AR 600-9 The Army Body Composition Program (Formerly Army Weight Control) Flashcards
What does AR 600-9 Cover?
The Army Body Composition Program (formerly the Weight Control Program)
What Army Regulation Covers The Army’s Body Composition Program?
AR 600-9
What is the most recent release of AR 600-9?
28 June 2013
Para 1-5 What does ABCP stand for?
Army Body Composition Program (ABCP)
Para 1-5 What is the Primary Objective of the ABCP?
to ensure all Soldiers achieve and maintain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions
Para 1-5 What are the Secondary Objectives of the ABCP?
- Assist in establishing and maintaining Operational readiness, Physical fitness, Health and A professional military appearance
- Establish body fat standards
- Provide procedures by which personnel are counseled to assist in meeting the standards
Para 2-1 What must Soldiers maintain in order to meet mission requirements?
Soldiers must maintain a high level of physical readiness
Para 2-1 What is one indicator of physical readiness?
Body composition
Para 2 How is Body Composition an indicator of a Soldier’s Physical Readiness?
It is associated with an individual’s fitness, endurance, and overall health
Para 2-1 Who will generally exhibit increased muscular strength and endurance, is less likely to sustain injury from weight bearing activity, and more likely to perform at an optimal level?
Individuals with desirable body fat percentages
Para 2-1 Who is more likely to sustain injury from weight bearing activity?
Soldiers that do not meet body fat percentages
Para 2-1 Who is more likely to show decreased muscular strength and endurance?
Soldiers that do not meet body fat percentages
Para 2-1 Who will benefit from Soldiers meeting Body fat percentages?
the individual and collective benefit to themselves, their unit, and the entire Army
Para 2-2 What agency is responsible for AR 600-9?
The Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G–1
Para 2-3 What is The Surgeon General’s responsibilities for AR 600-9?
- Establish medical examination and medical counseling policies
- Evaluate the medical aspects of the program
- Establish and review procedures for determination of body fat content
- Provide guidance on improving the nutritional status of Soldiers
- Provide recommendations and/or medical opinions on medical exception to policy requests
Para 2-14 Who is responsible for meeting Body fat percentages?
Each Soldier (commissioned officer, warrant officer, and enlisted)
Para 2-16 What is the responsibility of Commanders and Supervisors per AR 600-9?
- Implement the ABCP
- Ensure the continued evaluation of all Soldiers under their command or supervision
- Review monthly Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions Management Report (AAA–095)
- Forward a complete ABCP file (per AR 600-9 para 3-8) to the gaining unit on each Soldier who conducts a permanent change of station and is flagged for noncompliance with body fat standards
Para 2-15 What are the responsibilities of Medical Personnel per AR 600-9?
- Assist commanders and supervisors in ensuring that individuals who exceed body fat standards receive nutrition and weight reduction counseling from a registered dietitian, if available
- Identify those individuals who have a pathological condition requiring medical treatment
- Evaluate Soldiers who exceed body fat standards
- Advise Soldiers that while various medical conditions, environmental conditions, functional limitations (temporary or permanent physical profiles), and/or medications may contribute to weight gain, they are still required to meet the body fat standard
- Refer Soldiers to appropriate specialist for nutrition and exercise counseling
- At the request of a commander, provide education and information to Soldiers on healthy eating behaviors
Para 2-15 If a registered dietitian is not available who may provide nutrition and weight reduction counseling?
a health care provider, to include nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or medical doctor
Para 2-15 Who can grant exception and is the approval authority for special situations?
DCS, G–1
Para 2-16 What is the function of a designated unit fitness training NCO or master fitness trainer?
- Prescribe proper exercise and fitness techniques to assist Soldiers in meeting and maintaining body fat standards
- Assist commanders in developing programs that establish a physical fitness program
- Train other command designated NCOs in proper height, weight, and body circumference methodology to assess body fat composition
Para 3-1 What does the ABCP program provide Commanders with?
The ABCP provides commanders a systematic approach to enforce military standards across the unit, while supporting Soldiers with the resources they need to return to an optimum level of individual readiness
Para 3-1 What is the amount of time that every Soldier will be screened IAW AR 600-9?
