Phylum Chordata Flashcards
What are the four things required to be a chordate?
Tubular Nerve Core
Notocord providing nerve core support
Pharyngeal gill pouches
Post anal tail
What does Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny during embryonic development mean?
Means through development, we look like the evolutionary development to how we got to be human
What are the 3 SubPhylums of Phylum Chordata?
What makes up Subphylum Urochordata?
Sea Squirts
Why are Sea Squirts sometimes called Tunicates?
Because they have a cellose tunic or cover
Why are they called Sea Squirts?
Due to filter feeding and squirting water back out
Sea squirt larvae are unique because?
The Larvae has chordate characteristics, but they do not develop into adulthood, so they are considered chordate relative
What makes up Subphlyum Cephalochordata?
Why are they called Lancets?
Because of the shape of the body
What are Lancets gill slits used for?
Filter feeding
How do lancets breathe?
O2 is absorbed through skin.
No lungs
What makes up Subphylum Vertabrae?
over 44,000 Species of Vertabrae
What is a characteristic of Vertabrates?
Endoskeleton w/skull that encases brain
What were Ostraderms?
Earliest fish
What is Ichthyology?
Study of fish
Class chondrichthyes are made up of?
The cartilaginous fishes
What are the cartilaginous fishes?
Sharks, Rays, Skates, Fishes
Sharks have a large upper __________ on __________ fin
Sharks have a large upper lobe on caudal fin.
What are dermal denticles?
Sharp scales on skin
How do sharks breathe?
Respire with gills and spiracles.
When hearing the world spiracles, what should you think of?
How many off spring do sharks produce?
Male sharks have?
Claspers used to grab onto female during maiting
Claspers are also found on
What is the World’s largest fish?
Whale Shark
What is the world’s largest fish predator?
Great White Shark
What is the largest ray?
Manta Ray
What is a ‘rat fish’?
A chimara
What kind of organism is a chimara?
Transition organism to the bony fish
What makes up class Actinopterygii?
Ray fin
What is the most numberous vertabrae group?
Class actinopterygii
What are operculum?
Coverings over gills that allow water to be pushed over gills
What are the 5 Types of fins?
Dorsal, Caudal, Anal, Pelvic, and Pectorial
Ray fin fish have a ______ ________ in swim bladder.
Ray fin fish have a gas gland in swim bladder
What releases the gas from the swim bladder?
Oval body
What do lung fish have?
Air sacs to hold air from the atmosphere
What do Mudskipper and walking catfish do?
What kind of organism are they considered?
Move out of the water to feed
Considered Transition organsim
What makes up Class Sarcoptergii?
Lobe fin
What is special about lobe fin fish?
Have fins that are precursors to legs
Lobe fin fish are?
Transition organisms to amphibians
What is Herpetology?
the Study of amphibians and reptiles
What did tetrapods evolve from?
Lobe fin fish
How to tetrapods respire?
through moist skin
What kind of organisms are tetrapods?
Ectoderms with 3 chambered hearts
What makes up class Amphibia?
Salamanders, Frogs, Toads, Caecilians
What were the first amphibians?
What is SC state amphibian?
Yellow spotted salamander
What are the most advanced amphibians?
Frogs and Toads
How do frogs and toads reproduce?
Male squeezes eggs out of female, fertilizes them, and leaves them in water to hatch to tadpoles
What are cacelians?
Legless amphibians
What class had the first shelled egg?
Class Reptilia
Which class had the 1st true land dwelling vertabrates?
Class Reptilia
What benefit does an aminotic shelled egg bring?
Allows eggs to be layed on land
How are reptiles fertilized?
Internal fertilization
What are the layers of an Amnotic shelled egg?
Yolk Sac
What is the chorion?
Outermost layer
What is the amnion?
Encases embryo
What does the yolk do?
Provides food
What does the Allantois do?
Contains excreted waste
What developed from the 1st land dwelling reptiles?
When did dinosaurs evolve?
during the mesozoic era
What survived the dinosaur age and why?
Birds and mammals due to their warm blood
What are the 1st reptiles in the fossil record?
What percentage of living reptiles do lizards make up?
