Physical Readiness Training (PRT) View on Mobile Flashcards
What does FM 7-22 Cover?
The Army’s Physical Readiness Training Program
What FM covers Physical Readiness Training Program?
FM 7-22
What does PRT stand for?
Physical Readiness Training
What does PRT prepare Soldiers and units for?
for the physical challenges of fulfilling the mission in the face of a wide range of threats, in complex operational environments, and with emerging technologies
Para 1-3 What is Physical readiness?
Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight
Para 1-4 Why is Physical readiness training a mandatory training requirement?
- It is Considered by senior leaders to be essential to individual, unit, and force readiness
- It is Required by law for all individuals and units
Para 1-5 Where do The tasks, conditions, and standards of PRT activities derive from?
The tasks, conditions, and standards of PRT activities derive from C-METL, D-METL and WTBDs
Para 1-5 What does C-METL stand for?
core mission essential task list
Para 1-5 What does D-METL stand for?
directed mission essential task list
Para 1-5 What does WTBDs stand for?
warrior tasks and battle drills
Para 1-6 What are the seven principles of training that PRT links to?
- Commanders and Other Leaders are Responsible for Training
- Noncommissioned Officers Train Individuals, Crews, and Small Teams
- Train as You Will Fight
- Train to Standard
- Train to Sustain
- Conduct Multi-echelon and Concurrent Training
- Train to Develop Agile Leaders and Organizations
Para 1-7 Who’s program is the Physical readiness training program?
The Commander’s Program
Para 1-7 Who is essential to a successful PRT program and why?
Senior NCOs because they are often the most experienced trainers in the unit
Para 1-8 What nine things commanders must do to optimize the effect of PRT?
- Incorporate mission command in PRT
- Supervise the planning, preparation, execution, and assessment of PRT
- Align PRT with mission/METL (mission-essential task list) requirements in support of full spectrum Operations
- Train to standard according to FM 7-22
- Assess individual and unit physical readiness according to FM 7-22
- Provide resources required to execute PRT
- Incorporate safety and composite risk management (CRM)
- Ensure training is realistic and performance-oriented
- Ensure training replicates the operational environment as closely as possible
Para 1-9 What do Noncommissioned officers serve as the primary trainers for?
enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams
Para 1-9 What are NCO’s three responsibilities to accomplish the PRT mission?
- Identify specific tasks that PRT enhances in support of the unit’s C- or D-METL for individuals, crews and small teams
- Prepare, rehearse, and execute PRT
- Evaluate PRT and conduct AARs to provide feedback to the commander
Para 1-10 Who is responsible to train junior NCOs and aid in developing junior officers, ensuring mastery of PRT drills, exercise activities, and assessments?
Senior NCO’s
Para 1-12 What is the Principle that All Army training is based on?
“Train as you will fight”
Para 1-13 What does the Toughening phase training provide?
provides foundational fitness and fundamental motor skills, which lay the foundation for all other activities in the sustaining phase
Para 1-14 What are the eight tenets of train as you will fight, as they relate to PRT?
- PRT must support full spectrum operations and promote quick transitions between missions
- PRT must support proficiency in combined arms operations and unified actions
- PRT focus is on training the fundamentals first
- PRT must be performance-oriented, conducted under realistic conditions, and mission focused
- PRT should incorporate challenging, complex, ambiguous, and uncomfortable situations
- PRT must incorporate safety and CRM
- PRT must be conducted under conditions that replicate the operational environment
- PRT must be conducted during deployments
Para 1-15 How should Army PRT be conducted?
Army PRT should be tough, realistic, and physically challenging, yet safe in its execution
Para 1-15 What is the Objective of PRT being tough, realistic, and physically challenging?
The objective is to develop Soldiers’ physical capabilities to perform their duty assignments and combat roles
Para 1-15 What are the fundamental skills that Physical readiness training activities include?
fundamental skills such as climbing, crawling, jumping, landing, and sprinting, because all contribute to success in the more complex skills of obstacle
negotiation, combatives, and military movement
Table 1-2 What are the Physical requirements to perform WTBD task React to contact?
Run fast under load, jump, bound, crawl, push, pull, squat, roll, stop, start, change direction, and get up/down
Table 1-2 What are the Physical requirements to perform WTBD task Evacuate a casualty?
Squat, lunge, flex/extend/rotate trunk, walk/run, lift, and carry
Para 1-17 What are the critical components of physical conditioning?
strength, endurance, and mobility
Table 1-3 What are the PRT Components that make up Strength?
Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance
Table 1-3 What are the PRT Components that make up Endurance?
Anaerobic Endurance and Aerobic Endurance
Table 1-3 What are the eight PRT Components that make up Mobility?
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Flexibility
- Posture
- Stability
- Speed
- Power
Table 1-4 Name 6 PRT Activities?