Soldiers will be screened every 6 months, at a minimum, to ensure compliance with this regulation
Para 3-2 What is the only authorized method of estimating body fat?
the circumference-based tape method outlined in appendix B of AR 600-9
Para 3-2 What are Commanders are authorized to use as a screening tool in order to expedite the semi-annual testing process?
the weight for height table (Appendix B of AR 600-9)
Para 3-2 Who has the authority to direct a body fat assessment on any Soldier that they determine does not present a Soldierly appearance, regardless of whether or not the Soldier exceeds the screening table weight for his or her measured height?
The Commander
Para 3-2 When can the Commander direct that a body fat assessment be performed on a Soldier even if they meet the weight for height screening table?
If they determine that the Soldier does not present a Soldierly appearance
Para 3-2 What must the Commander do when a Soldier exceeds the Body fat standards?
the Soldier will be flagged in accordance with AR 600–8–2 and enrolled in the ABCP
Para 3-2 What must a Soldier do in order to be released from the program?
They must meet the body fat standard in AR 600-9
Para 3-3 When a Soldier is exempt from the body fat standards what must they maintain?
A Soldierly appearance
Para 3-3 Do Soldiers assigned to or attached to a Warrior Transition Unit or Community Based Warrior Transition Unit have to meet body fat standards?
Yes; however Soldiers with special considerations may request a temporary exception to policy
Para 3-3 Who are the Soldiers that are exempt from the requirements of AR 600-9?
- Soldiers with major limb loss
- Soldiers on established continued on active duty and/or continued on active Reserve status
- Pregnant and postpartum Soldiers
- Soldiers who have undergone prolonged hospitalization for 30 continuous days or greater
- New recruits
Para 3-3 How long do New recruits have to meet body fat standards?
180 days from entry to active service
Para 3-4 Are the APFT and weigh-in required to be conducted on the same day?
No; commanders and supervisors are encouraged to allow a minimum of 7 days between APFT and weigh-in
Para 3-4 Why should the APFT and the weigh-in be conducted a minimum of 7 days apart?
to ensure the ABCP does not interfere with Soldier performance on the APFT; Some Soldiers that are close to exceeding the screening weight may attempt to lose weight quickly in the days leading up to a weigh-in this may result in the Soldier being unable to perform his or her best on the APFT
Para 3-4 At what level will routine weigh-ins be conducted?
Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level
Para 3-4 Who must measure the Soldier for body fat?
Soldiers will be measured by trained individuals of the same gender
Para 3-4 What must be done when a trained individual of the same gender is not available to conduct the measurements?
a female Soldier will be present when a male measures a female, and a male Soldier will be present when a female measures a male
Para 3-4 Is the height, weight, and body fat percent required to be entered on the Department of the Army (DA) Form 705 (Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard)?
The height, weight, and body fat percent are no longer required entries on the Department of the Army (DA) Form 705 (Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard)
Para 3-4 How may unit’s track height and weight data?
Units may track height and weight on a centralized roster, the DA Form 705, and on the DA Form 5500
Para 3-4 What is DA Form 5500?
Body Fat Assessment Worksheet – Male
Para 3-4 What is the Male Body Fat Assessment Worksheet?
DA form 5500
Para 3-4 What is the DA form 5501?
Body Fat Assessment Worksheet – Female
Para 3-4 What is the Female Body Fat Assessment Worksheet?
DA Form 5501
Para 3-4 How must Units maintain height, weight, and body fat assessment data?
According to unit policy
Para 3-5 Who must be enrolled in the ABCP?
Soldiers who exceed body fat standards in appendix B will be enrolled in the unit ABCP
Para 3-5 When does Enrollment in the ABCP start?
on the day that the Soldier is notified by the unit commander (or designee) that he or she has been entered in the program
Para 3-5 What will Soldiers enrolled in the ABCP be given to help them attain the requirements of the Army?
- exercise guidance by the unit master fitness trainer and/or unit fitness training NCO
- nutrition counseling by registered dietitian (or health care provider, if a dietitian is not available)
- assistance in behavioral modification
Para 3-6 What are the Actions that are required when a Soldier is determined to be exceeding the body fat standard?
- Notification counseling
- Soldier Action Plan
- Nutrition counseling
Para 3-6 How long does a Commander have to Flag the Soldier using DA Form 268 (Report to Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG) for failing to meet body fat standards?
the commander has 3 working days to Flag the Soldier
Para 3-6 How long does a Commander have from initiation of DA Form 268 to counsel and/or notify and enroll the Soldier in the ABCP?
the commander has 2 working days from initiation of DA Form 268
Para 3-6 What is the effective date of the DA Form 268 flagging action when a Soldier fails to meet body fat standards?
effective date of the DA Form 268 flagging action is the date that the Soldier is found to be noncompliant
Para 3-6 What will the Soldier be advised of during the notification counseling?
