Physical Landscapes: Glaciers Flashcards
What lake in the Lake District is known as a ‘honey pot’ site?
Lake Windermere
Give 3 activities at Lake Windermere
-water sports
-Wray Castle
-bike rental
What company have attempted to help retore footpaths after erosion in the Lake District?
Cat Bells - use large boulders to restore footpath
Give 4 economic activities in the Lake District
Where does forestry take place in the Lake District?
Ennerdale - lots of timber
How do ribbon lakes form?
differential rates of erosion
2 characteristics of a ribbon lake
-long and narrow
-fills bottom of glacial valley
How many tourists visit the Lake District a year?
18 million
How much money does tourism bring the Lake District a year?
Till is a mixture of…
unsorted material - different sizes, mainly angular rocks
Example of Ribbon lake in the Lake District
Lake Windermere
Ribbon lakes are found in…
U shaped valleys
How are hanging valley’s formed?
higher levels that experiences less powerful erosion (waterfalls)
Example of a settlement on a valley floor in the Lake District
Example of an arete in the Lake District
Striding Edge
What is an arete?
narrow steep ridge between the back walls of 2 corries
What is a pyramidal peak?
steep sided peak when 3 corries form back to back
Pyramidal peak example
Snowdon - North Wales
How many people live in the Lake District?
What is freeze-thaw weathering?
break down of rocks in-situ by the action of rainwater
What are the benefits of quarrying in the Lake District?
-provides jobs locally and nationally
-used in construction
What are the challenges of quarrying in the Lake District?
-ruins landscape views
-Lake District is a world heritage site, may have to stop
What is a drumlin?
hill shaped like eggs, made of till
What is a corrie?
bowl shaped valley with a steep back wall
What is a truncated spur?
spurs cut throughby ice
What is a U-shaped valley?
-was v shaped
-eroded by ice
-steep sides, flatter valley floor
CORRIE: 1. snow accumulates in a…
depression high up (north facing slopes)
CORRIE: 2. overtime, snow is compressed into…
ice which starts to flow to lower levels
CORRIE: 3. back wall becomes steeper due to…
CORRIE: 4. freeze-thaw weathering produces…
scree which gets incorporated into the glacier
CORRIE: 5. corrie becomes deeper due to…
abrasion - ice mass slides downshill
CORRIE: 6. less erosion at…
front of glacier - rock lip forms
CORRIE: 7. when all ice is melted a…
tarn forms
What is bulldozing?
when a glacier moves forward it bulldozes piles of rock and debris in front of it - creating a high ridge (moraine)
Give 4 types of moraine
How do ribbon lakes form?
differential rates of erosion (parts of valley are over deepened)
How do hanging valleys form?
tributary glacier - less erosion, hangs above wider main valley
How is a U-shaped valley formed?
-glacier moving downhill under force of gravity
-abrasion (deeps and widens valley)
-V shape —> U shape
How are truncated spurs formed?
glacier plucking rock from interlocking spurs