ADRP 1 THE ARMY Flashcards
When was the American Continental Army Established?
14 June 1775
How many Campaign and Battle Streamers does the Army Flag have?
Over 180
What does the Uniform of the Army represent for Soldiers?
For Soldiers it means that they have become part of something far bigger than themselves, a chance to serve their Country and to Change the World. It also means danger, long separations, grinding fatigue, and stress.
What does the uniform of the Army represent for Families?
A source of both Pride and Anxiety, knowing the sacrifices ahead
What does the uniform of the Army represent for Veterans?
One of the most important periods of their lives, pride in awards and decorations, and sometimes intense emotional and physical distress
What does the uniform of the Army represent for the American Civilians?
Soldiers represent Patriotism and Selfless Service, men and women in whom the Nation takes collective pride
What is the Land Domain?
it is the most complex of all Combat Domains and also where most countries are capable of having a defense as some are unable to afford Navies, Air Forces and other forms of defense.
What is Unified Land Operations?
It is the synchronization of our efforts between Joint Services, other government agencies, other partner Nations and other Military Forces from other partner nations
What is the main goal for Unified Land Operations?
To combine Offensive tasks, Defensive tasks, Stability tasks, and Defense Support of Civil authorities (DSCA) in coordination with Joint Services, other Government Agencies, other partner nations, and other Military Forces from partner nations.
The Army’s Vision captures the Three Strategic Roles of the Army what are they?
Prevent, Shape and Win
What is meant by the Army’s role to Prevent?
It means that countries believe that our Force is Credible, Unbeatable, Rapidly Deployable, Highly Trained, Well Equipped and Always Ready to assist our Allies and protect the U.S. interests
What is meant by the Army’s role to Shape?
The Army’s role to Shape is to assist other nations to shape their own training and their military strength to be able to defend themselves
What is meant by the Army’s role to Win?
We must be able to Attack and Defend successfully against Enemy ground forces.
What U.S. Code governs the Army?
Title 10 United States Code (USC)
What Department of Defense Directive governs the Army?
DODD 5100.01
What gives the President the Authority as the Commander and Chief?
The Constitution
Who determines the size and organization of the Army?
Where does Congress get the Authority to determine the size and organization of the Army?
The Constitution
Where does the Army get it’s Mission from?
Title 10 United States Code and Department of Defense Directive 5100.01
What is the Army’s Mission?
to Fight and win the Nation’s Wars through prompt and sustained Land Combat, as part of the Joint Force
How does the Army Accomplish it’s Mission?
- Organizing, Equipping, and Training Army forces for prompt and sustained Combat incident to operations on land;
- Integrating our capabilities with those of the other Armed Services;
- Accomplishing all missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense, and Combatant Commanders;
- Remaining ready while preparing for the future
What is the “Dual Nature” of the Army?
a Military Department (a part of the Armed Forces) and a Military Profession
What are the 4 Essential Characteristics of our Profession?
Military Expertise, Honorable Service, Esprit De Corps, and Stewardship
What is Trust?
Assured Reliance on the Character, Ability, Strength, or Truth of someone or something
Where must Trust always be maintained?
between Soldiers; between Soldiers and their Leaders; among Soldiers, their Families, and the Army; and between the Army and the Nation
Why is “Trust between Soldiers” so Important?
In Battle, Soldiers primarily fight for one another, not just for their Country or some ideal. They Entrust their lives to the Soldiers on their left and right, and focus on doing their Duty in a way that maintains the Trust of their Comrades. Without this level of trust, there is No Cohesion, no ability to stand fast in the most horrific environments. The level of resilience and cohesion within an Army Unit correlates directly to trust between Soldiers in that Unit
What is the Catalyst to developing Trust between Soldiers?
The Army Values
Does “Trust between Soldiers” accomplish missions or generate High levels of Unit effectiveness?
No, “Trust between Soldiers and their Leaders” allows this
If Soldiers do not have “Trust between Soldiers and their Leaders” what can be the outcome?
Soldiers will not follow Orders Except from Fear of Consequences
What is the second Critical Aspect of Trust?
Trust between a Superior and a Subordinate
What does Trust at all levels of Leadership depend on?
What are the 7 Army Values?
