First Aid STP 21-1 & STP 21-24 Flashcards
What Publication for Skill level 1 First Aid?
STP 21-1 Chapter 2
What does the acronym TCCC stand for?
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
How many Phases are there for TCCC?
Three Phases
What are the Phases of TCCC?
- Care Under Fire
- Tactical Field Care
- Combat Casualty Evacuation Care
Explain Phase 1 Care Under Fire?
you are under hostile fire and are very limited as to the care you can provide
Explain Phase 2 Care “Tactical Field Care?
you and the casualty are relatively safe and no longer under effective hostile fire, and you are free to provide casualty care to the best of your ability
Explain Phase 3 Care “Combat Casualty Evacuation Care?
the care rendered during casualty evacuation (CASEVAC)
What does the Acronym CASEVAC stand for?
Casualty Evacuation in Non Medical Vehicle or Aircraft
When would you not provide First Aid to a Casualty?
If rendering Aid will put your life in Danger or if you find a casualty with no signs of life—no pulse, no breathing
In combat, what is the most likely threat to the casualty’s life?
From Bleeding
During care under fire, what could Attempts to check for airway and breathing do to a Rescuer?
Can expose the rescuer to enemy fire
When would you NOT attempt to restore the airway?
if you find a casualty with no signs of life—no pulse, no breathing
What is the 1st Step for Care under Fire?
Return fire as directed or required before providing medical treatment
When would you advise the Casualty to “Play dead”?
If the casualty is unable to move and you are unable to move the casualty to cover and the casualty is still under direct enemy fire
What would you do If the casualty is unresponsive?
move the casualty, his/her weapon, and mission-essential equipment to cover, as the tactical situation permits
When would you apply a Tourniquet?
If the casualty has severe bleeding from a limb or has suffered amputation of a limb, administer life-saving hemorrhage control and before moving the casualty
When would you perform tactical field care?
when no longer under direct enemy fire or situations in which an injury has occurred during the mission but there has been no hostile fire
During Tactical Field Care what medical equipment is?
Available medical equipment is limited to that carried into the field by the individual Soldier
When evaluating and/or treating a casualty, when would you seek medical aid?
as soon as possible. Do NOT stop treatment. If the situation allows, send another person to find medical aid.
When would you stop a medical evaluation?
If there are any signs of nerve agent poisoning, stop the evaluation, take the necessary protective measures, and begin first aid.
How do you determine the Levels of consciousness?
AVPU: A = Alert; V = responds to Voice; P = responds to Pain; U = Unresponsive
What should you do if the Casualty is being burned?
take steps to remove the casualty from the source of the burns before continuing evaluation and treatment
How do you check a casualty’s response to pain?
rub the breastbone briskly with a knuckle or squeeze the first or second toe over the toenail
What do you do If the casualty is conscious but is choking and cannot talk?
stop the evaluation and begin treatment.
When would you insert a nasopharyngeal airway?
If the casualty is breathing
After inserting a nasopharyngeal airway how would you place the casualty?
place the casualty in the recovery position
What could attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on casualties with inevitably fatal injuries on the Battlefield result in?
may result in additional lives lost as care is diverted from casualties with less severe injuries
What are the Situations that CPR on the Battlefield should be considered for?
Only in the case of nontraumatic disorders such as hypothermia, near drowning, or electrocution should CPR be considered prior to the CASEVAC phase
What does CPR Stand for?
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What could Converting the tourniquet to a pressure dressing save on the Casualty?
Converting to a pressure dressing may save the Casualty’s Limb
Who should be issued a combat pill pack before deploying on tactical missions?
Each Soldier
What does FMC stand for?
Field Medical Card
Who should initiate a FMC?
The FMC is usually initiated by the combat medic. However, a certified combat lifesaver can initiate the FMC if a combat medic is not available or if the combat medic directs the combat lifesaver to initiate the card
What is the Job of A Soldier accompanying an unconscious casualty during CASEVAC?
A Soldier accompanying an unconscious casualty should monitor the casualty’s airway, breathing, and bleeding
What are the signs of a severe airway obstruction?
poor air exchange and increased breathing difficulty, a silent cough, cyanosis, or inability to speak or breathe
What is the “One” Question you can ask a Casualty you suspect is choking?
“Are you choking?”
What should you do if the casualty Nods Yes to the Question “Are you choking?”?
Render Aid for Conscious Casualty Choking
Can you slap a choking casualty on the back?
What could slapping a choking casualty on the back do?
This may cause the object to go down the airway instead of out.
When should abdominal thrusts not be used?
if the victim is in the advanced stages of pregnancy, is very obese, or has a significant abdominal wound
Can clearing a conscious casualty’s airway obstruction be done sitting or standing?
Either Standing or Sitting
What should happen if a conscious casualty becomes unconscious while attempting to clear an obstruction? You
lay him/her down and then start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation procedures
What are the 9 signs and symptoms of shock?
- Sweaty but cool skin.
- Pale skin.
- Restlessness or nervousness.
- Thirst.
- Severe bleeding.
- Confusion.
- Rapid breathing.
- Blotchy blue skin.
- Nausea and/or vomiting.
What position should a casualty be placed in to treat for shock?
Lay the casualty on his/her back unless a sitting position will allow the casualty to breathe easier
When would you not elevate the casualty’s legs?
If the casualty has an un-splinted fractured leg, an abdominal wound, or a head or spinal injury
What do you need to start if the casualty is in hypovolemic shock from combat injuries?
you may need to establish a saline lock and start an intravenous infusion. A saline lock should be initiated any time the casualty has suffered a severe loss of blood. If the casualty has an abnormal level of consciousness or no palpable radial (wrist) pulse on an uninjured arm, convert the saline lock to an intravenous infusion
What is the First Step to treating a Casualty for a Heat Injury?
Identify the Type of Heat Injury
What are symptoms for Heat Cramps?
(1) Cramping in the extremities (arms and legs).
(2) Abdominal (stomach) cramps.
(3) Excessive sweating.
What are the symptoms for Heat exhaustion?
(1) Profuse sweating with pale, moist, cool skin.
(2) Headache.
(3) Weakness.
(4) Dizziness.
(5) Loss of appetite.
(6) Cramping.
(7) Nausea (with or without vomiting).
(8) Urge to defecate.
(9) Chills (gooseflesh).
(10) Rapid breathing.
(11) Tingling of the hands and/or feet.
(12) Confusion (not answering easy questions correctly)
What are the symptoms for Heatstroke?
(1) Red (flushed), hot, dry skin.
(2) Weakness.
(3) Dizziness.
(4) Confusion.
(5) Headache.
(6) Seizures.
(7) Nausea.
(8) Stomach pains or cramps.
(9) Respiration and pulse may be rapid and weak.
(10) Unconsciousness and collapse may occur suddenly.