PHYL2202 Flashcards
diffusion (x2 slides)
lecture 1
ficks law diffusion
lecture 1
cell membrane
lecture 1
list types of membrane transport
lecture 3
know typical concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, and protein inside and outside cells
lecture 3
extracellular fluid
intracellular fluid
lecture 3
channel pore
lecture 3
vesicle transport
lecture 3
gap junctions
lecture 3
explain osmosis and predict osmotic effect of simple solutions on cells
lecture 3
explain how an isosmotic solution can be hypotonic
lecture 3
calculate osmolarity and osmotic pressure
lecture 3
predict the movement of solutes and water into and out of cell given concentration and permeability
lecture 3
define isosmotic
hyper osmotic
lecture 4
equilibrium potential
resting membrane potential
lecture 4
lecture 4
Nernst equation
lecture 4
calculate equilibrium potentials using nernst
lecture 4
explain how resting membrane potential is generated
lecture 4
know typical values for resting membrane potential and potassium equilibrium potential
lecture 4
determine from first principles the charge on a cell given ion concentrations and permeability for a single ion
lecture 4
use Goldman equation to calculate resting membrane potential
lecture 5
use Goldman equation to predict potential when permeability to one or more ions changes
lecture 5
use equilibrium potential to predict current flow into or out of cell
lecture 5
calculate driving potential for an ion and current from driving potential and conductance
lecture 5
describe how permeability through channels depends on unitary conductance, channel number and opening probabilty
lecture 5
sketch an iv curve and explain its features
lecture 5
simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion
carrier mediated transport
lecture 6
primary and secondary active transport
lecture 6
symport and antiport
lecture 6
equilibrium and steady state
lecture 6
describe different forms of transport and key features of each
lecture 6
explain energy used in transport
lecture 6
using sketches show what Km and Jmax are for carriers
lecture 6
explain how cells use secondary active transport
lecture 6
from a diagram of a cell or pumping epithelia qualitatively describe what the cell is pumping
lecture 6
explain how Na/K Atpase maintains ionic gradients and osmotic balance of cells
lecture 7
define trans and paracellular transport along with tight junctions
lecture 7
define electrogenic potential and explain how they are produced by active transport
lecture 7
give examples of transport across epithelia
lecture 7
explain the transport of counter ions by electrical potential
lecture 7
describe how nutrients are transported across intestine
lecture 7
from a diagram of pumping epithelia describe what the cell is transporting
lecture 7
list and define divisions of NS
lecture 8
identify main components of neuron
lecture 8
explain how graded potential acts over short distance
lecture 8
describe how summation occurs in neutrons and the role of the axon hillock in generating action potentials
lecture 8
differentiate between action and graded potential
lecture 8
describe and explain convergence and divergence
lecture 8
read simple neural circuit diagrams
lecture 8
list and distinguish between the three main types of ion channel
lecture 9
explain selectivity of ion channels
lecture 9
list the three major conformational stages of voltage gated ion channels
lecture 9
give examples of ion channels on their role in transmitting signals
lecture 9
describe heterogeneity of ion channels
lecture 9
describe general structure of an ion channel
lecture 9
explain ionic basis of the action potential
lecture 10
describe current flows during an action potential
lecture 10
explain how membrane potential returns to rest following an action potential
lecture 10
explain unidirectional propagation and refractory period
lecture 10
explain how large diameter and myelinated fibres have faster conduction time
lecture 10
describe cardiac action potential
lecture 10
explain how action potential can spread through gap junctions in heart and smooth muscle
lecture 11
describe receptor potentials and synaptic potentials
lecture 11
explain how stretch gated ion channels can produce an action potential
lecture 11
define epsp and ipsp
lecture 11
explain how ligand gated ion channels can produce excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials
lecture 11
describe summation of synaptic and receptor potentials
lecture 11
using tendon reflex explain how stretch initiates an AP in the sensory cell and how neurotransmitter release initiates AP in the postsynaptic and post junction cells
lecture 11
explain function of electrical and chemical synapses
lecture 12
describe role of voltage gates calcium channels in neurotransmitter release