- Loyalty
- Duty
- Respect
- Selfless Service
- Honor
- Integrity
- Personal Courage
What usually keeps Professional Soldiers in the Army?
What is Essential to Preserving an All-Volunteer Force?
What is Essential to Preserving an All-Volunteer Force?
What does the Army need to Provide to the Soldiers and their Families?
a Quality of Life commensurate with the Soldier’s Service to the Nation
What does Trust in the Army between the President and the Congress allow the Army to Maintain?
the Readiness required to Fight and Win
Do American Citizens place Special trust and Confidence in Soldiers to Serve the Nation before all other considerations in their lives?
Yes; most American Citizens Trust that Most Soldiers will Defend our Country at any Cost and do so in austere environments and extreme living conditions and at Extreme Hardships to their own personal lives
What do Most Soldiers Ask of their fellow American Citizens for their Service?
to Remember their Sacrifice, not with Tangible Rewards, but with Respect and Appreciation for having done their Duty
How is our Military Profession Unlike other Professions?
the Employment of landpower in a distinctly American military context; The context is distinct because of American Military structure and the way the U.S. military employs Joint Capabilities
How is our Military Profession Like other Professions?
we are a repository of a Unique body of knowledge; we apply our knowledge using Expertise developed through Extensive Education and Training; we certify individual and organizational competence
How many Fields of Professional Knowledge are there?
What are the Fields of Professional Knowledge?
Military-Technical Field; Moral-Ethical Field; Political-Cultural Field; Leader Development Field
Describe the Military-Technical Field?
It encompasses the Doctrine of how the Army Applies Land power, including the Integration and Adaptation of Technology, the Organization of Units, and the Planning and Execution of Military Operations
Describe the Moral-Ethical Field?
it describes how the Army applies its Combat Power according to Law and the Expectation of our Citizens
Describe the Political-Cultural Field?
it prescribes how Personnel and Units operate Effectively across and outside the Army’s Institutional Boundaries
Describe the Leader Development Field?
Developing Good Leaders is the Qualitative Multiplier on any battlefield, the Most Dynamic Element of Combat Power
How does the Army Impart Professional Knowledge?
through Training and Education at both Individual and Unit Levels
What type of Culture does Mission Command want to Foster during Training?
a Culture of Trust, Mutual Understanding, and a Willingness to Learn from Mistakes
Army Training does more than develop Technical Expertise, it also Encourages Army Leaders to do what?
Exercise Discretionary Judgments without Close Supervision; this Ability is Critically Important because of the Lethality of what we do
How do Individuals Develop Certification in detail?
through Army Branches, Proponents, and Army Civilian career field programs
What does Certification Measure?
Competence, Character, and Commitment
What is Professional Competence?
the Mastery of Specific Skills
What does Professional Character do?
Ensures Army Professionals use their Expertise on behalf of the American People and Only in Accordance with the Law
What is Professional Commitment?
it shows each individual’s willingness to put the requirements of the Army and Nation above their Personal Goals
How is Unit compliance with Safety and Personnel Regulations measured?
Through Inspections
What are the two Communities of Practice the Army Profession recognizes?
Profession of Arms and Army Civilian Corps
What must an individual do to become a Professional?
become Certified
How is the responsibility for each Individual’s Development and Certification a mutually shared responsibility?
it is shared by the Individual and the Army and is the responsibility of both
What article of the Constitution requires that every member of the Army Profession—Military or Civilian, Officer or Enlisted?
Article VI
What does Article VI of the Constitution require every member of the Army profession—military or civilian, officer or enlisted to do?
“shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.”
What is an Oath?
an Individual Moral Commitment made publicly unlike Civilians
What does the Oath bind Soldiers to?
an Unlimited Liability, Acceptance of the Risk of Serious Personal harm or death
Is the Constitutional Oath legally binding?
How is the Constitutional Oath Legally binding?
makes Soldiers subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal Laws applicable to the Armed Forces, and the Law of Land Warfare
How is Loss of Discipline on the part of our Soldiers exploited by the Enemy?
through Propaganda and magnified through the Media
Why may the Enemy not respect International Conventions and Commit Atrocities?
to Provoke Retaliation in kind from our Soldiers
What must Small-Unit Leaders do to prevent our Soldiers from Retaliating in response to an Enemy’s Unethical Acts?
they must maintain Discipline and Ensure that the conduct of Soldiers remains within Ethical and Moral Boundaries
What are the five compelling reasons Small-Unit Leaders must maintain Ethical and Moral Boundaries?
