General Anatomy Flashcards
Strongest lig. in the ankle
Deltoid (med. malleolus –> tarsus)
Most commonly injured lig. in the ankle?
Lat. lig. (Lat. malleolus –> tarsus)
Lig. that maintains the longitudinal arch?
Spring AKA Plantar Calcaneonavicular
The Unhappy Triad is damage to what structures?
Med. meniscus
What structures make up the portal triad?
Hepatic Artery
Hepatic portal vein
Common bile duct
What connects the ciliary body w/ the crystalline lens of the eye?
Zonule of Zinn
How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton? Axial skeleton?
126; 80 (206 total)
What nerve controls extension of the thumb? Adduction? Flexion?
Ext = Radial Add = Ulnar Flex = Median
M/C fx carpal?
M/C fx subluxated carpal?
What spinal level is the root of the scapular spine located?
If you fx the surgical neck of the humerus, what nerve could you damage?
Axillary nerve
What nerve could you damage if you fx the shaft of the humerus?
Radial nerve
Lister’s tubercle is a locator for which carpal?
How many carpals are there?
What are the borders of the anatomical snuff box?
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis longus
Scaphoid = floor
What nerve passes through the tunnel of Guyon?
What nerve passes through the tarsal tunnel?
Medial Plantar Nerve (branch off tibial)
What arteries branch off the Celiac artery (trunk)?
L gastric
Common hepatic
What arteries branch off the inferior mesenteric artery?
L colic
Sup. rectal
What nerve passes through the lesser sciatic notch?
Pudendal nerve
What bears the weight of the body when seated?
Ischial Tuberosity
Where do the ilium, ischium, & pubis meet?
What nerve passes by the head of the fibula?
Common peroneal nerve
Which chamber of the heart makes up most of the ant. surface of the heart?
R Ventricle
Which chamber of the heart makes up most of the pos. surface of the heart?
L Atrium
What intercostal space is the apex of the heart located?
5th L intercostal space
What are the branches off the arch of the aorta?
L Common Carotid
L Subclavian
What arteries come off the brachiocephalic?
R Common carotid
R Subclavian
What are the branches off the External Carotid?
Sup. Thyroid (Save) Ascending pharyngeal (A) Lingual (Lady) Facial (Falling) Occipital (Out of a) Pos. auricular (Plane Superficial temporal (Super) Maxillary (Man)
What are the boundaries of the sup. mediastinum?
1st rib
sternal angle
T4-T5 disc
What % of saliva comes from the submandibular gland? parotid gland?
60-70%; 20-30%
Type of cells in the stomach that secrete HCL & IF?
Parietal AKA oxyntic
Type of cells in the stomach that secrete pepsinogen?
Chief AKA zymogenic
Hormone that stimulates hunger?
How long is the duodenum? Jejunum? Ileum?
~10 in.; ~8 ft; ~12 ft
What is are the folds in the small intestine called?
Plicae Circulare
Epithelial cells in the sm. intestine make what hormone?
CCK (Cholecystokinin)
What is responsible for expansion of the rectum & anus?
Columns of Morgagni
Largest gland in the entire body?
The L lobe of the liver is divided into what two lobes?
What causes the gallbladder to secrete bile?
Stimulation from CCK
What makes the common bile duct?
R & L Hepatic duct
Cystic duct
What are the 4 sinuses?
What marks the division of the trachea into primary bronchi?
Type of epithelial tissue that allows for gas exchange. Located in the alveoli & capillaries
Simple squamous
Type of epithelial tissue that provides protection. Located in digestive tract, skin, etc.
Stratified squamous
Type of epithelial tissue in small ducts & tubes for secretion & absorption; salivary glands, kidney tubules, pancreatic ducts
Type of epithelial tissue that absorbs & secretes mucous & enzymes in the GI Tract
Simple Columnar
Type of epithelial tissue that absorbs & secretes mucous & enzymes but also “beats” to push along particles. Located in small bronchi & uterine tubes
Ciliated columnar
Type of epithelial tissue that primarily secretes mucous & is ciliated to push mucous that is located in the respiratory tract
Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar
Type of epithelial tissue that specializes in distention. Located in the bladder, part of urethra & uterus
What part of the kidney are the renal pyramids located?
What is the pH of semen?
What cells make testosterone in a male?
Interstitial cells of Leydig
What hormone controls spermatogenesis?
What lig. anchors the ovaries medially to the uterus?
ovarian lig.
What lig. anchors the ovaries laterally to the pelvic wall?
Suspensory lig.
