Lagos: Regional importance
schools and universities (e.g. University of Lagos)
Lagos: National importance
generates 25% of Nigeria’s GDP
Lagos: International importance
Apapa port is the 5th busiest in West Africa
Lagos S opps: Education
-Yaba College of Technology for 16,000 students
-floating school
Lagos S opps: access to water
-wells, boreholes, street vendors
-Lagos Water Corporation supplies 12 million with drinking water
Lagos S opps: energy
-only 60% have access
-80% rely on diesel generators
-“Future Proofing Lagos Energy Sector” (project to provide 100% access to energy)
Lagos E opps:
-Ikeja district (growth of commercial and industrial zones, international airport)
Lagos challenges: urban growth
-70% Lagos in squatter settlements
-overcrowding (due to high building density)
-Makoko (polluted, 250000 residents, lack of basic infrastructure)
Lagos challenges: sanitation
-boreholes often contaminated
-only 10% have access to safe and piped water
-pit latrines leak sewage into soil and rivers
Lagos challenges: access to healthcare
-many contagious diseases (malaria, cholera)
-healthcare not often free
Lagos challenges: access to education
-mostly private
-many children need to work for their family
Lagos challenges: unemployment
-many work in informal sector, 40% (e.g. Olusosun rubbish dump)
Lagos challenges: crime
-vandalism, theft, drugs
-gangs (e.g. Area Boys)
Lagos challenges: waste disposal
-only 13% recycled
-only 40% of waste is collected, rest is dumped in landfill
Lagos challenges: pollution
-water and air
-unregulated vehicles
-5 x higher than recommended limit
Lagos challenges: congestion
-average commuter spends 3 hours in traffic
Lagos: congestion schemes
-bus rapid transport system (transports 200,000 commuters a day)
-new light railway
-danfos (minibus taxis)
-Strategic Transport Master Plan (integrated system, new airport on Lekki peninsula, more efficient roads)
Lagos: urban planning scheme
Eko Atlantic
Eko Atlantic: opportunities
-250,000 inhabitants
-150,000 jobs
-reduces coastal erosion
-improved safety (private guards, increased street lighting)
Eko Atlantic: challenges
-not really suitable for urban poor BUT could stimulate positive multiplier effect
London: National importance
39% of UK’s GDP
London: International importance
-global transport hub
-30 million tourists annually
London SE opps: cultural mix
41% population born outside UK (most diverse city in UK)
London SE opps: entertainment
-West End
-tourist attractions (London Eye etc.)
London SE opps: transport
-integrated system (overground, crossrail, bus network, cycle paths)
London SE challenges: inequalities
-80% unemployed in Newham (only 4% in Kensington and Chelsea)
-60% children in Camden live in households with poor housing
London E challenges: waste
25% waste in landfill
East Village: economic opps
-£9 bill investment
-9 rail lines (improved infrastructure)
-1200 homes
-Westfield shopping centre
-18,000 new jobs
-Here East (7000 jobs, BT sport etc.)
East Village: social opps
-education (UCL campus)
-entertainment (West Ham Stadium)
-sports (Velodrome, hockey centre)
East Village: environmental opps
-8300 trees planted
-grey water
-copper box 60% recycled materials
-River Lee been rewilded
Tunisia: reasons for tourism
-Mediterranean climate
-7 world heritage sites
-beaches, mountains, Sahara Desert
-cheap package holidays (e.g. Thomas Cook)
Tunisia: how does it reduce the development gap
-positive multiplier effect
-increased education rates
-one of wealthiest African countries (increased LE, literacy rates)
Tunisia: challenges
-pollution, use of resources (e.g. water)
-leakage of profits
-terrorism (2015)
-overcrowding (tourism kills tourism)
-jobs mainly based along coast
Nigeria: Regional importance
The Nigerian Film Industry (Nollywood, second largest in world)
Nigeria: Global importance
supplies 2.7% of world’s oil
Nigeria: political context
-gained independence from UK 1960
-stable democratic gov 1998
Nigeria: cultural context
-500 ethnic groups
-successful Nigerian football team
Nigeria: landscapes
-South is Tropical Rainforest and Mangroves (oil palm crops)
-North is Savanna
Nigeria: social context
-youthful pop
-large variation in living standards
Nigeria: balance in economy
-37% decrease in agriculture in last 30 years
-27% increase in services in last 30 years
-half of money is earned through services
-GDP increased by $450 billion in 10 years
Nigeria: growing industries
-manufacturing (textiles, processed food)
Nigeria manufacturing: cash crops examples
Palm Oil
Nigeria manufacturing: Lekki Free Trade Zone
-attracts other industries
-10,000 jobs created
-positive multiplier effect (taxes from wages help development)
Nigeria manufacturing: Dangote Cement
-13 countries
-increase in formal jobs
-increase in investments from TNCs
TNCs: advantages
-new tech
-international links
(all stimulate positive multiplier effect)
TNCs: disadvantages
-leakage profits
-environmental damage
-poor working conditions
TNC example
Shell Oil
Shell: economic opps
-250,000 employed indirectly
-91% contractors used are Nigerian firms
-increased GDP by 10 x since 2000
Shell: challenges
-oil spills (500 mil gallons in Niger Delta)
-human rights abuse (against Ogoni people in Niger Delta)
-toxic fumes pollute air
-beholds power over gov
Nigeria: trading relationships
-50% exports to EU and UK
-American TNCs investing (Walmart, Microsoft)
Nigeria: large scale aid (Top Down)
The World Bank
-$560 mil for irrigation and drainage schemes
-increase food production, improve fishing and framing
Nigeria: small scale aid (Bottom Up)
Christian Aid
-Kaduna state
-15,000 nets given out
-increase by 90% people seeking healthcare
Nigeria: emergency aid/ short term
UN agencies
-UN world food providd food to 400,000 people
Nigeria: long term/ development aid
UK gov
-£305 mil to help achieve MDGs (development goals)
Nigeria: conditional/ tied aid
-supplied weapons and tech
-Nigeria must import cheap Chinese goods in return
Nigeria envrion challenges: mining
-polluting rivers with toxic chemicals
-oil spills
Nigeria envrion challenges: industrial growth
-polluted water
-drainage systems polluted (impacts ecosystems)
Nigeria environ challenges: urban development
-squatter settlements with not infrastructure (poor waste disposal, sewage and waste enters environment)
-traffic congestion
-illegal logging (destroys 70-80% Nigeria’s forests)
Nigeria: improvement to quality of life
-HDI improved
-life expectancy increased by 9 in 40 years
-mortality rates decreased by 9.6%
Nigeria: continued challenges on quality of life
-North less developed than South
-huge economic inequality (richest Nigerian makes enough income to save 2 million from poverty)
-10,000 illegal scale industries
-lack of housing, still squatter settlements
Torr Quarry: opportunities
-over 100 jobs
-£15 mil annually to local economy
-200 acres land restored
-air and noise pollution monitored
Almeria: advantages
-less water used (due to irrigation and hydroponics methods)
-low energy cost (due to warm climate)
-cheap workers
-provided fruit and veg all year round
-positive multiplier effect
Almeria: disadvantages
-immigrant workers receive poor pay and live in poor conditions
-increase in plastic, more land pollution
-aquifers are drying up
-immigrant workers work illegally
Jamalpur: opps
-increase rice yields by 10%
-involves local people
-improves diet (higher in protein)
Jamalpur: what is it
-Practical Action charity
-rice-fish agriculture
-fish provide source of fertiliser and eats insects and pests in crops