Conditioning Drill 1, Conditioning Drill 2, Conditioning Drill 3, Guerrilla Drill, Climbing Drill 1, Climbing Drill 2, Strength Training Circuit, Military Movement Drill 1, Military Movement Drill 2, 30:60’s, 60:120’s, 300-yd Shuttle Run, Ability Group Run, Unit Formation Run, Release Run, Terrain Run, Hill Repeats, Foot Marching, Obstacle Course Negotiation, Combatives
Para 1-18 What should be the goal of all training?
A: mastery, not just proficiency
Para 1-18 What are the three tenets of standards-based training?
- Leaders know and enforce standards
- Leaders define success in the absence of standards
- Leaders train to standard, not time
Para 1-20 How do Commanders intensify training experiences?
by varying training conditions
Para 1-20 To prepare Soldiers to meet the physical demands of their profession, a system of training must focus on what?
the development of strength, endurance and mobility, plus the enhancement of the body’s metabolic pathways
Para 1-20 Standards are achieved through precise control of what four things?
- Prescribe appropriate intensity and duration to which Soldiers perform PRT
- Properly distribute external loads across the major joints of the body
- Integrate and balance the components of strength, endurance, and mobility
- Provide adequate rest, recovery, and nutrition
Para 1-22 What is the key to maintaining unit proficiency despite personnel turbulence and operational deployments?
Sustainment training
Para 1-23 What is Multi-echelon training?
Multi-echelon training is the simultaneous training of more than one echelon on different tasks
Para 1-23 What are the distinct characteristics of Multi-echelon training?
- They require detailed planning and coordination by commanders and leaders at each echelon
- They maintain battle focus by linking individual and collective battle tasks with unit METL tasks and within large-scale training event METL tasks
- They habitually train at least two echelons simultaneously on selected METL tasks and require maximum use of allocated resources and available time
Para 1-24 When does Concurrent training occur?
Concurrent training occurs when a leader conducts training within another type of training
Para 1-25 What are three training phases of PRT?
- Initial conditioning
- Toughening
- Sustaining
Para 1-26 Who has an opportunity to lead every day during PRT?
Noncommissioned officers have an opportunity to lead every day during PRT
Para 1-27 What is the objective of PRT?
to prepare Soldiers to meet the physical demands related to mission and C- or D-METL
Para 1-27 Why are exercises, drills, and activities methodically sequenced?
to adequately challenge all Soldiers through progressive conditioning of the entire body while controlling injuries
Para 2-1 What is the definition of Army physical readiness?
the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win
Para 2-1 What is the goal of the Army Physical Fitness Training Program?
to develop Soldiers who are physically capable and ready to perform their duty assignments or combat roles
Para 2-2 What does the initial conditioning phase do?
prepares future Soldiers to learn and adapt to Army PRT
Para 2-2 What does the Toughening phase activities develop?
foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills that prepare Soldiers to transition to the sustaining phase
Para 2-2 What does the Sustaining phase activities develop?
a higher level of physical readiness required by duty position and C- or D-METL
Para 2-2 What does Reconditioning do?
restores Soldiers’ physical fitness levels that enable them to safely re-enter the toughening or sustaining phase and progress to their previous level of
Para 2-2 What are the types of PRT training?
Types of PRT training include on-ground, off-ground, and combatives
Para 2-2 What are three fundamental components within the types of training?
strength, endurance, and mobility
Para 2-2 What principles does Phase training follow?
precision, progression, and integration
Para 2-3 What is the purpose of the initial conditioning phase?
to establish a safe starting point for people considering entering the Army
Para 2-3 When is the initial conditioning phase conducted?
it is conducted before enlistment or pre-commissioning
Para 2-4 What is the purpose of the toughening phase?
to develop foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills
Para 2-4 During the toughening phase what does a variety of training activities with precise standards of execution ensure?
that bones, muscles, and connective tissues gradually toughen, rather than break
Para 2-4 What do the essential skills of the Toughening phase activities develop?
jumping, landing, climbing, lunging, bending, reaching, and lifting
Para 2-4 When does the toughening phase occur?
during IMT, basic combat training (BCT), one station unit training (OSUT) (red/white/blue phases), and Basic Officer Leader Course A (BOLC A)
Para 2-5 What is the purpose of the sustaining phase?
to continue physical development and maintain a high level of physical readiness appropriate to duty position and the requirements of the unit’s C- or
D-METL as it applies to ARFORGEN
Para 2-5 When are the Sustaining phase activities conducted?
in unit PRT throughout the Army
Para 2-6 What is the objective of reconditioning?
to restore physical fitness levels that enable Soldiers to reenter the toughening or sustaining phase safely, and then progress to their previous levels of conditioning
Para 2-6 When may Soldiers participate in reconditioning?
after rehabilitation and recovery from injury or illness, and then re-enter training in the toughening or sustaining phases
Para 2-7 What factors can cause Soldiers to move from the toughening or sustaining phases to reconditioning?
extended deployment, field training, block leave, and recovery from illness or injury
Para 2-8 What principles does the conduct of Army PRT follow?
the principles of precision, progression, and integration
Para 2-9 What is Precision?
