Physiology: Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology (Textbook Questions) Flashcards

It states that E is correct but it is talking about C

28) A) Type 1a sensory ibers that innervate the stretch re-
ceptors of the muscle spindle travel in the appropriate
spinal nerve that provides both the sensory and motor
innervation of the muscle. he spinal nerves carry both
aferent and eferent ibers. he aferent ibers (which
contain the sensory ibers innervating the muscle spindle)
pass through the dorsal root. Cutting the dorsal root will
remove the aferent limb of the stretch relex arc.

Listed answer for 32 is for a different question
E) Broca’s aphasia typically involves an inability to
speak words correctly in the absence of any true paralysis
of the laryngeal or pharyngeal musculature.