AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia Flashcards
What Regulation Covers Army Uniforms?
AR 670-1
What does AR 670-1 Cover?
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia
Para 1-1 What does a Soldier’s appearance measure?
part of his or her Professionalism
Para 1-1 What is a matter of personal pride for all Soldiers?
Proper wear of the Army uniform
Para 1-1 Who has an individual responsibility for ensuring their appearance reflects the highest level of professionalism?
All Soldiers
Para 1-1 Who has a responsibility for implementing and applying the standards contained in AR 670-1 and to ensure the best interests of the Army, including our shared traditions and customs?
Leaders, at all levels
Para 1-5 Are Portions of AR 670-1 punitive?
Para 1-5 What may happen if Soldiers Violate specific prohibitions and requirements of AR 670-1?
Violations may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the provisions of the UCMJ
Para 1-5 Can Civilians wear the Army Uniform?
In accordance with Section 771, Chapter 45, Title 10, United States Code, no person except a member of the U.S. Army may wear the uniform
Para 2-3 Who will Approve designs for distinctive unit insignia (DUI), regimental distinctive insignia (RDI), shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI), flags, and badges?
The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH)
Para 2-3 Who can approve coats of arms, decorations, flags, streamers, agency seals, badges, and other types of insignia that are approved for use and/or display?
The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH)
Para 2-3 Who can approve a new Design of a Guidon for a New Company, Battalion or BDE?
The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH)
Para 2-6 Who is Exempt from policies in AR 670-1?
Only Those Units designated for ceremonial duties, such as the Old Guard and the U.S. Army Band, are exempt from the policy to wear the Army service, dress, or utility uniforms in the performance of ceremonial duties
Para 2-6 Can Commanders or 1SG’s require individuals to purchase Optional uniform items?
Para 2-6 Can Commanders or 1SG’s require individuals to purchase Required uniform items?
Yes they can require the purchase of current issued items of CTA 50-900
Para 2-6 Why must Commanders conduct periodic inspections of Uniform Items?
- To ensure Soldiers possess the minimum quantities of uniforms and that uniforms fit properly and are serviceable
- To ensure Soldiers wear only authorized insignia and awards
- To ensure Soldiers wear only uniform and heraldic items produced by certified manufacturers, and they meet the specifications for quality and design
Para 2-7 Who must Maintain their clothing bag items and any supplemental clothing items they are issued and ensure that their uniforms and insignia conform to AR 670-1?
All Enlisted Personnel
Para 2-7 Who must ensure they Procure and maintain the uniforms and accessories appropriate to their assigned duties and ensure that their uniforms and insignia conform to specifications of DA Pam 670-1?
All Officers
Para 3-1 Who will present a professional image at all times and will continue to set the example in military presence, both on and off duty?
All Soldiers
Para 3-1 What does Pride in appearance include?
includes Soldiers’ physical fitness and adherence to acceptable weight standards in accordance with AR 600–9
Para 3-1 What is a vital ingredient of the Army’s strength and military effectiveness?
the pride and self discipline that American Soldiers bring to their Service through a conservative military image
Para 3-1 Who is to ensure that military personnel under their command present a neat and soldierly appearance?
Para 3 What Chapter of AR 670-1 sets the Standards for Appearance and Grooming Standards?
Chapter 3
Para 3-2 Are Hair and Fingernail Grooming Standards Punitive under UCMJ?
Para 3-2 What is the purpose of Hair grooming standards?
It is necessary to maintain uniformity within a military population
Para 3-2 What are the two determining factors of if a Hairstyle is acceptable?
Neat and Conservative
Para 3-2 Who determines if a Hairstyle is considered Neat and Conservative?
Army Leaders
Para 3-2 What should Leaders exercise in determining if a Hairstyle is Neat and Conservative?
Leaders at all levels to exercise good judgment when enforcing Army policy
Para 3-2 Who will comply with hair, fingernail, and grooming policies while in any military uniform, or in civilian clothes on duty?
All Soldiers
Para 3-2 How can Leaders judge the appropriateness of a particular hairstyle?
by the appearance of headgear when worn
Para 3-2 Concerning Headgear and protective mask or other protective equipment, What will make a Hairstyle Prohibited?
