Kingdom Protista Flashcards
What is a protist?
Everything that is a eukaryote that doesnt fit into the kingdoms of eukaryots
What are the characteristics of Protists?
Eukaryotic, Endosymbiotic, Paraphyletic, No cloroplasts
Which protist is similar to land plants
contains chlorophil, a, b, carotene, and xanophil
Photosynthetic product is starch
Has no cloroplasts
Green Algae
Which subcategory of Green algae is a hollow sphere w/many cells on periphery?
Which category of Green algae is a filamentous green algae that is arranged in a spiralling ribbon?
(hint think seaweed)
What type of green algae is refered to as sea lettuce?
What type of red algae is used to wrap sushi rolls?
What is the study of Algae?
What is kelp?
Brown Algae
What is Sargassum>
Brown algae with air bladders for flotation
What are diatoms?
Protists with a silicon (glass like) shell, sediment forms the earth
What type of protist lives in water, which forms growth on fish that will paralyze them and caused Irish potato famine in 1940?
Water mold
What type of Protist causes ‘red tides’ which kill fish?
What protist causes malaria?
How is plasmodium transmitted?
through the Anopheles mosquito
What are flagellated freshwater unicellular organisms?
What is the protist that causes yeast infections?
Trichnomas vaginalis
What is an intestinal parasight that that causes severe diarrhea?
Giardia lambia
What causes African sleeping sickness?
Trypanosoma brucei
What causes Chagas disease?
Trypanosoma cruzi
What are protists that move with psuedopods that use phagocytosis to eat?
What is Amoebic disentenery?
What forms white cliffs of dover and has compenents in the pyramids?