Phase I, Block X - Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) Flashcards
What is the objective of the NAMP?
Achieve and continually improve aviation material readiness and safety standards.
Who is overall in charge of the NAMP?
Chief of Naval Operations
Describe the responsibilities of the Maintenance Officer (MO).
- Head of Maintenance Department
- Responsible to CO for accomplishment of department’s mission
- Coordinate Air Wing Training Plan to ensure billet requirements, personnel identification, and assignments are satisfied
Describe the responsibilities of the Assistant Maintenance Officer (AMO).
- Assist MO in performance of duties
- Coordinates temporary assigned duty personnel
- Inspect spaces
- Acts as administrative officer in their absence
- Liaisons with Operations Department
- Manages SE training and licensing program
- Utilize NTMPS/FLTMPS for manpower management and additional duties defined in NAMSOPS.
Describe the responsibilities of the Maintenance/Material Control Officer (MMCO).
- Responsible for overall production and material support of department.
- Coordinates and monitors department workload while maintaining liaison with supporting activities and Supply Department to ensure requirements are satisfied.
- Prepares and publishes MMP
Describe the responsibilities of the Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer (MMCPO).
- Senior Enlisted Advisor for Maintenance Department.
- Reports to MO and advises CO in all matters affecting aircraft operations, maintenance, and personnel.
- Directs all maintenance in operational unit on day-to-day basis.
Describe the responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Officer (QAO).
- Ensure personnel assigned to perform QA functions receive continuous training in inspecting, testing, and quality control methods.
- Ensure QARs receive cross training to perform QA functions.
Describe the responsibilities of the Material Control Officer (MCO).
Supply Corps officers assigned to deployable squadron assigned as MCO for handling of finances, material requisition, etc.
What authority governs management of O-level, I-level, and D-level aviation maintenance?
Describe the NAMP.
- Provides management tools required for efficient and economical use of personnel and material resource in performance of maintenance.
- Provides basis for establishing standard organizations, procedures, and responsibilities for accomplishment of maintenance on naval aircraft, associated material, and equipment.
What are the three levels of maintenance?
O-level, I-level, D-level
What is O-level maintenance and its mission?
- Maintenance performed by operating unit on day-to-day basis in support of its own operations.
- Mission is to maintain assigned aircraft and aeronautical equipment in full mission capable status.
What is I-level maintenance and its mission?
- Provides quality and timely material support at nearest location with lowest practical resource expenditure
- Mission is to enhance and sustain combat readiness and mission capability of supported activities
What is D-level maintenance and its mission?
Support O-level and I-level maintenance by providing engineering assistance and performing maintenance beyond their capabilities.
What are two types of maintenance described in the NAMP?
Rework and upkeep
What is Rework?
Restorative, or additive work performed on aircraft, aircraft equipment, and aircraft SE (completed at D-level)
What is Upkeep?
Preventive, restorative, or additive work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE by operating units and aircraft SE activities.
List the types of Upkeep inspections/maintenance.
- Turnaround
- Daily
- Special
- Conditional
- Phase
- Acceptance
- Transfer
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Turnaround Inspection?
- Conducted between flights to ensure integrity of aircraft for flight, verifies proper servicing, and detects degradation that may have occurred during previous flight.
- Good for 24 hrs if no flight occurs during period and no maintenance other than servicing was performed.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Daily Inspection?
- Conducted to inspect for defects to greater depth than turnaround inspection.
- Valid for 72 hrs without flight or major maintenance.
- Aircraft can be flown for 24 hrs before another daily is needed, but cannot surpass 72 hr limit.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Special Inspection?
- Scheduled inspection with prescribed interval other than daily or phase.
- Intervals specified in applicable PMS publications, and based on elapsed calendar time, flight hrs, operating hrs, or number of cycles or events.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Conditional Maintenace and its timeframe?
- Unscheduled events required as result of specific overlimit condition.
- Result of circumstances or events which create administrative requirement for inspection.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Phase Inspection?
- Divides total scheduled maintenance requirement into smaller packages, or phases of same work content.
- Done sequentially and at specified intervals.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Acceptance Maintenance?
- Performed when reporting custodian accepts newly assigned aircraft or SE
- On return of aircraft from major depot level maintenance.
In regards to Upkeep maintenance, what is Transfer Maintenance?
Performed when reporting custodian transfers aircraft or SE.
In regards to Rework maintenance, what is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)?
Process to ensure assets continue to do what their users require in present operating context.
What are two different types of Rework maintenance?
- Aircraft Service Period Adjustment (ASPA)
- Periodic Maintenance Interval (PMI)
What is the difference between maintenance control and production control?
- The level of maintenance at which duties are performed.
- Maintenance control at O-level and production control at I-level.
What are the two most critical aspects in naval aviation?
