Physical development milestones Flashcards
0-3 months
reflexes, including sucking, rooting, moro
3 months
what is hands and plays with fingers
Clasps and unclasps hands
Can hold a rattle for a moment
Lift head and chest up
Waves arms and brings hands to get them over body
6 months
Can reach for a toy
Can move a toy from one to another
Put objects in mouth
Move arms to indicate that they want to be lifted
Can roll over from back to front
9 months
Can grasp objects with index finger and thumb
Turn deliberately release objects by dropping them
Can sit unsupported
Is likely to be mobile- crawling, or rolling
12 months
Use index finger and thumb (pincer grasp) to pick up small objects
Can point to things with your index finger
May standalone briefly
May walk holding onto furniture (cursing)
Some children may walk unaided
15 months
Can make precise movements with pincer grasp to pick up crumbs or small objects
Grasps crayons with Palmer grip
Maybe walking with hesitation
May fall and also bumped into furniture
Crawls upstairs
18 months
Can use a spoon to feed with
Can scribble
Can build a tower of three bricks
Use palmar grasp to hold crayons and other long handled object
Can walk unaided
Can walk upstairs with help
Is restless
Can climb up onto a toy
Can squat to pick up a toy
2 years
Can draw circles And dots
Can use a spoon effectively to feed with
I can put on straightforward items of clothing
Can run
Climbs onto furniture
Can use sit and ride toys
2 1/2 years
Has hand preference
Can do simple jigsaw puzzles
Can pour sand and water into cups
Is starting to develop tripod grasp
Can pull down items of clothing such as trousers
Runs quickly and confidently
Can kick a large ball
May begin to use a tricycle
Walked upstairs confidently, but may still use 2 feet to each step,
can jump with 2 feet together of a Low step
3 years
Washes and dries hands with help
Holds a crayon and can draw a circle
Has established hand preference for most tasks
Tripod grasp is developing using two fingers and thumb
Can steer and pedal a tricycle
Cameron, forward and backwards
Can throw a large ball
Can walk upstairs on alternate feet
Can throw and kick with approximate aim
3-4 years
Buttons and unbuttons own clothing
Cuts out simple shapes
Draws a person with a head trunk and legs
Walked along the line
Aims and throws a ball
Hops on 1 foot
4-5 years
Forms letters and write a name
Colours in pictures
Completes 20 piece jigsaw
Skips with a rope
Runs quickly and is able to avoid obstacles
Throws a large ball to a partner and catch is it
5-8 years
cuts out, shapes accurately
Produces detailed drawings
Ties and unties shoelaces
Can colour in shapes
Hop skips and jumps confidently
Can balance on a beam
Chases and doges , others
Can use a bicycle and other wheel toys, such as rollerskates