- Humane treatment of Detainees Encourages Enemy Surrender and thereby reduces friendly losses; nothing Emboldens Enemy Resistance like the belief that U.S. forces will Kill or Torture Prisoners
- Humane treatment of Noncombatants reduces their Antagonism toward U.S. Forces and may lead to Valuable Intelligence
- Leaders make Decisions in Action fraught with Consequences. If leaders lack an Ethical foundation, those Consequences can adversely affect Mission Accomplishment
- Leaders who accept Misconduct, or far worse, Encourage it, Erode Discipline within the unit which destroys unit cohesion and esprit de corps
- Soldiers must live with the Consequences of their Conduct
What was General Creighton Abrams’ (combat veteran of World War II, Korea, the Cold War, and Vietnam) quote about Ethics?
“While we are Guarding the Country, we must accept being the Guardian of the Finest Ethics; the country needs it and we must do it.”
What does ADP 1 Chapter 2-20 mean by mean by Esprit de Corps?
respect for our History and Tradition and Committed to the Highest Standards of Individual and Collective Excellence
How does the Army Emphasize Esprit de Corps and Tradition and History?
through the practice of Customs, Traditions, and Ceremonies
How do Units and Organizations preserve their Unit Histories and Display them?
with Unit Distinctive Insignia (such as Unit Crests, Patches, and Mottos)
What do Customs, Traditions, Ceremonies and Symbols give Soldiers?
a Sense of Commitment, Identify the cause we Serve, and unite us to those who have gone before and Sacrificed so much
What is the Hallmark of Units with High Esprit de Corps?
Discipline and Pride
What is Discipline?
the Behavior Tempered by High Standards of Conduct and Performance and Reflects the Self-Control necessary in the Face of Temptation, Obstacles, and Adversity, and the control to do the Harder Right instead of the Easier Wrong
What is Pride?
recognition that Obstacles, Adversity, and Fear can be mastered through Discipline and Teamwork
How do Discipline and Pride go together?
with Judgment, Expertise, and Experience to Create Military and Civilian Professionals
What does Esprit de Corps say about a Soldier or Unit?
it shows High Motivation, Discipline, and Morale
What does a Soldier with high Esprit de Corps have?
Pride, a Sense of Accomplishment in doing a good job or seeing a Subordinate Develop, and shared values
How does a Small-Unit or Team’s show Esprit de Corps?
through Mission Focus, Technical and Tactical Proficiency, Teamwork, and ultimately Cohesion on the Battlefield
How does Large-Unit or Organizational level show Esprit de Corps?
: it is shown through the shared commitment Army Professionals have for the Organization—it’s Mission and Goals, its Traditions and Customs, and its Heritage of Honorable Service.
What is Unit and Organizational Esprit de Corps built on?
an open Command Climate of Candor, Trust, and Respect, with Leaders who exhibit concern for the Welfare of Subordinates and Set the Example for Expertise and Honorable Service
Where is the Authority for Civilian Control of our Military embedded?
The Constitution
Land power Complementing Air, Maritime, and Space-Based Power, and in turn the other Services making the Army the Preeminent Ground Force in the World this Joint Interdependence is the Evolution of what?
Combined Arms
What are the Army’s 10 Decisive Land power Missions?
- Counter Terrorism and Irregular Warfare
- Deter and Defeat Aggression
- Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Operate Effectively in Cyberspace
- Operate Effectively in Space
- Maintain a Safe, Secure, and Effective Nuclear Deterrent
- Defend the Homeland and Provide Support to Civil Authorities
- Provide a Stabilizing Presence
- Conduct Stability and Counterinsurgency Operations
- Conduct Humanitarian, Disaster Relief, and other Operations
What is Joint Interdependence?
the Deliberate Reliance of One Armed Service on the Capabilities of another Armed Service
What are the 4 Primary Missions of the Armed Forces that may require large numbers of Ground Forces or the Ready Availability of large Numbers of Soldiers?
