Phylogeny and the Evolutionary History of Life Flashcards
Prezygotic reproductive isolation
Barriers preventing mating before fertilization occurs.
Cichlid fish
Species exhibiting depth-based reproductive isolation.
Assortative mating
Mating preference based on specific traits.
Sympatric speciation
Speciation occurring without geographical separation.
Convergent evolution
Independent evolution of similar traits in different species.
Homologous traits
Traits shared due to common ancestry.
Analogous traits
Traits with similar functions but different origins.
A monophyletic group including an ancestor and descendants.
Phylogenetic tree
Diagram representing evolutionary relationships among species.
Fossil record
Historical evidence of past life forms preserved in rock.
Transitional fossils
Fossils showing intermediate evolutionary stages.
Aquatic mammals including whales and dolphins.
Whale-hippo hypothesis
Theory linking cetaceans and hippos through common ancestry.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Bacteria causing tuberculosis in humans and animals.
Immune response structure formed during tuberculosis infection.
Geological timescale
Chronological framework for Earth’s history and life.
Great oxygenation event
Period when atmospheric oxygen levels significantly increased.
Last universal common ancestor of all life.
Current geological eon, marked by abundant fossil records.
Nutrient enrichment leading to excessive algae growth.
Behavioral ecology
Study of ecological and evolutionary basis of animal behavior.
Sexual selection
Natural selection based on mating preferences.
Gene flow
Transfer of genetic material between populations.
Morphological characters
Physical traits used to determine evolutionary relationships.