Precision is the strict adherence to optimal execution standards for PRT activities
Para 2-9 What is Precision based on?
Precision is based on the premise that the quality of the movement or form is just as important as the weight lifted, repetitions performed or speed of
Para 2-9 What does the Adherence to precise execution standards in the conduct of all PRT activities ensure?
the development of body management and fundamental movement skills
Para 2-10 What is Progression?
Progression is the systematic increase in the intensity, duration, volume, and difficulty of PRT activities
Para 2-10 What happens if proper PRT progression is not followed?
the Soldier is unable to adapt to the demands of training, the Soldier is then unable to recover, which leads to overtraining or the possibility of injury
Para 2-11 What is Integration?
the use of multiple training activities to achieve balance and appropriate recovery between activities in the PRT program
Para 2-11 What do Military movement drills (MMDs) improve?
running form and movement under direct or indirect fire
Para 2-11 What do guerrilla drill (GD) develop?
the strength and skill associated with casualty evacuation and combatives
Para 2-12 What are the three components of training?
Strength, Mobility and Endurance
Para 2-13 What is Strength?
Strength is the ability to overcome resistance
Para 2-13 What are the two subcomponents of Strength?
absolute muscular strength and muscular endurance
Para 2-13 What is absolute muscular strength?
the capacity of a muscle/muscle group to exert a force against a maximal resistance
Para 2-13 What is muscular endurance?
the capacity of a muscle/muscle group to exert a force repeatedly or to hold a fixed or static contraction over a period time
Para 2-14 What is Endurance?
the ability to sustain activity
Para 2-14 What are the two subcomponents of Endurance?
anaerobic and aerobic
Para 2-14 What is anaerobic?
the ability to sustain high-intensity activity of short duration
Para 2-14 What is aerobic?
low-intensity activity of long duration
Para 2-15 What are Examples of anaerobic training?
speed running, individual movement techniques, and negotiation of obstacles
Para 2-15 What are Examples of aerobic training?
foot marching, sustained running, cycling, and swimming
Para 2-16 What is Mobility?
the functional application of strength and endurance
Para 2-17 What are the eight Qualitative performance factors for improved mobility?
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Flexibility
- Posture
- Stability
- Speed
- Power
Para 2-17 What is Agility?
the ability to stop, start, change direction, and efficiently change body position
Para 2-17 What is Balance?
the ability to maintain equilibrium
Para 2-17 What is Coordination?
the ability to perform multiple tasks
Para 2-17 What is Flexibility?
the range of movement at a joint and its surrounding muscles
Para 2-17 What is Posture?
any position in which the body resides
Para 2-17 What is Stability?
the ability to maintain or restore equilibrium when acted on by forces trying to displace it
Para 2-17 What is Speed?
rate of movement
Para 2-17 What is Power?
the product of strength and speed
Para 2-18 What are the three types of training incorporated in the PRT system?
- On-ground training 2. Off-ground training
3. Combatives
Para 2-19 What is On-ground training?
activities in which Soldiers maintain contact with the ground
Para 2-20 What is Off-ground training?
activities that take place off the ground briefly (jumping and landing) or while suspended above ground for longer periods (climbing bar and negotiation
of high obstacles)
Para 2-21 What is Combatives?
techniques that deter or defeat opponents using projectile (weapons), striking and/or close range (grappling)
Para 3-1 What does success or failure of the PRT program depends upon?
the quality of its leadership
Para 3-2 How do officers, NCOs, and PRT leaders set and enforce standards PRT standards?
through complete mastery of FM 7-22 and the PRT Program
Para 3-2 Who should be able to explain and demonstrate all PRT activities?
officers, NCOs, and PRT leaders
Para 3-2 What is the first step in officers, NCOs, and PRT leaders developing confidence, assurance, and poise?
Para 3-3 What affects the PRT leader effectiveness?
The personal appearance and physical qualifications of the PRT leader
Para 3-4 How do PRT leaders gain the confidence of the Soldiers?
by winning their respect
Para 3-4 What happens if Soldiers are exercised too violently?
they become so stiff and sore that they look upon the next PRT session with apprehension; Soldiers can develop an antagonistic attitude toward the leader and Instead of cooperating, they will malinger at every opportunity
Para 4-2 How long does it take for positive changes in physical fitness levels to take effect?
it takes at least six to eight weeks
Para 4-21 What is the purpose of the Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training (PPPT) Program?
to maintain health and fitness levels of pregnant Soldiers and to assist them in returning to pre-pregnancy fitness levels after the end of their pregnancy
Para 4-21 Who is responsible for the PPPT Program?
