Human Genetics and Inheritance Patterns - Genetics 5 Flashcards
What makes up a genome, and which of these make up genes?
- Repeated sequences
- Non-coding sequences (NOT INTRONS)
- RNA coding and regulatory sequences - genes
- Introns - genes
- Protein-coding regions - genes
What could the non-coding sequences of DNA be for?
Pseudo-genes that are still evolving - a DNA sequence that resembles a gene but has been mutated into an inactive form over the course of evolution. So it is a copy of the active gene
What could the repeated sequences in DNA be for?
Perhaps it is left over genes from past viral infections
Human Karyotype
Typical chromosome arrangement in human cells.
Cell with two complete sets of chromosomes.
Numerical chromosome imbalance in cells (difference in number of chromosomes).
a chromosomal condition characterised by an additional chromosome
Trisomy 13
Condition with three copies of chromosome 13.
X Monosomy
Single X chromosome, no second sex chromosome.
Turner Syndrome.
Klinefelter Syndrome
Trisomy XXY
Jacob’s syndrome
Trisomy XYY
Triple X syndrome
Trisomy XXX
Why are there little symptoms of trysomy XXX?
Having an extra X chromosome does not cause a disbalance in sexual characteristics as the extra proteins are all for female development
Why does jacob’s have little to no symptoms compared to turner and klinefelte syndrome?
The extra Y chromosome produces more proteins for male development but this doesn’t cause lot of problems as there is no compatition with the other Y chromosome. Male development still occurs.
What would the sex of someone with X monosomy be?
They would still be female, however with a lower concentration of female hormones so they may be infertile or not go through their entire puberty. Suggests that female development requires both X chromosomes.
Why does Trisomy XXY (klinefelter) have more severe impacts than Trisomy XYY or XXX?
In trisomy XXY there is more competition between the female and male sex hormones since the amount of both produced is equal. This results in more pronounced phenotypes and symptoms. In the others there is greater testosterone or oestrogen so singular sex puberty can occur.
Edwards Syndrome
Triomy 18. 1 in 5000
Patau syndrome
Trisomy 13, 1 per 16,000
Down syndrome
Trisomy 21, 1 per 1000.
Live Births with aneuploidy are possible with
Possible with trisomy 13, 18, 21, or XXY and monosomy X.
Why are some aneuplodies compatible with life and others aren’t?
Aneuploidies in smaller chromosomes are less likely to have a big impact because the chromosomes contain less genes. As a result the organism can survive.
Why is monosomy rare to see in live births?
Missing genes are more detrimental than extra genes.
Maternal Age Effect
Increased miscarriage risk with older maternal age due to non disjunction of oocytes in
The process by which a female’s primordial germ cells (PGCs) develop into eggs, or ova, that can be fertilized