Hairstyles (including bulk and length of hair) that do not allow Soldiers to wear the headgear properly, or that interfere with the proper wear of the protective mask or other protective equipment, are prohibited
Para 3-2 How should the Headgear fit?
Headgear will fit snugly and comfortably, without bulging or distortion from the intended shape of the headgear and without excessive gaps
Para 3-2 Are Extreme, eccentric, or faddish haircuts or hairstyles Authorized?
No they are not authorized
Para 3-2 If Soldiers use dyes, tints, or bleaches what color must they use?
They must choose a natural hair color
Para 3-2 What Hair Colors are Prohibited?
Colors that detract from a professional military appearance are prohibited
Para 3-2 What Colors must Soldiers avoid using?
Soldiers must avoid using colors that result in an extreme appearance
Para 3-2 What are some hair colors that are prohibited?
purple, blue, pink, green, orange, bright (fire-engine) red, and fluorescent or neon colors
Para 3-2 Who determines if colors are acceptable based on the Soldiers overall appearance?
Army Leaders
Para 3-2 Who may cut a part into the hair?
Only Soldiers who have a texture of hair that does not part naturally
Para 3-2 If a Soldier is authorized to cut a part into their hair, how should the part be cut?
The part will be one straight line, not slanted or curved, and will fall in the area where the Soldier would normally part the hair
Para 3-2 How must the Hair be on the top of the head for Males?
The hair on top of the head must be neatly groomed
Para 3-2 For Males, what appearance must the hair present?
A Tapered Appearance
Para 3-2 What is a Tapered Appearance?
A tapered appearance is one where the outline of the Soldier’s hair conforms to the shape of the head curving inward to the natural termination point at the base of the neck
Para 3-2 When the hair is combed how will it Not Fall?
it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck
Para 3-2 Is the Block-Cut fullness in the back Authorized?
It is permitted to a moderate degree, as long as the tapered look is maintained
Para 3-2 Are Haircuts with a single, untapered patch of hair on the top of the head Authorized?
No they are considered eccentric and are not authorized
Para 3-2 What are some examples of unauthorized male haircuts?
- Mohawk
- Horseshoe
- Tear Drop
Para 3-2 Is Hair that is completely shaved or trimmed closely to the scalp Authorized?
Para 3-2 What are Sideburns?
Sideburns are hair grown in front of the ear and below the point where the top portion of the ear attaches to the head
Para 3-2 How far down are Sideburns Authorized?
Sideburns will not extend below the bottom of the opening of the ear
Para 3-2 What is the maximum authorized length of Sideburns?
the sideburn will not exceed 1/8 inch when fully extended
Para 3-2 When are Males required to keep their face Clean-Shaven?
When in Uniform, or in Civilian clothes On Duty
Para 3-2 Are Males required to Shave when Off Duty or on Leave?
No; They only need to be Clean-Shaven When in Uniform, or in Civilian clothes On Duty
Para 3-2 How must Mustaches be kept?
Neatly Trimmed, Tapered, and Tidy they cannot present a Chopped off or Bushy appearance
Para 3-2 What is the Authorized size of the Moustache?
no portion of the mustache will cover the upper lip line, extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corners of the mouth or extend above a parallel line at the lowest portion of the nose
Para 3-2 Who is authorized beard growth?
Personnel who are authorized by the appropriate Medical Authority by issuing a Medical Profile
Para 3-2 What is the maximum length authorized for medical treatment?
The length of the beard cannot exceed 1/4 inch, but must be specified on the Profile
Para 3-2 Are Soldiers that have Profiles allowing Beards authorized to shape the hair growth?
No; they are not authorized to shape the hair growth
Para 3-2 How should Soldiers maintain an authorized medical beard?
Soldiers will keep the growth trimmed to the level specified by the appropriate medical authority
Para 3-2 If a Soldier that has a Medical Profile authorizing a Beard shaves or trims their Beard, what should be done?
The Soldier is in violation of UCMJ and must be counseled. If appropriate, the Soldier should receive UCMJ Actions, especially if multiple incidents have occurred after being Counseled.
Para 3-2 Can males wear wigs or hairpieces while in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty?
