc Nouns
the will; whim; fancy
el albedrío (pr: al-bay-dree’-o)
Misc Nouns
the peace; calm; tranquility
la tranquilidad (pr: tran-kee-lee-dahd)
Misc Nouns
the treatment
el tratamiento (pr: trah-tah-me-en’-to)
Misc Nouns
the comprehension; understanding
la comprensi_n (pr: kohm-prehn-see-ohn’)
Misc Nouns
the apology; excuse
la disculpa (pr: dees-kool’-pah)
Misc Nouns
the complaint; moan; groan
la queja (pr: kay’-hah)
Misc Nouns
the piece; part
la pieza (pr: pe-ay-za)
Misc Nouns
the shape; form; way
la forma (pr: for-mah)
Misc Nouns
the container
el recipiente (pr: ray-ce-pe-en-tay)
Misc Nouns
the age
la edad (pr: ay-dahd)
Misc Nouns
the luck; destiny; fate; fortune
suerte (pr: swer-tay)
Misc Nouns
the care
el cuidado (pr: coo-e-dah’-do)
Misc Nouns
the reason
la razón (pr: rah-thone’)
Misc Nouns
the trip
el viaje (pr: ve-ah’-hay)
Misc Nouns
the dream
el sueño (pr: soo-ay’-nyo)
Misc Nouns
the sample
la muestra (pr: moo-ays-trah)
Misc Nouns
the call
la llamada (pr: lyah-mah-dah)
Misc Nouns
the tennis
el tenis
Misc Nouns
the help
la ayuda (pr: ah-you-dah)
Misc Nouns
the lid
la tapa (pr: tah-pah)
Misc Nouns
the clean
la limpia (pr: limp-e-ah)
Misc Nouns
the difference
la diferencia (pr: dif-er-en-cia)
Misc Nouns
the rain
la lluvia (pr: yo-via)
Misc Nouns
the sport
el deporte (pr: de-porte)
Misc Nouns
the punch
el puñetazo (pr: poo-nye-tazo)
Misc Nouns
the closed
la cerrada
Misc Nouns
the hole
el hueco (pr: wa-co)
Misc Nouns
the plan
el plan; planes (pl)
Misc Nouns
the invitation
la invitación (pr: in-vit-ta-cioon)
Misc Nouns
the surprise
la sorpresa (pr: sor-pres-ah)
Misc Nouns
the light
la luz (pr: looz)
Misc Nouns
the maximum
la máxima (pr: max-e-mah)
Misc Nouns
the complement
el complemento
Misc Nouns
the page
la página (pr: pah-hina)
Misc Nouns
the line
la línea (pr: le-neah)
Misc Nouns
the letter; handwriting
la letra (pr: let-tra)
Misc Nouns
the clear
la clara (pr: clar-ra)
Misc Nouns
the response; answer; reply
la respuesta (pr: res-puesta)
Misc Nouns
the end
el final (pr: fe-nal)
Misc Nouns
the line; row
la fila (pr: fe-lah)
Misc Nouns
the specialty
la especialidad (pr: es-pec-ial-idad)
Misc Nouns
the program
el programa (pr: pro-gram-ah)
Misc Nouns
the symbol
el símbolo (pr: sim-bo-lo)
Misc Nouns
the peace
la paz (pr: pah-z)
Misc Nouns
the agreement
el acuerdo (pr: ah-querdo)
Misc Nouns
the noise
el ruido (pr: rwead-o)
Misc Nouns
the whisper
el susurro (pr: sus-ur-ro)
Misc Nouns
the shout; scream; cry
el grito (pr: grit-o)
Misc Nouns
the detail
el detalle (pr: de-tah-yah)
Misc Nouns
the speech
el discurso (pr: dis-cur-so)
Misc Nouns
the poetry
la poesía (pr: po-ah-seah)
Misc Nouns
the favor
el favor (pr: fah-vor)
Misc Nouns
the news
las noticias (pr: no-te-se-is)
Misc Nouns
the opinion
la opinión (pr: opin-yon)
Misc Nouns
the question
la pregunta (pr: pre-goon-tah)
Misc Nouns
the success
el éxito (pr: exit-oh)
Misc Nouns
the delay
el retraso (pr: re-tras-o)
Misc Nouns
the schedule
el horario (pr: or-ar-eo)
Misc Nouns
the circle
el círculo
Misc Nouns
the square
el cuadrado (m); la cuadrada
Misc Nouns
the rectangle
el rectángulo
Misc Nouns
the triangle
el triángulo