What is the world’s largest lizard?
Kimono dragon
What evolved from lizards?
What are 3 examples of collapsable fang snakes?
Rattlesnake, Copperhead, and water moccasin
How is poison injected by rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins?
Poison injected via collapsable fangs
What makes up snake venom?
Neurotoxin + Digestive Enzymes
What is the #1 snake bit in SC?
What are fixed fang snakes?
Coral snake and Cobra
What does the neurotoxin of fixed fang snakes effect?
How can you tell the difference in the coral and milk snakes?
Red touches yellow, kill a fellow
Red touches black, friend of Jack
What is the world’s largest poisonous snake?
King cobra
How many living species are there of turtles and tortosises?
Which are aquatic and which are land dweller of turles and tortises?
Turtles are aquatic
Tortises are land dwellers
What is the world’s largest turtle?
Leatherback turtle
What is a turtle exclusion device?
Hatch at top of shrimp net for turtles to escape from
What is the world’s largest tortoise?
Galapagos Tortoise
What do the hearts of Alligators and Crocodiles have?
4 chambered heart
What is the differences between alligators and crocodiles?
Alligators have a rounded mouth, even teeth, smooth eyelid, no lobe over tympana
Crocodile as narrow mouth, uneven teeth, and lobe over tympana
What is Ornithology?
The study of birds
What is the oldest bird fossil in fossil record and has reptilian characteristics?
What do most birds show?
Sexual dimorphism
What is the whole purpose of the feather structure?
For flight
How must blood cells be replaced in birds and why?
By mitosis, due to hollow bones
What is the world’s smallest bird?
What is the World’s largest bird?
What is another name for a non-flying bird?
What kind of organism is a platypus?
A transition organsism
What are marsupials?
The ‘pouched’ animals
In marsupials, the young are born __________ and remainder of development occurs within the ___________.
What is the only marsupial in US?
The possum
What is the most successful group of mammals?
Placental Mammals
Why are placental mammals so sucessful?
Due to large number of offspring and relatively quick internal development
What type of glands do placental mammals to protect their hair and skin?
Sebaceous glands
What types of teeth do Placental mammals have?
Molar, Premolar, Incisors, Canine
What animal has the largest heart in world?
Blue whale
What are the orders of class mammila?
Ungulates Carnivores Cetacearis Chiroptera Rodents Proboscideans
What makes up order Ungulates?
Hoofed mammals
What makes up order cetacearis?
Marine mammals
What makes up order Chiroptera?
Flying mammals
What makes up rodents?
Gnawing mammals
What makes up order Proboscideans?
Trunked animals
What is special about primates not found in other mammals?
Ball and socket joint and clavical for 180 degree rotation
What are the groups of primates?
Prosimians Old World Monkeys New World Monkeys the "Hominoid" apes Homo sapiens
What animals make up Prosimians?
Lemurs and Tarsiers
What make up Old World monkeys?
What is a specific quality?
Baboon and Macaque
Narrow down pointing faces with pointing noses and bare buttocks
What makes up new World monkeys?
Capucian and Howler monkeys
Prehensile tails
What is the largest ape?
What is a docile herbovoire that is a tree dweller who is in the group “Hominoid Apes”?
What is the ape that shares 95% of the same genes as humans?
What is the study of the developments of man?
What were the first bipedal humans?
What were the first humans to use tools, called the ‘handyman’?
Homo habilis
What were the first humans to use fire consistantly, known as ‘walking man’?
Homo erectus
What is Bergmann’s Rule?
Animals in colder climates are shorter and stockier than animals in warm climates
What are the characteristics of Echinoderma?
Marine, endoskeleton, Clacium plate shell, Spiny skin
How do starfish eat?
Oozes stomach inside shell of prey
Why is the great barrier reef important?
Home to many marine animals
Starfish populations have increased so much at the great barrier reef because?
Decreased predidation
What are characteristics of the ‘Hag fish’?
Benthic scavengers
Oral feelers
Secrete slime
Sea squirts outer layer is composed of?
Study of fishes is called?
The earliest fishes have what on their fins?
They had no fins