No; except to cover natural baldness or physical disfiguration caused by accident or medical procedure
Para 3-2 What are the three basic categories of Female Hairstyles?
- Short Length
- Medium Length
- Long Length
Para 3-2 What is Short Length hair?
length that extends no more than 1 inch from the scalp, (excluding bangs)
Para 3-2 What is the shortest that a Female’s hairstyle is authorized?
No Shorter than ¼ inch from scalp
How must bangs be maintained?
Bangs must not fall below the eyebrows, may not interfere with the wear of all headgear, must lie neatly against the head, and not be visible underneath the front of the headgear
Para 3-2 What is Medium Length hair?
hair length that does not extend beyond the lower edge of the collar (in all uniforms), and extends more than 1 inch from the scalp
Para 3-2 Is Medium length hair required to be secured?
No, Medium hair may fall naturally in uniform, and is not required to be secured
Para 3-2 What is Long Length hair?
hair length that extends beyond the lower edge of the collar
Para 3-2 How must Long hair be secured?
Long hair will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned, except that bangs may be worn
Para 3-2 Is Female hair Authorized to bulge or distort or make gaps in the headgear?
No; When headgear is worn, hair should not protrude at distinct angles from under the edges
Para 3-2 What type of Hair Holding devices are Authorized for wear?
small plain scrunchies (elastic hair bands covered with material), barrettes, combs, pins, clips, rubber bands, and hair/head bands
Para 3-2 What are Some examples of prohibited Hair Holding Devices?
large, lacy scrunchies; beads, bows, or claw or alligator clips; clips, pins, or barrettes with butterflies, flowers, sparkles, gems, or scalloped edges; and bows made from hairpieces
Para 3-2 During PT is Long length hair authorized to be in a ponytail?
Yes; A single ponytail centered on the back of the head is authorized in physical fitness uniforms, except when considered a safety hazard. It is not required to be worn above the collar
Para 3-2 What is the Authorized use of Cosmetics allowed for Females?
They must be applied modestly and conservatively, and that they complement both the Soldier’s complexion and the uniform
Para 3-2 How must Males keep fingernails trimmed?
Males will keep nails trimmed so as not to extend beyond the fingertip unless medically required
Para 3-2 What is the Maximum Allowed Length of Fingernails for Females?
No longer than 1/4 of an inch as measured from tip of finger
Para 3-2 Can a Female be required to keep nails shorter than the Maximum Allowed length of AR 670-1?
Yes; if the Commander determines that the longer length detracts from a professional appearance, presents a safety concern, or interferes with the performance of duties
Para 3-2 What is the Authorized Color of Nail Polish while in Uniform?
Only Clear Nail Polish is authorized in uniform or while in civilian clothes on duty
Para 3-3 What are the types of tattoos or brands that are prejudicial to good order and discipline and therefore prohibited anywhere on a Soldier’s body?
- Extremist
- Indecent
- Sexist
- Racist
Para 3-3 What are Extremist Tattoos?
Extremist tattoos or brands are those affiliated with, depicting, or symbolizing extremist philosophies, organizations, or activities
Para 3-3 What are Indecent Tattoos?
Indecent tattoos or brands are those that are grossly offensive to modesty, decency, propriety, or professionalism
Para 3-3 What are Sexist Tattoos?
Sexist tattoos or brands are those that advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on gender
Para 3-3 What are Racist Tattoos?
Racist tattoos or brands are those that advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on race, ethnicity, or national origin
Para 3-3 Where are Soldiers prohibited from getting tattoos?
on the head, face, neck, wrists, hands, or fingers
Para 3-3 How many Tattoos are Soldiers authorized below the elbow or knee?
No more than 4
Para 3-3 What is the maximum Authorized size of a Tattoo below the elbow or knee?
must be smaller than the size of the wearer’s hand
Para 3-3 What is the date of Soldiers being Grandfathered but can get no more tattoos in unauthorized areas?
31 March 2014
Para 3-3 What must Soldiers that were grandfathered to the Old Tattoo Policy do?
They must self identify to their commander with locations and descriptions
Para 3-3 What must happen if a Soldier is not in compliance with the Tattoo Policy?