- Counter Terrorism and Irregular Warfare
- Stability and Counter Insurgency Operations
- War
- the Defense of Our Homeland and Support of Civil Authorities
What does Assured Access to Cyberspace increase the Army’s Ability to Achieve?
the Army’s ability to Enhance our Combined Arms Performance and Integrates it with Joint Capabilities
Does the Army consider Cyberspace as a Battleground?
Yes; the intensity of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities continues to multiply
What do Space Systems Allow the Army to Employ?
Space Systems allow the Army to Employ Weapons Systems Rapidly, Lethally and Discreetly
What are the Army’s two Core Competencies that are Indispensable Contributions to the Joint Force?
Combined Arms Maneuver and Wide Area Security
What are the Army’s 7 Enabling Competencies?
- Security Cooperation
- Tailoring Forces
- Entry Operations
- Flexible Mission Command
- The Support we provide to the Joint Force and Ourselves
- Domestic Support
- Mobilizing Reserve Components
How does maneuver effect the Enemy?
it places the Enemy at a Physical Disadvantage; the Enemy is More Vulnerable to Our Weapons than Army Forces are to the Enemy’s weapons; imposes a Psychological Disadvantage on the Enemy
What are some of the Combined Arms Maneuver Tasks?
Offensive and Defensive Operations, Security Operations such a Screen or Guard Mission, Reconnaissance Missions, and Special Purpose Tasks such as River Crossings. Nothing the Army does is as challenging as Combined Arms Maneuver
What is Wide area security?
the ability of land power to secure and control populations, resources, and terrain within a joint operational area
What are Stability Operations?
the Tactical Tasks that the Army conducts to Improve Conditions for Noncombatants within Areas of Operations outside the United States
What are the Basic Tasks of Stability Operations?
Providing Security, Exercising Control, and Providing Life-Sustaining Support such as Food and Water
What are the more Complex Tasks of Stability Operations?
Governance and Economic Development
What is Force Tailoring?
the Process of determining the Right Mix of Forces and the Sequence of their Deployment in support of a Joint Force Commander
What is the “Science of Control”?
- Regulating
- Monitoring
- Directing Unit Actions
What does the Science of Control require?
Sophisticated and Rugged Information Systems, along with a Well-Trained Staff to Employ them
What are the levels of Command and the Rank that Generally Commands them?
- Squad-SSG;
- Platoon-Lieutenant/SFC
- Company-Captain/1SG
- Battalion-LTC/CSM;
- Brigade-COL/CSM
- Division-Major General/CSM
- Corps-Lieutenant General/CSM
- Army-General/CSM
What is the Size of a Squad?
6-9 Soldiers
What is the Size of a Platoon?
16-44 Soldiers
What is the Size of a Company?
62-190 Soldiers
What is the Size of a Battalion?
What is the Size of a Brigade?
What is the Size of a Division?
What is the Size of a Corps?
What is the Size of an Army?
50,000 or more
Why did Military Expeditions throughout History usually fail?
Historically Military Expeditions failed because of Disease and Combat Losses Eroded their Combat Power, or a lack of Supplies prevented them from seizing Opportunities
What gives our Nation the ability to deploy large numbers of Ground forces anywhere and the ability to employ them indefinitely?
U.S. Soldiers operating around the World Today are the Best Supplied, Best Equipped, and Healthiest American Troops in History
The Army Corps of Engineers is required by Law to do what?
The Army Corps of Engineers is required to maintain the Nation’s Rivers and Waterways. The Corps also has the Primary Responsibility for Safeguarding Communities from Floods
How long has it been since Soldiers have faced a Threat from the Air?
Because of America’s Air Superiority it has been over 60 years since Soldiers have faced an Air Threat
What is Joint Interdependence?
All the Services working together. The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
What is an Example of Joint Interdependence?
A Platoon Leader can call upon Air, Maritime, and Space-Based Capabilities that would have been considered Science Fiction by their World War II and Vietnam War Counterparts
What did President George Washington say 8 January 1790 during his First Annual Address to Both Houses of Congress about “Preserving Peace”?
President George Washington said “To be prepared for War is one of the Most Effectual means of Preserving Peace”
What are the two things that the Army Must invest in to prepare for the Demanding Environment that Soldiers and the Nation may face in the Future?
Training and Leader Development
What is allowing us to “Win the Current Fight”?