- That they have a DA Form 268 (flag) placed on their record to suspend favorable personnel actions
- That they are enrolled in the ABCP 3. That they Must acknowledge enrollment in the ABCP by memorandum to the commander within 2 working days of notification of enrollment
Para 3-6 What are some of the ramifications of the Soldier being flagged?
- That they are not promotable
- That they will not be assigned to command, command sergeant major, or first sergeant positions
- They are not authorized to attend military schools and institutional training courses IAW AR 350-1
Para 3-6 During the Soldier notification counseling, what must the Commander or designated representative inform the Soldier of?
- Must read the online U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC) Technical Guide (TG) 358
- Must complete and return their Soldier Action Plan
- Are required to meet with a dietitian or health care provider
- Must participate in unit monthly ABCP assessments to document their progress
- Must meet the body fat standard in order to be released from the ABCP
- Must demonstrate satisfactory progress while enrolled in the ABCP and understand that failure to do so will result in bar to reenlistment or initiation of separation proceedings
- May request a medical examination if there is reason to believe that there is an underlying medical condition
Para 3-6 How long will a Soldier have to read the online U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC) Technical Guide (TG) 358 after the notification counseling?
within 14 days of enrollment and schedule an appointment with a dietitian, if available, or health care provider
Para 3-6 How long will a Soldier have to complete and return their Soldier Action Plan after the notification counseling?
within 14 days of the notification counseling
Para 3-6 How long will a Soldier have to meet with a dietitian or health care provider?
within 30 days of enrollment in the ABCP
Para 3-6 What must a Soldier bring have to meet with a dietitian or health care provider?
- copy of the commander’s request for nutrition counseling
2. Soldier Action Plan to the dietitian for Review
Para 3-6 What must a Soldier bring to the Commander after the meeting with the dietitian or health care provider?
a memorandum signed by the dietitian (or health care provider if a dietitian is not available) verifying that the nutritional counseling took place
Para 3-6 How long does a Soldier have to acknowledge enrollment in the ABCP by memorandum to the commander?
within 2 working days of notification of enrollment
Para 3-6 How long does a Soldier have to respond to the commander with a Soldier Action Plan confirming that he or she has read USAPHC TG 358, provide date and time of scheduled nutrition counseling, and indicate what approach he or she intends to use to work towards meeting the body fat standard?
Within 14 days of the notification counseling
Para 3-6 What must the Soldier include in the Soldier Action plan?
the Soldier must complete the Army MOVE!23, interactive questionnaire, review the survey results, and record the retrieval code
Para 3-6 What Table will give a Summary of Army Body Composition Program-related actions, counseling, and evaluations?
Table 3-1
Para 3-8 Who must maintain an ABCP file at the unit on each Soldier enrolled in the program?
The Commander
Para 3-8 What must the ABCP file contain at a minimum?
- DA Form 268
- DA Form 5500 or DA Form 5501 from enrollment and each monthly assessment
- Notification counseling 4. Soldier Action Plan
- Nutrition counseling results memorandum
- Medical evaluation request memorandum
- Medical evaluation results
- Release from ABCP counseling memorandum from the unit commander
- Copy of DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile)
Para 3-9 When must commanders conduct a monthly ABCP assessment to measure Soldier progress?
Approximately every 30 days
Para 3-9 What is considered to be safely attainable goals that enable Soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards?
A monthly loss of either 3 to 8 pounds or 1 percent body fat
Para 3-11 What happens when a temporary medical condition that directly causes weight gain or prevents weight or body fat loss?
Soldiers will have up to 6 months from the initial medical evaluation date to undergo treatment to resolve the medical condition but a medical specialty physician may extend the time period up to 12 months
Para 3-11 If a Soldier has a medical condition what will happen IAW AR 600-9?
the Soldier will participate in the ABCP, to include initiation of a DA Form 268, nutrition counseling, and monthly body fat assessment, but will not be penalized for failing to show progress
Para 3-11 What happens once the medical condition is resolved, or 6 months (not to exceed 12 months), whichever occurs first, from the date of the medical evaluation and if the Soldier still exceeds the body fat standard?
he or she will continue participating in the ABCP but will be required to show satisfactory progress
Para 3-11 What happens if the Soldier is unable to show satisfactory progress in the ABCP?
the Soldier will be subject to separation
Para 3-12 What is considered a ABCP program failure?