They must be processed out of the Army
Para 3-3 When must Commanders perform a check for extremist, indecent, sexist and racist tattoos?
Commanders must perform an Annual Check to ensure Soldiers are in Compliance with the Tattoo Policy
Para 3-4 What Jewelry is Authorized for wear while in uniform?
Soldiers may wear a wristwatch, a wrist identification bracelet, and a total of two rings
Para 3-4 Is a Wedding Set considered two rings?
No; a wedding set is considered one ring
Para 3-4 What Identification bracelets are authorized?
medical alert bracelets, missing in action, prisoner of war, or killed in action (black or silver in color only) bracelets
Para 3-4 How many items are Soldiers Authorized to wear on the wrist while in uniform or civilian clothes on Duty?
Soldiers are only authorized to wear one item on each wrist while in uniform, or in civilian clothes on duty
Para 3-4 Are Soldiers Authorized to have any piercings?
No; only exception is Females can wear earrings with the service, dress, and mess uniforms
Para 3-4 What type of earrings are authorized for Females?
screw-on, clip-on, or post-type earrings in gold, silver, white pearl, or diamond. The earrings will not exceed 6 mm or 1⁄4 inch in diameter
Para 3-4 Are Females Authorized to wear earrings with the Class C uniform?
Para 3-4 What are considered Class C uniforms?
combat, utility, hospital duty, food service, physical fitness, field, or organizational
Para 3-4 Are there any Restrictions for Females wearing earrings off duty?
No; except the earrings do not create or support ear gauging (enlarging the holes in the lobe)
Para 3-4 Are Males Authorized to wear earrings off duty?
Para 3-4 Are Males or Females Authorized to wear Piercings off duty?
No; except females can wear only earring piercings while off duty
Can Males or Females wear Ankle bracelets, toe rings, necklaces, devices, medallions, amulets, and personal talismans or icons while in Uniform or on duty in civilian clothes?
No they are not authorized for wear in Uniform or on duty in civilian clothes
Para 3-4 Are gold caps, platinum caps, or caps of any unnatural color or texture for teeth for purposes of dental ornamentation authorized?
Para 3-6 Are Keys or key chains Authorized on the belt, belt loops, or waistband?
Yes as long as they are Not Visible
Para 3-6 Are Soldiers Authorized to wear an Electronic Device on belt, belt loops, or waistband of the uniform?
Yes, but Only One Electronic Device can be worn
Para 3-6 What color must the Carrying case of an Electronic Device be?
Black Only; no other colors are authorized
Para 3-6 What activities will Soldiers not walk while engaged in?
activities that would interfere with the hand salute and greeting of the day or detract from a professional image
Para 3-6 What are some examples of activities that Soldiers should not walk while engaged in?
walking while eating, using electronic devices, or smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes
Para 3-6 Are Soldiers authorized to wear wireless or non-wireless devices/earpieces while wearing Army uniforms?
Para 3-6 Are Soldiers Authorized to use Hands-free devices while operating a commercial or military vehicle (to include a motorcycle or bicycle)?
Yes; Soldiers are Authorized to use Hands-free devices while operating a commercial or military vehicle (to include a motorcycle or bicycle)
Para 3-6 Are Soldiers authorized to place their hands in their pockets?
No; except momentarily to place or retrieve objects
Para 3-7 What Color must a shoulder bag be if carried in uniform?
the bag must be black or match the camouflage pattern uniform being worn, and may not have any commercial logos
Para 3-7 What color must Hand carried bags be?
Hand carried bags will be conservative and professional in appearance
Para 3-7 Are see-through plastic or mesh bags Authorized?
No; The contents of the bag may not be visible
Para 3-7 How are Soldiers Authorized to carry shoulder bags?
Soldier’s may carry authorized bags by hand, on one shoulder using a shoulder strap, or over both shoulders using both shoulder straps
Para 3-7 In what Situation is Wearing Army uniforms prohibited?
(1) In connection with the furtherance of any political or commercial interests, or when engaged in off-duty civilian employment.
(2) When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches, rallies, or public demonstrations, except as authorized by the first O–5 in the chain of command.
(3) When attending any meeting or event that is a function of, or is sponsored by, an extremist organization.
