Pharyngeal Apparatus Flashcards
when and how do pharyngeal arches appear
- week 4
- as pairs of bulges overlaying head and neck bc migration of neural crest cells
components of pharyngeal apparatus
- arches
- clefts/grooves
- pouches
- membranes
- 4 pharyngeal arches
- condensations of mesenchye in ant pharynx
- 5 not visible
- 4 and 6 paired together
- layer of mesenchyme btwn surface ectoderm and pharyngeal endoderm
- depressions btwn arches
- lined w/ ectoderm
- on exterior of pharynx
- outpouchings btwn arches lined w/ endoderm
- on interior of pharynx
- 4 pair
-where clefts and pouches come together
mesenchymal origins of apparatus
- neural crest cells: skeletal elements
2. paraxial mesoderm: striated mm, dermis, endothelium of BVs, vertebrae
max process of pharyngeal arch I derivatives
cart: max bones (inf nasal choncae), zygomatic bones, vomer
skeletal: sphenomand lig, ant lig of malleus, malleus, incus, mand canal
muscle: MOM, mylohyoid, ant belly of digastric, tensor twins
mand process of pharyngeal arch I derivatives
cart: mandible, squamous portion of temp bone
* all else same as max process
Arch II derivatives
skeletal: Reichert cartilage, lesser cornu of hyoid bone, stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid lig
muslce: facial expression, stapedius m , post belly of digastric
arch III derivatives
skeletal: hyoid bone, greater cornu of hyoid bone
muscle: stylopharyngeal m
arch IV derivatives
skeletal: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage
muscle: pharyngeal m
1st pair of groove derivatives
- only groove contributing to a post-natal structure
- ext acoustic meatus
2nd-4th groove derivatives
- arch 2 overgrows arches 3-4
- grooves 2-4 unite to form the cervical sinus (gives rise to cervical vessicle)
cervical (branchial) cyst
- may develop from remnants of cervical sinus
- fluid filled, just below angle of mandible, lateral