Invertabrate Biology Flashcards
What are the Classes located in Phylum Mollusca?
Class-> Bivalva Gastropoda Cephalopda Polyplacophora
What animals are located in Class Bivalva?
Clams, oysters, Scallops, and Mussels
What does moluska mean?
Soft body
What are the 3 parts of a mollusk body?
Visceral mass
What is most of a mollusk shell made of?
Calcium carbonate
How are the two types of the shell opened and closed in mollusks?
By adductor muscles
What part of the mollusk body is used for burrowing?
the foot
How is water circulated through mollusks?
by siphons
How do mussels attach themselves to intertidal structures?
by strong byssal threads
What are Geoducks?
Giant Clams
What do scallops posses that other shellfish do not?
Eyes with a lens and retina
What is the Periostracum layer on an oyster shell?
Outer protien layer
What is the Prismatic layer on an oyster shell?
Middle calcium carbonate CaCO3
-and the thickest layer
What is the nacreous layer on an oyster shell?
The ‘mother of pearl’ layer
Where do pearls form in an oyster?
Between nacreous layer and mantle
What is the umbo?
The oldest part of the shell->The ‘hinge’
What animals are in class Gastropoda?
Snails and Slugs
Which has a shell?
Snails or slugs?
Snails have a shell, slugs do not
What do snails and slugs have for grazing on grass?
A radula
Do aquatic snails have seperate sexes?
Do terrestrial snails have seperate sexes?
no, they are hermaphrodidic
When do snails retreat into their shell?
during dry periods
What is the unfortunate consequence of snails undergoing torsion during larvae development?
The anus ends up above the head
What modified radula does the cone snail possess?
A harpoon with a poisonious gland
What modified radula does the Moon snail possess?
Can drill holes into clam shells
What is a nudibranch?
A sea slug that doesnt have a shell
In sexual reproductio, where are sperm and eggs deposited?
Via cloaca conjugation
What animals belong in Class Cephalopoda?
Squid, Octopus, and Nautilus
What type of nervous system do cephalopods possess?
A highly developed nervous system with vertabrae like eyes
What is the largest invertabrates?
Giant squid
How do giant squids move?
By jet propulsion
What special camouflage does the giant squid have?
Chromatophores in the skin help change skin colors
What is the internal shell in giant squid called?
How does the the octopus look for prey?
by crawling across the bottom
What animals are in Class Polyplacophora?
What makes up Phylum Annelida?
The segmented worms
What type of worms are segmented?
Earthworms and Leeches
What type of digestive system do segmented worms have?
One way digestive system with a mouth and anus
What are the classes located in Phylum Annelida?
What animals are in each class?
Class Polychaeta: Marine worms
Class Oligochaeta: Earth Worms
Class Hirudinea: Leeches
Marine worms are ____________ _________ __________ and featherduster worms.
Marine worms are preditory clam worms.
What are the internal partitions called in earthworms?
What are Seta?
External bristles w/turn into parapoda
What type of circulatory system do earthworms have?
A closed circulatory system with 5 pairs of aortic arches or hearts
What digs through the soil as earthworm feeds on organic matter?
What is the earthworm equivalent of a stomach?
Are earthworms hermaphroditic?
How do leeches move?
With two suckers used for locamotion
What invertabrates are located in Subphylum Chelicerata?
Scorpions, Spiders, Ticks, and mites
Chelicera have?
Fangs and Sucking mouth
How do you identify a brown recluse?
Has a fiddle on cephlothorax
can be found in old clothes and garage storage areas
Who can a black widow kill?
Infants, Pets, and Older people
Where does the wolf spider carry it’s babies?
on its back
In addition to Lyme Diease, what other diease can ticks carry?
Rocky Mt. Spotted fever
What type of organism is a scorpion?
Transitional organism
What was the 1st Arthropod to live on land?
What type of Chelicerates are microscopic?
What do chiggers salivary secretions do?
Causes tissue to harden into a strawlike tube called a stylosome
What is a Chelicerate that is used to detect lipopolysaccride layer on bacteria?
Horseshoe crab
What makes up Subphylum Crustacea?
Shrimp, Barnacles, Crayfish, Lobsters and Crabs
What kind of mouth do invertabrates in Subphylum Crustacea have?
A chewing mouth with mandibles and a maxilla
What are the cephlothorax of crustaceans covered in?
By a carpace
What animals are in the Order Decapoda?
Crabs, Shrimp, Lobsters, and crayfish
What are the characteristics of Decapoda?
10 legs, 2 body regions, gills, carapace
What is a immature female crab called?
A she crab or salle
What is a mature female crab called?
What are the differences between male and female crabs?
Female-Painted red claws, wide underbelly
Male-Painted blue claws, Narrow underbelly
What is special about crayfishes mouth?
Mandibles for crushing
2 pairs of maxilla->
1 for food
2 is for pushing water over gills
Are barnacles hermaphroditic?
What invertabrates make up Phylum Arthropoda?
Centipedes, Millipedes
What are Predacious w/posionous bite, carniverous and fast moving arthropods?
What are arthropods that are herbivores, slow moving and roll into a ball when threatened?
What is the study of insects?
What are the three body regions of animals of class insecta?
Head, thorax and abdomen
What are the Sensory Receptors in insects?
Sensory setae like structures
What are the 5 Major orders in Class insecta?
Coleoptera (Beetles) Lepidoptera (Moth and butterflys) Termites Diptera (Flies and Mosquitos) Orthopoda (Cockroaches and Roaches)
What do Japanese beetles do?
Damages Lawns
What does the Titan Beetle have?
A very painful bite
What does the Dung Beetle eat?
What is the difference between butterflies and moths?
Butterflies feed during the day, hold wings vertically, have fleshy catapillar
Moths feed at night, hold wings horizontally, have a hairy catipillar, and fuzzy atenae
What lives inside a termite?
Protists that digest the wood
What does the Green bottle fly eat?
Dog feces, rotten trash
What kind of mouth does the housefly have?
Spongelike mouth parts
What do mosquitos sense?
CO2, Sweat, and warmth