Soldiers continue to take the Fight to our Enemies and they take Unprecedented Measures to Protect Noncombatants
Currently the Army is undergoing “Reshaping” Efforts, What is this Mission called and what is the Intent?
The Mission is called “Joint Force 2020” and the Intent is that the Army will remain Flexible and ready to meet the Nation’s Requirements
Where will the Army “Prioritize its Assets”?
The Army will prioritize it Assets toward the Pacific Region and Middle East and will reshape the Force to Support the National Military Strategy
Historically after every Conflict our Nation has had, what has happened to the Military?
The Military has been Drawn Down in Size as the Defense Priorities Reshape the Army,
What must we ensure that we do not do during Drawdowns?
we need to avoid the Historic Pattern of Drawing down too quickly and Risk Losing Leaders, Skills, and Capabilities
The Army’s ability to Expand Rapidly depends on what four Structural Factors?
- Maintaining a Strong Cadre of Noncommissioned and Mid-Grade Officers to build the Core of New Formations when needed
- Army Special Operations Forces and incorporating them to Work as a Team with Our Conventional Forces
- The Army National Guard and Army Reserve
- The Nation’s Industrial Base and their Ability to Research and Development designs, produce, and maintain weapons systems and provides components and arts but we would also need to improve our Acquisition Process at Every Level throughout the Army
What is Operational Adaptability?
the Broad Measure of the Army’s utility based on the Recognition that while we can forecast, we cannot predict the Next Conflict, Disaster, or Humanitarian Crisis
What does Operational adaptability require?
it Requires Land power that can Adjust Rapidly to Prevent Conflict, Shape an Operational Environment, and Win the Nation’s Wars and it requires the Army to Operate Effectively across the Range of Military Operations while overcoming the Psychological and Moral Challenges of Land Combat
Operational Adaptability requires Land power that can do what?
Adjust Rapidly to Prevent Conflict, Be Scalable and Tailorable in Order to Shape an Operational Environment, and Win the Nation’s Wars
For operational adaptability, what will the Army continue to support the Joint Force with?
- Critical Capabilities in Space and Intelligence Collection and Analysis
- Synchronization of Land based Air and Missile Defenses for protecting Key Infrastructure and Bases, and Elite Forces for Special Operations
- Civil Affairs, Military Police, Engineers, and many other Supporting Capabilities
What areas are being changed because of Operational Adaptability?
(DOTMLPF) Army Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities
What is meant by the Army having “Depth”?
Depth in the Army means the Army has Combat-Ready Regular Army Forces combined with an Ability to Mobilize, Deploy, and Employ our Reserve Components
What is meant by the Army having “Versatility”?
Versatility means the Army has a diverse mix of Capabilities, Formations, and Equipment allows the Army to Tailor Forces to the needs of the Combatant Commanders
What does it mean to have Adaptive and Innovative Leaders?
Leaders accept that No Predetermined Solutions Exist; Each Situation Requires Judgment and Discretion.
Describe how the Army is Flexible?
The Army is Flexible in its Ability to Conduct different Joint Missions across a Wide Range of Operational Environments against Equally Diverse Threats
Describe how the Army is Agile?
The Army is Agile in Tacticalness and the Speed and Effectiveness with which we Transition between Tactical Tasks as part of Decisive Action
What is the Army’s Greatest Asset?
The All-Volunteer Force
What does the All-Volunteer Force Provide?
- Depth
- Versatility
- Unmatched Experience to the Joint Force
What type of Leader must the Army Retain?
High-Quality, Combat Experienced Leaders so that they, in turn, Train the Next Generation of Army Professionals
What is Leadership?
The Process of Influencing People by Providing Purpose, Direction, and Motivation to Accomplish the Mission and Improve the Organization
Good Leaders have the ability to respond effectively to what?
Complexity and Chaos, Anticipate Opportunities, and Remain Effective under Stress
How does the Army Shape Leaders?
The Army Shapes Leaders through Training and Experience into Expert Practitioners and then they add Education, Leader Development, and Most Importantly, Responsibility for Themselves and their Teammates
How do Leaders Prepare Subordinates?
By empowering them to Operate Autonomously and by Underwriting Risk
What are the things that Leaders must do?
- Learn
- Think
- Adapt as well as Communicate Fully, Honestly, and candidly up, down, and laterally
How is Mission Success realized by using Leaders?