- Release of an aircraft safe for flight
- Acceptance of the aircraft
Who has the overall responsibility to provide the aircrew with the best product available?
Person certifying safe for flight condition.
What is the purpose of the Monthly Maintenance Plan (MMP)?
- Provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload (ie. inspections, transfer/receipt of aircraft, compliance with TDs)
What is an Aircraft logbook?
- Hard bound record of equipment, inspections, scheduled removal items, and installed equipment.
- Contain record of rework, major repairs, flight and operational data.
- Record of maintenance directives affecting aircraft, its components, and accessories.
Aircraft logbook is broken down into what different sections?
- Non-aging Record
- Flight time
- Inspection Records
- Repair/Rework
- Technical Directive
- Miscellaneous History
- Preservation and De-preservation Record
- Installed Explosive Devices
- Inventory Record
- Assembly Service Record
- Equipment History Record
- Scheduled Removal Components Cards (SRCs)
- Aviation Life Support Systems Records
- Aeronautical Equipment Service Records (AESRs)
What is the Quality Assurance (QA) concept?
Prevent the occurrence of defects.
The achievement of Quality Assurance (QA) depends on what three things?
Prevention, knowledge, special skills
Describe the responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Representative (QAR).
- Maintenance personnel assigned to QA.
- Certify work involved has been personally inspected by them, has been properly completed, and in accordance with current instructions and directives.
Describe the responsibilities of the Collateral Duty QAR (CDQAR).
- Assigned to production work centers
- Function in same capacity as QARs
Describe the responsibilities of the Collateral Duty Inspector (CDI).
- Assigned to production work centers
- Inspect all work and comply with required QA inspections during all maintenance actions performed by respective work centers.
What are the programs managed by QA?
- Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL)
- Maintenance Department/Division Safety
- QA Audit Program
- SE Misuse/Abuse
- Aircraft Confined Space Program (ACSP)
- Naval Aviation Maintenance Reporting Program (NAMDRP)
In regards to QA Programs, describe Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL).
Central source of up-to-date information for use by all personnel in performance of their work, and to conduct training.
In regards to QA Programs, describe Maintenance Department/Division Safety.
Disseminate safety posters/literature, report all hazards, mishaps, and unsafe practices within the department, conduct monthly safety meetings, and coordinate with Aviation Safety Officer.
In regards to QA Programs, describe the Quality Assurance Audit Program.
- Assesses the effectiveness of programs managed within the maintenance department.
In regards to the Quality Assurance Audit Program, what is an audit?
An orderly method of identifying, investigating, and correcting deficiencies on a scheduled/unscheduled basis.
In regards to the Quality Assurance Audit Program, what is CSEC and what is it used for?
- Computerized Self Evaluation Checklist
- Tool used by QA during audits; provides standardized objective measurement tool to conduct audits.
What are the 3 types of audits performed by QA?
- Special
- Workcenter
- Program
In regards to QA Audits, describe Special Audits.
- Evaluate specific maintenance tasks, processes, procedures, and programs.
- Requested by workcenter at any time, or when new workcenter supervisor is assigned.
- Audit copies are held for 1 year.
In regards to QA Audits, describe Workcenter Audits.
- Conducted semi-annually
- Evaluates overall quality performance of workcenters including personnel, monitored/managed programs, logs and records, licenses, etc.
In regards to QA Audits, describe Program Audits.
- At minimum, conducted annually, and evaluates specific programs.
- Identifies deficiencies and determines adequacy of and adherence to technical publications and instructions.
In regards to QA Programs, describe the SE Misuse/Abuse Program.
All personnel operating SE must be fully knowledgeable of operational characteristics, safety precautions, emergency procedures, and be qualified/licensed for designated T/M/S.
In regards to QA Programs, describe the Aircraft Confined Space Program (ACSP).
Ensures a safe environment is maintained when working on aeronautical equipment fuel cells and tanks.
In regards to QA Programs, describe the Naval Aviation Maintenance Discrepancies Reporting Program (NAMDRP).
QA maintains the program binder and assists with the reporting of substandard workmanship, improper QA procedures, and deficiencies in material and publications.
What is Operations Servicing?
Series of checks on systems to ensure baseline airworthiness of air vehicle is good and documented on Maintenance Work Order.
When is Post Operations Servicing (POS) performed?
- Immediately following last flight of the day
- After period of prolonged maintenance
How long is a Post Operations Servicing (POS) valid for?
72 hrs from completion of task
When is Before Operations Servicing (BOS) performed?
- Immediately prior to commencement of period of planned flying.
How long is a Before Operations Servicing (BOS) valid for?
24 hrs after completion of task, if there is a valid POS.
When is Inter Operations Servicing (IOS) performed?
Where there is a valid POS and BOS, used to service aircraft between planned flights.
How long is Inter Operations Servicing (IOS) valid for?
12 hrs after completion of task, if there is valid POS.