- The Soldier exhibits less than satisfactory progress on two consecutive monthly ABCP assessments
- After 6 months in the ABCP he or she still exceeds body fat standards, and exhibits less than satisfactory progress for three or more (nonconsecutive) monthly ABCP assessments
Para 3-12 What must a Commander request if a Soldier has failed the program?
the commander will request a medical evaluation
Para 3-12 If the medical evaluation finds no underlying medical condition what must the Commander do?
then the commander will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment
Para 3-12 Who must inform the Soldier, in writing, that a bar to reenlistment, separation action is being initiated?
The commander or supervisor
Para 3-13 Who will remove individuals administratively from the ABCP as soon as the body fat standard is achieved?
Commanders and supervisors
Para 3-13 What will happen if a Soldier in the ABCP program meet the screening table weight?
The Soldier must remain in the ABCP program until they no longer exceed the required body fat standard
Para 3-13 What must the Commander do when removing a Soldier form the ABCP program?
The commander will remove the DA Form 268 actions and counsel the Soldier on the importance of maintaining body composition and potential consequences if re-enrolled in the program within 36 months
Para 3-14 What happens if a Soldier exceeds body fat standards within 12 months from release of the ABCP?
If no underlying medical condition is found, the commander will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment
Para 3-14 What happens If, after 12 months but less than 36 months from the date of release from the ABCP?
If no underlying medical condition is found, the commander will re-enroll the Soldier in the ABCP and the Soldier will have 90 days to meet the standards
Para 3-14 What happens if a Soldier fails to meet standards within 90 days (for those who are removed from a program and then exceed the standards again between 12-36 months)?
Commanders will initiate separation action, bar to reenlistment
Para 3-15 How long will pregnant Soldiers be exempt from meeting body fat standards?
Pregnant Soldiers (who previously met the standards) will be given the duration of the pregnancy plus the period of 180 days after the pregnancy ends
Para 3-15 If a Soldier is enrolled in the ABCP and then becomes pregnant, what actions occur?
The Soldier will remain under the flagging action
Para 3-15 What happens when a Soldier enters or reenters the ACBP after pregnancy?
Soldiers entered or re-entered in the ABCP after pregnancy will be considered first-time entries into the program
Para 3-16 What happens if a Soldier is hospitalized for 30 continuous days or more?
Soldiers will be exempt from the standards for the duration of the hospitalization and the recovery period as specified by their profile, not to exceed 90 days from discharge from the hospital
App B-1 Where is the weight for height table listed in Appendix B?
in table B-1
App B-1 Where is body fat standards listed in Appendix B?
in table B-2
App B-1 What must Unit commanders require of those personnel that are trained to perform measurements and before official body fat determinations are made?
Commanders must ensure that designated personnel have read the instructions regarding technique and location and obtained adequate practice before official body fat determinations are made
App B-1 What must the individual taking the measurements have a thorough understanding of?
The individual taking the measurements must have a thorough understanding of the appropriate body landmarks and measurement techniques
App B-1 What could happen if untrained personnel are allowed to take the measurements?
they can give erroneous results if proper technique is not followed
App B-1 What will the individuals taking the measurements be designated as?
unit fitness trainers, certified master fitness trainers, and/or trained in body circumference methodology
App B-1 How many people are required to take measurements?
Two members of the unit will be utilized in the taking of measurements; one to place the tape measure and determine measurements and the other to assure proper placement and tension of the tape, as well as to record the measurement on the worksheet
App B-1 What happens if a trained individual of the same gender is not available to conduct the measurements?
a female Soldier will be present when a male measures a female, and a male Soldier will be present when a female measures a male
App B-1 How many measurements must be taken?
Take all circumference measurements sequentially three times and record them to the nearest half inch
App B-1 How should you record measurements?
to the nearest half inch
App B-1 What happens if any one of the three closest measurements differs by more than 1 inch from the other two?
take an additional measurement and compute a mathematical average of the three measurements with the least difference to the nearest half inch and record this value
App B-1 What must Soldiers wear when being measured?
Soldiers will be measured for body fat in stocking feet and standard Army physical fitness uniform trunks and T-shirt
App B-1 Can Soldiers wear Undergarments that may serve to bind the abdomen, hip, or thigh areas?
No; they are not authorized for wear when a Soldier is being measured for body fat composition
App B-1 Can the tape compress the underlying soft tissues during circumference measurements?