Great Leaders will Balance Risk with the Opportunity to Retain the Initiative
What is the Famous Quote given to other Veterans on Memorial Day 1884 by Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell who was Wounded Three times during the Civil War?
“In our Youth our Hearts were touched with Fire.”
What is the percentage of Americans that Serve in the Military?
Less than One-Half of One Percent of Americans Serve in the Military, and only about half of them are Soldiers
What does Title 10, U.S. Code (USC) Establish?
It is the Law Established by Congress that Establishes the Basic Structure of the Army made up of one Regular Army and Two Reserve Components: the Regular Army, The Army Reserve, and The Army National Guard of the United States
What is the National Guard’s Dual Role Established by the Constitution?
a State Military Force and also an Operational Reserve for the Regular Army
Who has National Guard units?
Each State, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia
How many States are there Total that have National Guard Units?
54 States and Territorial have National Guards Units
Who is the National Guard under the Command of?
Their State Governor unless Mobilized for Federal Service
What Task can the National Guard Units perform that the Active Army units are not allowed to Perform Except under Certain Special Circumstances?
The National Guard can be used for Law Enforcement when used by the Governor and called up for State Emergencies. Federal Forces cannot perform that Task because of Federal Laws Prohibit it.
Who is in Command of the Army Reserves?
The President, the Army Reserves only serve as a Federal Military Force
How much of the Army’s Strength is made up by the Army Reserves?
about One-Fifth
How much of the Army’s Sustainment Units does the Army Reserves make up?
it provides One-Half of the Army’s Sustainment Units
How much of the Army’s Mobilization Base-Expansion Capability does the Army Reserves Represent?
they make up One-Fourth of the Army’s Mbase-Expansion Capability
How many Occupational Fields do Army Civilians Serve in?
Army Civilians serve in 540 Different Occupational Fields
What Oath do Army Civilians take?
They take the Same Oath as Army Officers and Members of Congress, Solemnly Swearing that they will Support and Defend the Constitution
What is the difference between the Operating Force and the Generating Force?
The Operating Force is Units that are ready and prepared to Deploy for Combat. The Generating Force Prepares the Operating Force to Perform their Mission.
What does the Army Flag Honor?
All who served and are Serving, Reminding each American that our place today as the world’s Preeminent Land power was not achieved quickly or easily but built on the Sacrifices from the Revolution through today
When was “The American Continental Army” Established?
14 June 1775
Where were the Initial Engagements of the American Continental Army?
After the Army’s Initial Establishment 14 June 1775, how many Years of Fighting were there?
Eight more Years of War followed
How many Streamers did the Army earn for the Army Flag during the Revolutionary War?
What were the Streamers that the Army received for the Revolutionary War?
- Boston
- Brandywine
- Charleston
4 .Cowpens - Germantown
- Guilford Court House
- Long Island
- Monmouth
- Princeton
- Quebec
- Saratoga
- Savannah
- Ticonderoga
- Trenton
- Yorktown
Who did the U.S. fight during the War of 1812?
The British
What was Andrew Jackson Famous for during the War of 1812?
He used Regular Army Troops and Militia (Today’s Army Reserves and National Guardsman) to crush the Largest British Army sent to North America
How many Battle Streamers did the Army receive for the War of 1812?
What were the Streamers that the Army received for the War of 1812?
- Bladensburg
- Canada
- Chippewa
- Lundy’s Lane
- McHenry
- New Orleans
What was the year that the Army fought Mexico in “The Mexican War”?
What was gained from the Mexican War?
the Mexican War Extended the Nation’s borders to the Pacific Ocean
How many Battle Streamers did the Army earn from the Mexican War?
What are the Battle Streamers the Army received from the Mexican War?
- Buena Vista
- Cerro Gordo,
- Chapultepec
- Churubusco
- Contreras
- Molino del Rey
- Monterey
- Palo Alto
- Resca de la Palma
- Vera Cruz
When did the Civil War begin?
How many Battle streamers were earned for the Civil War?
What were the Battle streamers earned for the Civil War?
Antietam, Appomattox, Atlanta, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Cold Harbor, Franklin, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Henry and Donelson, Manassas, Mississippi River, Murfree borough, Nashville, Peninsula, Petersburg, Shenandoah, Shiloh, Spotsylvania, Sumter, Valley, Vicksburg, Wilderness
How many Battle streamers did the Army receive for the Indian Wars?
