anhb2217: human neurobiology Flashcards
types of glial cells
week 1 lecture 1
blood brain barrier
week 1 lecture 1
week 1 lecture 2
embryology of CNS
week 1 lecture 2
ventricular system
week 1 lecture 2
circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
week 1 lecture 2
vascular supply of brain
week 1 lecture 2
venous drainage of brain
week 1 lecture 2
primary sensory and motor cortex histology
week 2
association fibres
week 2
commissural fibres
week 2
projection fibres
week 2
association areas
week 2
blood supply to cortex
vascular territories
week 2
week 3
week 3
medulla oblongata
week 3
cranial nerves
week 3
fibre types
week 3
4 nuclei of V
week 3
facial nerv
week 3
vestibulocochlear nerve
week 3
glossopharyngeal nerve
week 3
vagus nerve
week 3
cerebral arterial circle
anatomical variation
brain stem blood supply
week 3
reticular formation
week 4 brainstem
lateral zone nuclei of RF
week 4 brainstem
medial zone nuclei of RF
week 4 brainstem
neurotransmitter system
week 4 brainstem
week 4 brainstem
week 4 brainstem
week 4 brainstem
other neurotransmitter system
week 4 brainstem
breathing centre of brain
week 4 brainstem
gross anatomy of spinal cord
week 4 spinal cord
what is in spinal cord white matter
week 4 spinal cord
what is in spinal cord grey matter
week 4 spinal cord
histology of spinal cord
week 4 spinal cord
simple relfex arc
week 4 spinal cord
fibre types in spinal nerves
week 4 spinal cord
spinal cord reflexes
week 4 spinal cord
spinal cord blood supply
week 4 spinal cord
spinal cord and nerves
week 5 PNS
peripheral nerve fibres
week 5 PNS
skin receptors
week 5 PNS
week 5 PNS
golgi tendon organs
week 5 PNS
joint receptors
week 5 PNS
week 5 PNS
effector endings
week 5 PNS
posterior column medial lemniscal pathway
week 5 ascending
trigeminal pathway
discriminative touch
pain and temp
week 5 ascending
anterolateral (spinothalamic)
week 5 ascending
anterior spinal cerebellar tract
week 5 ascending
posterior spinocerebellar
week 5 ascending
week 6 descending
corticospinal tracts
lateral vs anterior
week 6 descending
lateral corticospinal tract
week 6 descending
anterior corticospinal tract
week 6 descending
rubrospinal tract
week 6 descending
medial vestibulospinal tract
week 6 descending
lateral vestibulospinal tract
week 6 descending
tectospinal tract
week 6 descending
reticulospinal tract
week 6 descending
week 6 descending
VNS consists of
week 6: autonomic nervous system
autonomic vs somatic
week 6: autonomic nervous system
comparison of autonomic nerves
week 6: autonomic nervous system
ganglia of parasympathetic and sympathetic
week 6: autonomic nervous system
histology of ans
week 6: autonomic nervous system
sympathetic pathway
week 6: autonomic nervous system
sympathetic supply
week 6: autonomic nervous system
parasympathetic supply
week 6: autonomic nervous system
hypothalamus control
week 6: autonomic nervous system
visceral sensation
week 6: autonomic nervous system
enteric nervous system
autonomic control of ENS
week 6: autonomic nervous system
week 8 senses
week 8 senses
rods and cones
receptor density
week 8 senses
visual pathway
week 8 senses
cortical processing of vision
week 8 senses
pupillary light reflec
week 8 senses
pupilodilator refelx
week 8 senses
accomodation of eye
week 8 senses
corneal blink reflex
week 8 senses
olfactory nerves
week 8 senses
olfactory processing
week 8 senses
taste buds
5 basic tastes
week 8 senses
neuronal pathway for taste
week 8 senses
week 8 senses
organ of corti
week 8 senses
vestibulocochlear nerve fibres
week 8 senses
auditory pathway
week 8 senses
vestibular apparatus for balance
week 8 senses
semicircular canals/ducts
week 8 senses
balance pathway
week 8 senses
week 8 thalamus
thalamic nuclei
week 8 thalamus
LG nucleus
week 8 thalamus
MG nucleus
week 8 thalamus
VPL nucleus
week 8 thalamus
VA/VL nucelus
week 8 thalamus
ANT nucleus
week 8 thalamus
firing patterns of thalamocortical neurons
week 8 thalamus
tonic firing
burst firing
week 8 thalamus
association nuclei
week 8 thalamus
week 8 thalamus
dorsomedial nucelus
week 8 thalamus
intralaminar nuclei
week 8 thalamus
thalamic reticular neucleus
week 8 thalamus
blood supply to thalamus
week 8 thalamus
components of basal nucleu
week 9 basal nuclei
blood supply to basal nucleiu
week 9 basal nuclei
direct vs indirect
week 9 basal nuclei
anatomical terms of BN pathways
week 9 basal nuclei
direct pathway
week 9 basal nuclei
indirect pathway
week 9 basal nuclei
basal nuclei function
week 9 basal nuclei
motor circuit
week 9 basal nuclei
cognitive ciruit
week 9 basal nuclei
limbic circuit
week 9 basal nuclei
week 9 basal nuclei
week 9 basal nuclei
cerebellum overview
week 10 cerebellum
deep cerebellar nuceli
week 10 cerebellum
inferior olivary complex
week 10 cerebellum
other afferents
week 10 cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
corticospinal tract and cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
rubrospinal tract and cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
vestibulospinal tract and cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
cytology and wiring of cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
blood supply to cerebellum
week 10 cerebellum
cerebellar agnesis
week 10 cerebellum
hypothalamus overview
week 11 hypothalamus
nuclei of hypothalamus
week 11 hypothalamus
afferent connections
week 11 hypothalamus
efferent connections
week 11 hypothalamus
regulation of endocrine functios
week 11 hypothalamus
pituitary gland
week 11 hypothalamus
regulation of visceral function
week 11 hypothalamus
regulation of body temp
week 11 hypothalamus
blood supply
week 11 hypothalamus
regulation of circadian rhythms and sleep wake cycles
week 11 hypothalamus
regulation of food and water intake
week 11 hypothalamus
blood supply
week 11 hypothalamus
limbic system structures
week 11 limbic system
limbic lobe
week 11 limbic system
hippocampal formation
week 11 limbic system
week 11 limbic system
hypothalamus and mammillary bodies
week 11 limbic system
week 11 limbic system
amygdala and its nuclei
week 11 limbic system
week 11 limbic system
amygdala connections
week 11 limbic system
papez circuit
week 11 limbic system