(4) When wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Army, as determined by the Commander.
(5) When specifically prohibited by Army regulations.
Para 3-7 In what Situations are Soldiers Not Required to Wear Headgear with the Uniform?
(1) Headgear is not required if it would interfere with the safe operation of military vehicles. Wearing military headgear is not required while in or on a privately owned vehicle (to include a motorcycle, bicycle, or convertible automobile), a commercial vehicle, or on public conveyance (such as a subway, train, plane, or bus).
(2) Soldiers will not wear headgear indoors, unless under arms in an official capacity, or when directed by the commander, such as for indoor ceremonial activities.
(3) Male and female Soldiers are not required to wear headgear to evening social events (after retreat) when wearing the Army service and dress uniforms or the mess and evening mess uniforms.
Para 3-7 How are Soldiers Authorized to store their Headgear in the Class C Uniform?
In cargo pockets or small of the back, but headgear must be hidden from view and not present a bulky appearance
Para 3-8 What uniform items are distinctive and will not be sold to or worn by unauthorized personnel by law?
(1) All Army headgear, when worn with insignia.
(2) Badges and tabs (identification, marksmanship, combat, and special skill).
(3) Uniform buttons (U.S. Army or Corps of Engineers).
(4) Decorations, service medals, service and training ribbons, and other awards and their appurtenances.
(5) Insignia of any design or color that the Army has adopted.
Para 3-9 What type of Appearance will Soldiers maintain even when in Civilian Clothing?
Soldiers will ensure that their dress and personal appearance are commensurate with the high standards traditionally associated with Army service
Para 3-10 What type of eyeglasses and sunglasses are authorized for wear with the uniform?
they must be conservative
Para 3-10 What type of Eyeglasses or sunglasses are not authorized for wear?
Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy or have lenses or frames with conspicuous initials, designs, or other adornments
Para 3-10 What types of lenses are unauthorized?
lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include, but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange
Para 3-10 What Lens colors are Authorized?
Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades
Para 3-10 When are Soldiers Authorized to wear sunglasses that contain logos or lens colors that are not Authorized?
Soldiers are authorized to wear ballistic spectacle eye protection issued by the Army
No; Tinted or colored contact lenses are not authorized for wear with the uniform
No; Tinted or colored contact lenses are not authorized for wear with the uniform
Para 4-1 What Chapter of AR 670-1 Covers the wear of the Combat Uniform?
Chapter 4
Para 20-27 When are Soldiers Authorized to use an umbrella?
Only in Class A and B, dress and mess uniforms
Para 20-27 What type of umbrella may be used?
The umbrella is black, plain, with no logos or designs, and of a commercial design
Para 20-28 Which Shoulder flag will be worn while deployed or in a field environment?
Soldiers will wear the subdued tactical flag insignia while deployed or in a field environment
Para 20-28 Why is the significance of the stars facing front on the Shoulder Flag?
To give the appearance that Our Army is moving forward and not backwards
Para 21-28 What does each service stripe represent on the uniform represent?
3 years of honorable service
Para 21-29 What does each Overseas service bar represent on the uniform?
6 months of service in a Combat Zone
Para 22-11 What does the “V” device represent on an Award?
denote an award authorized for acts of heroism involving conflict with an armed enemy
Para 22-11 What do Numerals represent?
a second and succeeding awards
Para 22-11 What do Service stars represent?
an additional award or service in a named campaign
Para 22-11 What does and Arrowhead represent?
denotes participation in a combat parachute jump, combat glider landing, or an amphibious assault landing while assigned or attached as a member of an organized force carrying out an assigned tactical mission
Para 22-14 What are the different types of Badges for wear on the uniform?
- Marksmanship
- Combat and Special Skill badges
- Identification badges
- Foreign badges
Para 3-2 Can a Female Soldier wear a ponytail when wearing PT uniform as a uniform during deployed or field duty?
No; Ponytail is only Authorized when engaged in PT or when enroute to and from engaging in PT
Para 3-2 Can a Female Soldier wear a ponytail when going to a Medical Appointment or a Physical?
No; Ponytail is only Authorized when engaged in PT or when enroute to and from engaging in PT