Pituitary Flashcards
What is the relationship between dopamine and prolactin?
Dopamine inhibits prolactin synthesis and release from the anterior pituitary
What hormone release from the hypothalamus decreases the release of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary?
List the three cell types found in the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary)
Acidophils - stains red
Basophils- stains blue
Chromophobes- stains clear
All three grow together, and clusters are separated by a reticulin network
List the cell types present in the neurohypophysis
The neurohypophysis resembles neural tissue- it has glial cells, nerve fibers, nerve endings, and intra-axonal neurosecretory granules
What is the most common cause of hyperpituitarism?
Functional anterior pituitary adenoma
Functional indicates they are actively secreting hormone
Differentiate micro vs macroadenomas
microadenoma: <1cm
macroadenoma: >1cm
Which is the most common kind of pituitary adenoma?
Lactrotrophs- secretes Prolactin
What is the second and third most common hormones secreted from pituitary adenomas?
2- GH
What are the classic mass effect symptoms caused by pituitary adenomas?
Bitemporal hemianopsia (with macroadenoma)
…also headaches
Do functional or non-function adenomas tend to be larger upon presentation?
Non-functional, because the only symptoms are caused by mass-effect
MEN 1 includes neoplasms of what three structures?
parathyroid, pancreas, and pituitary
Are pituitary adenomas familial or sporadic?
95% sporadic
5% familial
What is the role of GNAS1 in many pituitary adenomas?
GNAS1 gene mutations –> constitutive activation of Gs protein –> unchecked cellular proliferation (ultimately through cAMP)
How do females present with a prolactinoma?
Infertility and amenorrhea (prolactin inhibits LH surge)
Women present earlier because they realize they’re no longer menstruating regularly
How do males present with a prolactinoma?
Infertility and impotence
Name two drugs that are used to treat prolactinomas
Dopamine agonists: bromocriptine and cabergoline
How are macroadenomas of the pituitary treated?
Surgical resection
What cell type is responsible for the production of growth hormone?