Mate Choice and Sociality in Evolutionary Biology Flashcards
Sexual Selection
Darwin’s concept explaining non-adaptive male traits.
Assortative Mating
Mating preference for similar phenotypes.
Living in groups for breeding and survival.
Behavior benefiting others at personal cost.
Cooperative breeding and division of labor.
Sex Differences
Variations in traits between male and female.
Gamete Size
Females produce larger, more resource-rich gametes.
Parental Care
Investment in offspring survival and development.
Lifetime Reproductive Success
Total offspring produced over an individual’s life.
Alpha Male
Dominant male with highest reproductive success.
Differential Variance
Differences in reproductive success among sexes.
Intersexual Choice
Female selection based on male traits.
Intrasexual Competition
Male competition for access to females.
Aesthetics in Mate Choice
Preferences based on visual appeal in males.
Good Genes Hypothesis
Females choose males with superior genetic traits.
Cedar Waxwing
Bird species exemplifying aesthetic mate choice.
Peacock Eyespot
Indicator of male quality and offspring success.
House Finch
Species where females prefer redder males.
Vogelkop Bowerbird
Species known for elaborate courtship displays.
California Elephant Seal
Species with extreme male reproductive competition.
Sexual Dimorphism
Distinct differences in size or appearance.
Natural Selection
Process driving evolution through survival advantages.
Kin Selection
Evolutionary strategy favoring relatives’ reproductive success.
Conflict in Evolution
Struggles impacting evolutionary outcomes among species.
Mating Systems
Patterns of mate selection and reproductive strategies.
Stalk-eyed fly
Example of a species under sexual selection.
Honest signalling
Signals that accurately reflect an individual’s quality.
The Handicap Principle
Costly traits indicate fitness and health.
Assortative mating
Preference for similar phenotypes in mate selection.
Optimal outbreeding
Mating strategy to enhance genetic diversity.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Genes important for immune system function.
Sweaty T-shirt experiment
Study showing female preference for diverse MHC types.
Parental care
Investment by parents in offspring survival.
Parent-offspring conflict
Disagreement over resource allocation between generations.
Nestlings kill siblings for survival advantages.
Cooperative breeding
Helpers assist in raising offspring of others.
Meerkat sentinel
Non-breeder watches for predators during foraging.
Meerkat helpers
Assist in the development and survival of pups.
Infanticide in meerkats
Pregnant females kill others’ young to ensure survival.
Colony structure in naked mole rats
Single queen restricts breeding in the colony.
Courtship behavior
Elaborate rituals to attract mates.
Genetic compatibility
Ability to maintain healthy offspring through diversity.
Olfactory cues
Chemical signals used in mate selection.
Dominant females in meerkats
Account for most surviving offspring in groups.
Lookout alarm
Distinct bark warns of predators to protect group.
Overlapping generations
Multiple age groups coexist within a colony.
Division of labor
Specialization of roles within a social group.
Behavioral compatibility
Preference for mates with similar behaviors.
Genetic diversity
Variety of genes within a population.