Physiology of Micturition & Assessment of Renal Function, Urea, Creatinine and GFR Flashcards
Important to be able to assess renal function because of its central role in homeostasis. Ability to measure GFR is particularly useful in 2 clinical situations, what are they?
- In patients with renal disease, progression of the underlying disease process results in nephron destruction and decreased nephron function
Total GFR = sum of all filtration by functioning nephrons so progression of disease would be indicated by the reduction in GFR
- Many drugs eg digitalis and many antibiotics are removed from the body by excretion by filtration. When GFR falls, excretion falls so that [drug] in plasma may rise causing toxicity. Therefore may need to adjust dose appropriate to decrease in renal function
how do you measure GFR?
Plasma clearance tests are used to measure renal function
They measure the ability of the kidney to clear the plasma of various substances
N.B. It is the plasma that is important NOT the urine
Clearance relates to a volume of plasma cleared NOT a quantity of substance removed from the plasma
what is the calculation used for plasma clearance?
Plasma clearance of X, CX= [UX] V/[PX]
units are mls/min
UX = Urine concentration of X,
V = urine flow rate,
PX = plasma concentration of X
The gold standard is inulin clearance, polyfructose, loading iv dose of inulin, allow time to equilibrate, then sample simultaneously plasma and urine (during a timed urine sample)
Inulin is freely filtered at the glomerulus and neither reabsorbed nor secreted. It is not metabolized by the kidney, nor does it interfere with normal renal function so inulin clearance is a measure of GFR
What is the GFR in the following 21 year old male?
UIN = 285 mg/dl
V = 1.1 mls/min
PIN = 2.5 mg/dl
Substances filtered and reabsorbed will have a lower clearance than inulin, why is this?
because [UX] will be less than if only filtered and [PX] higher. Substances filtered and secreted will have a higher clearance than inulin because [UX] will be higher and [PX] lower
what is the normal GFR?
GFR in “normal” man = 125mls/min. The magnitude correlates with surface area, but values in women are around 10% lower, even after correction for surface area. GFR declines by around 1ml/min/year after 30
is inukin used in clinical practice?
In clinical practice, inulin is no longer used, because too cumbersome, 51Cr-EDTA has been used instead, a suitable radioactive substance that is handled by the kidney in the same way as inulin
Now considered that GFR is usually too complex and expensive to measure
Takes several hours and requires injection of isotope 51Cr EDTA
what may be used to measure GFR instead?
Creatinine clearance: routinely used to estimate GFR
Creatinine is endogenous (breakdown produce of muscle creatine). Good agreement with inulin clearance
CCR = [UCR] V/ [PCR]
Therefore GFR = 1/[PCR], so plasma creatinine can be used to estimate GFR
what are factors tht may affect serum creatinine?
Muscle mass: athletes vs malnutrition
Dietary intake: creatine supplements vs vegetarians
Drugs: Some lead to spurious increases as does ketoacidosis
So: flawed measurement but nevertheless useful
Normal GFR is approximately 100mls/min/1.73m2
ie across range of adults and sexes, for kidney function and size, so may be expressed as a percentage of normal
what is the clearance of glucose?
what is the clearance of urea?
The organic anion para-amino-hippuric acid (PAH) is used to measure real plasma flow (RPF)
it is a carrier of penicillin
what is its clearance?
PAH is freely filtered at the glomerulus and then the PAH remaining in the plasma is actively secreted into the tubule so that > 90% of plasma is cleared of its PAH content in one transit of the kidney.
Therefore PAH clearance is a measure of all the plasma flowing through the kidneys in a given time = renal plasma flow around 660mls/min
summary showing renal handling of solutes
Urine flows from the kidneys to the ureters via ________ contraction of the smooth muscle of the ureters, they enter the bladder at an _______ angle (prevents reflux of urine)
Composition of urine does not _______ once it leaves kidneys
Bladder is a bag of smooth muscle, arranged in spiral, longitudinal and circular bundles
what is the msucle called?
detrusor muscle