What lig. (strongest) supports the uterine tubes, uterus, & vagina?
Broad lig.
What is responsible for secreting estrogen in the 1st 1/2 of a woman’s monthly cycle?
Corpus Luteum
What hormone is secreted by the corpus luteum in the 2nd 1/2 of a woman’s cycle?
What hormone predominates in pregnancy?
What hormone causes ovulation?
What hormone maintains the corpus luteum?
What are the borders of the carotid triangle?
Ant.= Sup. belly omohyoid Pos. = SCM Sup = Pos. belly digastric
What are the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
Ant = Ant. belly digastric Pos = Pos. belly digastric Sup = Lower border of mandible
What are the borders of the triangle of auscultation?
Sup = Trapezius Inf = Lat. dorsi Lat = Scapula Floor = Rhomboid major
What are the contents of the quadrangular space?
Pos. circumflex humeral art.
Axillary nerve
What are the borders of the quadrangular space?
Sup = Teres Minor Inf = Teres Major Med = Long head of triceps Lat = Humerus
What are the contents of the triangular space AKA Axillary triangle?
Circumflex scapular art.
What are the borders of the triangular space AKA axillary triangle?
Sup = Teres minor Inf = Teres major Lat = Long head of triceps
This is used clinically as a point of tenderness in appendicitis?
McBurney’s point
What is located in the carpel tunnel?
Median nerve
Tendons of flexors of digits
What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
Femoral nerve & art.
Lat. femoral cutaneous nerve
Femoral canal
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Sup = Inguinal lig. Med = Adductor longus Lat = Sartorious
This is the location of direct inguinal hernias
Hesselbach’s triangle
What are the boundaries of Hesselbach’s Triangle?
Lat = Inf. epigastric art. Med = Rectus abdominis Inf = Inguinal lig.
What is the largest endocrine gland?
What produces melatonin?
Pineal gland
What vessel does the subclavian drain into?
What 3 veins drain into the axillary?
What major vein drains into the femoral?
Great Saphenous
What does the small saphenous drain into?
What is the longest muscle in the body?
What is the shortest muscle in the body?
What’s the name of a bone growing inside of a suture?
wormian bone
What is the nerve/blood supply of the ant. compartment of the thigh?
What is the nerve/blood supply of the med. compartment of the thigh?
Obturator nerve (Femoral & Obturator for pectineus) Obturator artery
What is the nerve/blood supply of the pos. compartment of the thigh?
Tibial nerve/Deep femoral art.
What is the nerve/blood supply of the lat. compartment of the thigh?
Sup. gluteal (TFL, Glut med, min)
Inf. gluteal (Glut max)/
Inf. gluteal art.
What is the nerve/blood supply of the ant. compartment of the leg?
Deep peroneal AKA Ant. tibial nerve/Ant. tibial art.
What is the nerve/blood supply of the pos. compartment of the leg?
Tibial nerve/Pos. tibial art
What is the nerve/blood supply of the lat. compartment of the leg?
Superficial peroneal AKA Fibular nerve/Ant. tibial, peroneal arts.
Largest & fewest taste buds. Located ant. to the sulcus terminalis
Smallest & most numerous taste buds. Not involved w/ taste.
Taste buds that are located on the side of the tongue
What are the contents of the carotid triangle?
Carotid arts.
Internal jugular v.
What are the contents of the submandibular AKA digastric triangle?
Salivary glands
Hypoglossal N.
Myohyoid N.
What are the contents of the muscular AKA inf. carotid triangle?
What are the contents of the suprahyoid AKA submental triangle?
Salivary glands & ducts
What are the contents of the occipital triangle?
Cervical plexus
Accessory nerve
What are the contents of the subclavian AKA supraclavicular AKA omoclavicular triangle?
Brachial Plexus Subclavian art. Transverse cervical art. Suprascapular a. Terminal part of external jugular v.
What are the 3 unpaired laryngeal cartilages?
What are the 3 paired laryngeal cartilages?
What is responsible for voice production in the larnyx?
What is the opening b/w the greater & lesser peritoneal sacs called?
Epiploic foramen AKA Foramen of Winslow
M/C artery for an MI?
Ant. interventricular art. of L coronary AKA L ant. descending art. AKA “widowmaker”
Parotid gland is AKA?
Stenson’s duct
Submandibular gland is AKA?
Wharton’s duct
Sublingual gland is AKA?
Bartholin’s duct
Main pancreatic duct is AKA?
Wirsungs’ duct
Accessory pancreatic duct is AKA?
Santorini duct