Physical Fitness Flashcards
What is physical fitness?
It is the ability to perform physical tasks efficiently and effectively. You could be fit for one task but not fit for another
What is the difference between fitness for health and fitness for performance
For health a minimum amount of exercise is needed to keep you body systems functioning. This is your minimum benchmark. For performance you would need to make your benchmark higher and do extra training and achieve peak physical fitness.
What does exercise refer to?
Your physical health/welbeing
What does training refer to?
Developing peak physical fitness
Examples of being fit to do one thing but not another
Goal keeper could be unfit to play a full game as a midfielder in hockey
What is Aerobic energy production?
Produced with the use of oxygen. Determined by the ability of the respiratory and circulatory systems to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles and ability of them to use it. It is about going at something for a long period.
What is Anaerobic energy production?
Produced without oxygen. Determined by the ability of the muscles and liver to store fuel and ability of the muscles to utilise this fuel. It is about being able to perform at high intensities where the systems cannot meet the oxygen demands e.g. 400m sprint
What forces can muscles provide?
What is muscular power?
Being able to produce maximum force with speed in an explosive effort. Determined by the size of the muscle and the ratio of the different types of muscle fibres e.g. weight-lifting and boxing
What is muscular strength?
It is determined by the ability of a muscle of group of muscles to produce maximum or near maximum force to overcome a resistance. Also by the size of the muscle and ratio of the different types of muscles fibres.
What is muscular speed?
Being able to apply a moderate to small force at a high speed. Determined by the ability of the muscles to contract and relax quickly. This is determined by the ratio between the different types of muscles fibres. E.g. playing a badminton shot
What is muscular endurance?
Muscles being able to hold or keep repeating a movement that requires less than maximum effort for a long period of time. Determined by the ratio of different muscles fibres combined with the ability of the respiratory and circulatory systems to deliver oxygen and nutrients. E.g. holding 2 light dumbbells
What is flexibility?
It is range of movement at a joint. Determined by the ability of the muscles and ligaments surrounding joints to stretch to allow the full range of movement possible.
How to decide the relative importance for the components required for a sport or position?
- Analyse the physical demands of the sport
- Then you rate the importance of each component
- If one component is very important you will spend more time working on it than one of lesser importance