Physiological Psychology: Chapter 1 Flashcards
Artificial Selection
change in the frequencies of various genes in a population because of a breeder’s selection of desired individuals for mating purposes
Autosomal Gene
gene on any of the chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes (X and Y)
Biological Psychology
study of the physiological, evolutionary, and developmental mechanisms of behavior and experience
strand of DNA bearing the genes
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
double-stranded chemical that composes the chromosomes; it serves as a template for the synthesis of RNA
Dizygotic Twins
fraternal (nonidentical) twins
Dominant Gene
gene that shows a strong effect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition
any proteins that catalyze biological reactions
change in the frequencies of various genes in a population over generations
Evolutionary Explanation
understanding in terms of the evolutionary history of a species
Evolutionary Psychology
field that deals with how behaviors have evolved
number of copies of one’s genes that endure in later generations
Functional Explanation
understanding why a structure or behavior evolved as it did
unit of heredity that maintains its structural identity from one generation to another
Hard Problem
philosophical question of why and how any kind of brain activity is associated with consciousness