Placenta and umbilical cord registry review Flashcards
Normal placenta
-2 to 4cm thick
-Normal function as excretory organ
-Exchange gas and waste with nutrients and oxygen
-Means of nutrition and respiration
Maternal side of placenta
Decidua basalis or basal plate. Maternal vessels enter intervillous spaces where the exchanges occur
Fetal side of placenta
Chorion frondosum or chorionic plate which contains extensions called chorionic villi
Functional unit of placenta
Lobes of chorionic villi termed cotyledons
Bilobed placental variant
2 discs of equal size joined together by an isthmus of placental tissue (connects 2 lobes)
Accessory lobe/succenturiate lobe variant
Additional small lobe separate from main placental mass but connect by vascular connections
*NO placental tissue connection
Circumvallate variant
Curled up placental contour appearing as a shelf. Curled edges, do not lay flat or smooth along wall
-Increased risk of abnormal placental development and future abruption
Venous lakes/maternal lakes/placental lakes/lacunae variant
Pools of maternal venous blood. Sonolucent areas within placental mass
-Won’t fill with color
-“Swirling” in B mode
Placental grading
Placenta should be age appropriate
-Advance maturation indicates maternal complications leading to insufficiency and asymmetrical IUGR
Grade 0 placenta
Homogenous, smooth echotexture. No indentations in chorionic plate, smooth borders
-1st trimester to early 2nd trimester
Grade 1 placenta
Subtle indentations in chorionic plate, small random hyperechoic foci
-2nd to early 3rd trimester
*normal for anatomy scan
Grade 2 placenta
Large comma-like indentations alter chorionic plate, larger calcifications in basal plate
-Late 3rd trimester
Grade 3 placenta
Complete indentations chorionic to basal plate. Irregular calcifications with shadowing. Related to drug abuse and preeclampsia. May cause IUGR in early gestation
-Post dates/advanced
Asymmetrical IUGR
Poor placental health. Fetus isn’t getting enough oxygen, nutrients and growth will be affected. Brain will shunt more blood to itself
The arteries feeding the placenta may have increased resistance patterns. Includes uterine and umbilical artery
Placenta previa
Placenta is implanted within the LUS and covers or is near the internal os
-Increased risk with advanced maternal age, hx of c section, multiparty
-ONLY diagnosed 20 weeks+ due to possible migration
*MOST likely cause of painless vaginal bleeding in 2nd/3rd trimester
May result in false positive placenta previa
Overly distended bladder or LUS contraction
*Best to scan with empty bladder or soft touch TV
Complete previa
Internal os is completely covered by placental tissue
Marginal previa
Edge of placenta touches internal os
Low-lying placenta
edge of placenta is within 2cm of internal os
Abnormal adherence of placenta to myometrium
Increased risk of accreta
Hx of multiple c sections and/or uterine surgery
-Scarring causes the disruption of the basal plate, special LUS placental location with a hx of multiple c sections
Sonographic appearance of placenta accreta
Loss of basal plate or myometrial/serous layer, multiple placental lacunae, and increased peripheral vascularity
Placenta accreta
Adhered to wall
*MOST common
Placenta increta
Invades myometrium