lecture 12
list the steps in neurotransmitter release
lecture 12
describe recycling and release of vesicles
role of SNARE proteins and synaptotagmin
lecture 12
active zone
primed vesicle
synaptic vesicel
lecture 12
how acetylcholine is recycled at neuromuscular junction
lecture 12
steps in neurotransmission at neuromuscular junction (motor endplate)
lecture 12
structure of skeletal muscle
lecture 13
structure of sarcomere
lecture 13
crossbridge cycle
lecture 13
role of calcium ions in muscle contration
lecture 13
excitation contraction coupling
lecture 13
modulation of skeletal muscle contraction (excitation-contraction coupling)
role of TNFa and taurine
lecture 14
skeletal muscle twitch response
lecture 14
muscle summation and tetanus
lecture 14
length tension relationship
lecture 14
cardiac muscle structure
lecture 15
cardiac muscle AP
lecture 15
electrical conduction in the heart
lecture 15
excitation contraction coupling in cardiac muscle
lecture 15
length tension relationship in cardiac muscle
lecture 15
slow and fast twitch muscle in skeletal
lecture 15
graded contractions in skeletal muscle
lecture 15
smooth muscle
phasic muscle
tonic muscle
multi unit muscle
single unit muscle
L type channel
lecture 16
structure of smooth muscle
how it is linked to other cells
equivalent of sarcomeres in SM
lecture 16
explain how slow wave spread from the ICC to SM and cause action potentials in gastro intestinal SM
lecture 16
describe action potentials in gut SM including ionic movements and channels
lecture 16
describe excitation contraction coupling in gut smooth muscle
lecture 16
role of calmodulin, myosin light chain kinase, myosin light chain phosphatase in SM contraction
lecture 16
list the effect and receptor for EACh and NA in gut, blood vessel and airway smooth muscle
lecture 16
fundamental principles of sensory processing
lecture 17
how structure of sensory system allows transaction of stimuli to AP
lecture 17
labelled line concept
lecture 17
different modalities of somatosensation
lecture 17
spatial acuity
central convergence and lateral inhibition
lecture 17
functions of auditory and vestibular systems
lecture 18
transduction processes in hair cells of inner ear
lecture 18
how cochlea responds to sound and separates sounds by frequency
lecture 18
physiological origin of common auditory patholgies
lecture 18
modes of stimulation of different cellular components of vestibular sytstem
lecture 18
importance of accessory structures in sensory processing
lecture 18
understand olfaction and cellular basis underlying olfaction
lecture 19
explain how organisation of olfaction system allows specific discrimination of odours
lecture 19
olfactory dysfunctions
lecture 19
taste and cellular basis underlying taste
lecture 19
cellular transduction based on different qualities of taste
lecture 19
interactions between different classes of taste
lecture 19
how taste can be modulated across different individuals and causes
lecture 19
cellular basis of phototransduction
lecture 20
different roles of rods and cones and the mechanism by which colour is encoded
lecture 20
describe receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells and their significance
lecture 20
explain key aspects of synaptic processing in the retinal network
lecture 20
explain spinal reflex pathway
lecture 21
describe response and main reflex function of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs
lecture 21
role of inhibitory spinal interneurons in motor control
lecture 21
complex multiple synaptic connection of reflex pathways
lecture 21
adenylate cyclase
phosphorylase kinase
glycogen phosphorylase
lecture 22
how GPCR activates G proteins
lecture 22
G protein subtypes by receptors for EACh, NA, and Adr
lecture 22
define Gs, Gi, Gq
lecture 22
pathway from NA/Adr through to HCN explaining how that increases heart rate
lecture 22
how Adr causes skeletal muscle to break down glycogen into glucose
lecture 22
compare and contrast signalling using ligand gated ion channels to GPCR
lecture 22
lecture 23
how insulin release is regulated by blood glucose and NA
lecture 23
5 main classes of catalytic receptors
lecture 23
tyrosine kinase
serine/threonin kinase
lecture 23
how insulin receptors produce glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in muscle through insulin response substrates, PI-3P & PKB
lecture 23
how insulin alters gene expression through MAPK
lecture 23
lecture 24
how CRH causes ACTH release
lecture 24
how ACTH alters production of cortisol
lecture 24
how PKA can change gene transcription through cAMP response element binding protein
lecture 24
how cortisol binding to glucocorticoid receptors changes gene expression
lecture 24
features of signal pathways
lecture 24