What were the 14 streamers for the Indian Wars?
Apaches, Bannocks, Black Hawk, Cheyennes, Comanches, Creeks, Little Big Horn, Miami, Modocs, Nez Perces, Pine Ridge, Seminoles, Tippecanoe, Utes
When was the War with Spain?
What was Significant about the War with Spain?
it Exposed Serious Deficiencies with the Army, Mobilization, Deployment, and Sustainment were a debacle, but fortunately Spain lacked the Resources to Counter
How many Battle streamers did the Army receive for the War with Spain?
What were the three Battle streamers for the War with Spain?
Manila, Puerto Rico, Santiago
How many Battle streamers did the Army receive for the China Relief Expedition?
What were the three Battle streamers the Army Received for the China Relief Expedition?
Peking, Tientsin, Yang-Tsun
How many Battle streamers did the Army receive for the Philippine Insurrection?
What were the streamers the Army received for the Philippine Insurrection?
Cavite, Iloilo, Jolo, Laguna de Bay, Malolos, Manila, Mindanao, San Fabian, San Isidro, Tarlac, Zapote
What streamer did the Army earn during the Mexican
the “Mexico” streamer
How many streamers did the Army receive for World War I?
What streamers did the Army receive for World War I?
Aisne, Aisne-Marne, Cambrai, Champagne-Marne, Lys, Meuse-Argonne, Montdidier-Noyon, Oise-Aisne, Somme Defensive, Somme Offensive, St. Mihiel, Vittoria Veneto, Ypres-Lys
When did the U.S mass the Largest Army in its History?
during World War II
How many Divisions did the Army have during World War II?
How many streamers did the Army receive for World War II?
What were the streamers the Army received for World War II?
Air Offensive-Europe, Air Offensive-Japan, Aleutian Islands, Algeria-French Morocco, Antisubmarine, Anzio, Ardennes-Alsace, Bismarck Archipelago, Burma, Central Burma, Central Europe, Central Pacific, Naples-Foggia Air and Ground, China Defensive, China Offensive, East Indies, Eastern Mandates, Egypt-Libya, Guadalcanal, India-Burma, Leyte, Luzon, New Guinea, Normandy, Northern Apennines, Northern France, Northern Solomons, Papua, Philippine Islands, Po Valley, Rhineland, Rome-Arno, Ryukyus, Sicily, Southern France, Southern Philippines, Tunisia, Western Pacific
How many streamers did the Army receive for the Korean War?
What streamers did the Army receive for the Korean War?
CCF Intervention, First UN Counteroffensive, UN Summer-Fall Offensive, Korea Summer-Fall 1952, UN Offensive, CCF Spring Offensive, Second Korean Winter, UN Defensive, Third Korean Winter, Korea Summer 1953 (CCF=Communist Chinese Forces & UN=United Nations)
How many streamers did the Army receive for the Vietnam War?
What were the streamers the Army received for the Vietnam War?
Tet Counteroffensive, Counteroffensive Phase II, Counteroffensive Phase IV, Tet 69 Counteroffensive, Sanctuary Counteroffensive, Counteroffensive Phase VII, Counteroffensive Phase III, Counteroffensive Phase V, Counteroffensive VI, Summer-Fall 1969, Advisory, Counteroffensive, Consolidation I, Consolidation II, Defense, Cease Fire, Winter-Spring-1970
How many Post-War streamers did the Army receive?
What were the Post-War streamers the Army received?
Dominican Republic, Grenada, Panama
How many streamers did the Army receive for the Gulf War?
What streamers did the Army receive for the Gulf War?
Cease-Fire, Defense of Saudi Arabia, Liberation and Defense of Kuwait
How many streamers did the Army receive for the Kosovo Campaign?
What streamers did they Army receive for the Kosovo Campaign?
Kosovo Air Campaign, Kosovo Defense Campaign
How many streamers has the Army received during the War on Terrorism?
What are the streamers the Army has received for the War on Terrorism?
Consolidation I, Global War on Terrorism, Iraqi Governance, Iraqi Surge, Liberation of Afghanistan, Liberation of Iraq, National Resolution, Transition of Iraq