No; It will not compress the underlying soft tissues
App B-1 What must the tape measure be made of?
non stretchable material, preferably fiberglass
App B-1 Can cloth or metal tapes be used?
cloth or steel tapes are unacceptable
App B-1 Why are cloth tapes unacceptable?
Cloth measuring tapes will stretch with usage
App B-1 Why are steel tapes unacceptable?
most steel tapes do not conform to body surfaces
App B-1 How are measuring tapes calibrated?
compared with a yardstick or a metal ruler to ensure validity; by aligning the fiberglass tape measure with the quarter-inch markings on the ruler
App B-1 How wide will the tape measure be?
one-quarter to one-half inch wide
App B-1 How long will the tape measure be?
a minimum of 5 feet in length
App B-2 What must the Soldier wear when height is being measured?
with the Soldier in stocking feet and wearing the authorized physical fitness uniform
App B-2 How must the Soldier stand when the height is being measured?
looking directly forward with the line of vision horizontal and the chin parallel to the floor
App B-2 How is the height recorded in inches?
the Soldier’s height is measured to the nearest half inch
App B-2 When measuring height to use the weight for height screening table how do you round the height?
- If the height fraction is less than half an inch, round down to the nearest whole number in inches
- If the height fraction is half an inch or greater, round up to the next highest whole number in inches
App B-2 How often will Scales used for weight measurement be calibrated?
App B-2 How is weight rounded?
- If the weight fraction of the Soldier is less than one-half pound, round down to the nearest pound
- If the weight fraction of the Soldier is one half-pound or greater, round up to the next whole pound
App B-2 How much weight will be accounted for clothing?
No weight will be deducted to account for clothing
App B-2 What table displays authorized body fat percentage by age?
Table B-2
App B-2 What is the Maximum allowable percent body fat standards for Age group: 17–20?
Male (% body fat): 20% and Female (% body fat): 30%
App B-2 What is the Maximum allowable percent body fat standards for Age group: 21–27?
Male (% body fat): 22% and Female (% body fat): 32%
App B-2 What is the Maximum allowable percent body fat standards for Age group: 28–39?
Male (% body fat): 24% and Female (% body fat): 34%
App B-2 What is the Maximum allowable percent body fat standards for Age group: 40 and older?
Male (% body fat): 26% and Female (% body fat): 36%
App B-4 Where are the sites to measure a male?
the neck and the abdomen
App B-4 Where are the sites to measure a female?
neck, waist (abdomen), and hip measurements
App B-5 Where on the neck should a male and female be measured?
measure the neck circumference at a point just below the larynx
App B-4 Where should a male be measured on the abdomen?
At the naval or belly button
App B-5 Where on the waist should a female be measured?
at the minimal abdominal circumference
App B-5 Where are the hips on a female measured?
over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal muscles
App C-4 What are some Unsafe weight loss strategies that Soldiers are using and Leaders need to be aware of?
- Fasting or starvation
- Water loss or forced dehydration
- Abuse of diuretics and/or laxatives
- Vomiting and/or purging 5. Use of diet or weight loss pills
App C-4 Explain the Unsafe weight loss strategy of Fasting or starvation?
Crash dieting, fasting, or starvation reduces weight, but also slows down the body’s metabolism and forces the body to utilize lean muscle or organs for energy. Prolonged fasting can lead to decrease in muscle endurance and loss of strength and power
App C-4 Explain the Unsafe weight loss strategy of Water loss or forced dehydration?
Since the body is 75 percent water, this is the easiest way to lose weight. Most common practices to lose water weight include fluid restriction, exercising in hot and humid conditions, and the use of saunas, “sauna suits,” or diuretics. Risks of dehydration include irritability, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, organ failure, and death
App C-4 Explain the Unsafe weight loss strategy of Abuse of diuretics and/or laxatives?
Used to reduce further the body of excess “weight.” This method combines all the risks of dehydration and starvation by depriving the body of fluids and nutrition.
App C-4 Explain the Unsafe weight loss strategy of Vomiting and/or purging?
May lead to dehydration and can be self-induced or with emetics (laxatives) that stimulate the response. This method combines all the risk of dehydration and starvation by depriving the body of fluids and nutrition
App C-4 Explain the Unsafe weight loss strategy of Use of diet or weight loss pills?
These weight loss aids may contain chemicals that act like drugs. Many of these supplements can be lethal, especially when taken before heightened physical activity