Physiology Flashcards
M/C cause of CHF
Essential hypertension
2nd M/C cause of CHF
aortic stenosis
M/C cause of R-sided heart failure
L-sided heart failure
Lung condition assoc. w/ R-sided heart failure
Cor Pulmonale
Condition seen in early stages of CHF
Exertional dyspnea
Condition seen in later stages of CHF
Pitting edema of legs
M/C cause of liver failure
1st heart sound
AV valves closing during isometric contraction
2nd heart sound
semilunar valves closing
3rd heart sound
Ventricular filling. Normal in children. Abnormal in adults
4th heart sound
Ventricular filling, heard in diastole. Normal in athletes, abnormal in others
Name the 4 different types of murmurs
ARMS & PRTS Aortic Regurgitation Mitral Stenosis Pulmonic Regurgitation Tricuspid Stenosis
What is the largest layer of a artery?
Tunica Muscularis
Blood vessels that irrigate other blood vessels?
vaso varum
Greatest resistance to pressure is in what type of blood vessels?
Greatest cross-sectional area is in what type of blood vessels?
Coronary arteries dilate/constrict due to what?
Metabolic demand
What is normal blood pH?
What is the tetrology of Fallot?
(DRIP) Dextroposition (dextrorotation) of Aorta Right ventricular hypertrophy Interventricular septal defect Pulmonary stenosis
What law states that ant. spinal roots are motor & pos. spinal roots are sensory?
Bell Magende
This law states that at constant temp., gas volume is inverse to pressure
Boyle’s Law
This law states that at constant pressure, gas volume is proportional to absolute temp.
Charles’ Law
This is the minimum interval of time necessary to electrically stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber using twice the minimum current to elicit threshold response
This law(?) will give the membrane potential on the inside of a membrane when 2 univalent positive ions, Na+ & K+ & 1 univalent negative ion, Cl- are involved
This law states that gas solubility in a liquid is proportional to gas pressure
This law limits respiratory excursion via the Vagus nerve
Hering Breuer
This law states that the tension in an artery will be proportional to the radius of the vessel
LaPlace’s Law for arteries
This law states that ventricular pressure depends on muscular tension, size, & shape of the heart
LaPlace’s Law for the heart
This law states the potential level across a membrane exactly opposes net diffusion of particles through the membrane
Nernst Law(? don’t know if it’s a “law”)
What is the minimum electrical current of infinite duration to elicit a threshold response called?
This law states that cardiac output is equal to venous return
Starling’s law
This is when hemoglobin becomes more acidic binding w/ oxygen. Causes CO2 & H+ protons to be expelled into the aveoli. Part of the Bohr Effect
Haldane Effect
This lung volume is considered normal breathing (500ml). Fires Herring-Breuer reflex
Tidal Volume
This lung volume is forced inspiration (3000ml). Shuts off Herring-Breuer reflex
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
This lung volume is forced expiration (1100ml)
Expiratory Reserve Volume
This lung volume keeps the lungs from collapsing (1200ml)
Residual volume
This is a combination of IRV + TV (3500ml)
Inspiratory Capacity
This is a combination of ERV + RV (2300ml)
Functional Residual Capacity
This is a combination of IRV + TV + ERV or IC + ERV (4600ml)
Vital capacity
This is a combination of IRV + TV + ERV + RV (5800ml)
Total lung volume
What is air in the pulmonary tree not involved w/ gas exchange called?
dead space
Respiration is controlled by what nucleus?
Dorsal motor nucleus of Vagus
Muscle lengthens while it contracts
Muscle shortens while it contracts
Muscle contracts w/o joint movement on muscle lengthening
Muscle contracts w/ joint movement & constant weight
Muscle contracts w/ joint movement & constant weight/speed
AKA goblet cells in the lungs. Produce mucus, serves as a defense mechanism in case of noxious air
J cells
What is the apex of lung/cervical pleura called?
This creates the potential space for breathing. It’s inf. to the root of the lung.
Pulmonary lig.
Fluid in the lungs collects where?
Costodiaphragmatic recess
What is the best test for Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)?
How many renal pyramids are in one kidney?
How is the neurohypophysis connected to the hypothalamus?
Infundibulum (neural stalk)
What makes inhibin in females? Males?
Corpus leuteum; Sertoli cells
What is “growth hormone” for cartilage called?
Somatomedin (made in liver)
Which is more powerful, faster acting, & less abundant, T3 or T4?
Where is calcitonin made?
Parafollicular cells of thyroid