The U.S. Army Medical Command has responsibility for the Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training (PPPT) Program
Para 5-1 What are the three Exercise Principals?
- Precision
- Progression
- Integration
Para 5-2 What is Precision?
strict adherence to the best execution standards for PRT activities
Para 5-4 What is Progression?
the systematic increase in the intensity or duration of PRT activities
Para 5-4 During Progression, what are the three things gradually increased to produce the desired physiological effect?
- Intensity
- Exercise volume
- Duration
Para 5-4 What is Intensity?
resistance and pace of an exercise
Para 5-4 What is Exercise Volume?
number of sets and repetitions
Para 5-4 What is Duration?
Para 5-8 When does Overtraining occur?
when training involves excessive frequency, intensity and/or duration of training that may result in extreme fatigue, illness or injury
Table 5-1 What are the Performance Issues Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome?
- Early Fatigue
- Increased Heart Rate w/less Effort
- Decreased Strength, Endurance, Speed, and Coordination
- Decreased Aerobic Capacity
- Delayed Recovery
Table 5-1 What are the Physiological Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome?
- Persistent Fatigue
- Ongoing Muscle Soreness
- Loss of Appetite
- Excessive Weight Loss
- Excessive Loss of Body Fat
- Irregular Menses
- Increased Resting Heart Rate
- Chronic Muscle Soreness
- Increase in Overuse Injuries
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Frequent Colds or Infections
Table 5-1 What are the Psychological Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome?
- Irritation or Anger
- Depression
- Difficulty in Concentration
- Difficulty in Concentration
- Loss of Competitive Drive
- Loss of Enthusiasm
Para 5-9 What does the term “overreaching” refer to?
the earliest phase of overtraining
Para 5-9 What does Overreaching consists of?
extreme muscle soreness that occurs as a result of excessive training with inadequate rest/recovery between hard training sessions
Para 5-11 When does Over Use occur?
Continued overreaching without adequate rest/recovery and nutrient intake leads to overtraining and eventually overuse injuries
Para 5-15 What are the authorized exercises for corrective action?
- Rower
- Squat Bender
- Windmill
- Prone row
- Push up
- V-up
- Leg tuck and twist
- Supine bicycle
- Swimmer
- Eight count push up
Para 5-15 What is the maximum repetitions of the authorized exercises for corrective actions?
The number of repetitions should not exceed FIVE
Para 5-15 How many of the authorized corrective action exercises can be given for each corrective action?
only one exercise may be selected for corrective actions
Para 5-18 What elements does PRT sessions consist of?
the elements of preparation, activities, and recovery
Para 5-19 What is The preparation drill (PD)?
a dynamic warm-up consisting of ten exercises that appropriately prepare Soldiers for more intense PRT activities
Para 5-20 What do Activities address?
specific PRT goals in the areas of strength, endurance, and mobility
Para 5-20 How many days should strength and mobility be conducted?
at least two days
Para 5-20 How many days should endurance and mobility be conducted?
at least two days
Para 5-20 When should you Perform speed running?
Perform speed running once per week, preferably in the middle of the week
Para 5-20 What should be conducted before the APFT?
The preparation drill (PD)
Para 5-20 What should be conducted After the conclusion of the AFPT?
The Recovery Drill (RD)
Para 5-20 What is the preferred day to conduct the APFT?
the APFT should be scheduled on Monday to allow for recovery provided by the weekend
Table 5-3 Where can you find a Toughening phase schedule?
FM 7-22 Table 5-3
Para 5-26 What units should be in the sustaining phase?
operational units
Table 5-6 Where can you find a Sustaining phase PRT daily session overview?
FM 7-22 Table 5-6
Para 5-42 How many times a week should PRT be conducted?
PRT should be conducted four to five days per week according to AR 350-1
Table 5-11 Where can you find a Unit PRT train/ready schedule?
FM 7-22 Table 5-11
Para 6-1 When can Special conditioning programs (SCP) be conducted?
They will be conducted during normal duty hours
Para 6-1 Who can be included in Special conditioning programs?
- APFT or unit PRT goal failure
- Soldiers on the AWCP
- Reconditioning
Para 6-1 What is the purpose of the Special conditioning programs (SCP)?
the SCP programs are not punitive; their purpose is to improve the physical readiness of Soldiers
Para 6-1 What factors should be considered when Soldiers fail to meet APFT standards or unit goals?
- Time in training
- Regular PRT participation
- Prolonged deployment
- Recovery from injury, illness or medical condition (physical profile)
Para 6-9 What is an Injury?
any intentional or unintentional damage to the body resulting from acute or chronic exposure to mechanical, thermal, electrical, or chemical energy, and
from the absence of such essentials as heat or oxygen